L-Soft international, Inc.
Installation Manual for
Version 16.0
2017a Level Set Release
This document describes the installation of LISTSERV 16.0-2017a for UNIX with a build date of February 28, 2017 or later.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Companies, names, and data used in examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted. L-Soft international, Inc. does not endorse or approve the use of any of the product names or trademarks appearing in this document.
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Copyright ă 2009-2017, L-Soft international, Inc.
All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
LISTSERV is a registered
trademark licensed to L-Soft international, Inc.
ListPlex, CataList, and EASE are service marks of L-Soft international, Inc.
All other trademarks, both marked and not marked, are the property of their
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Last Revised 17 Apr 2017
Table of Contents
Section 1 Things to Consider Before Installation
1.2 Classic Distribution vs. Lite Distribution
1.2.1 LISTSERV Classic Distribution
1.2.2 LISTSERV Lite Distribution
1.3 For Sites Running Sendmail
1.3.1 Sendmail and restricted shells
Section 2 Installation Overview
2.1 The Simplified Installation Option
3.1 Creating the “LISTSERV” Username
3.1.1 Running LISTSERV under a userid other than 'listserv'
3.2 Extracting Installation Materials from the "TAR" Files
3.3 Customizing the Makefile to Determine LISTSERV’s Location
3.4 Building the Interface Utilities and LISTSERV Server
3.4.2 Using the precompiled binaries
3.5 Installing the Web Interface CGI Binary
3.6 Moving Programs and Files to their Proper Directories
3.7 Configuring LISTSERV for Your System
3.8 Telling Your Mail System about LISTSERV
3.8.1 Telling Sendmail about LISTSERV
3.8.2 Telling Postfix about LISTSERV
3.8.3 Telling qmail about LISTSERV
3.9 Creating and Activating the License Key
Section 4 Starting LISTSERV to Verify a Successful Installation
4.1 Starting and Stopping LISTSERV in the Background
4.2 Starting LISTSERV Automatically
Section 5 Registering the Server
5.1 Automatic Registration for LISTSERV Lite Servers
Section 6 Installing the LISTSERV Web Interface
Section 7 Installing F-Secure (Linux ONLY)
7.1 Recommended FSAV Versions for LISTSERV 16.0 and Following
7.2 Recommended F-Secure Hotfixes
7.3 F-Secure Linux Security Installation Instructions
7.4 F-Secure Anti-Virus Installation Instructions
Section 8 Upgrading your LISTSERV installation
Section 9 Additional Resources
9.2.1 Talking to other LISTSERV evaluation kit users
LISTSERV for Unix is available for the operating systems listed here: LISTSERV Supported Operating Systems.
LISTSERV requires that LDAP support be installed on your machine, whether or not you use LISTSERV's LDAP features. For Linux servers, this may not be an issue, as OpenLDAP is generally installed by most distributions by default. For other unix variants, your mileage may vary.
The config.sh installer will try to identify whether or not your machine has
LDAP support before allowing you to add any functionality that requires
If LDAP is not installed, you may see errors like this at run time:
[root@listserv listserv]# ../go bg
> Starting LISTSERV as a background process
[root@listserv listserv]# ./lsv: error while loading shared libraries:
libldap-2.2.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
In addition, attempting to re-link the 'lsv' executable manually (i.e., from the Makefile) without having LDAP support installed on the machine will result in compiler errors similar to the following:
ld: 0711-317 ERROR:
Undefined symbol: .ldap_next_entry
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .ldap_first_entry
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .ldap_first_attribute
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .ldap_next_attribute
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .ldap_get_values_len
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .ldap_value_free_len
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .ldap_memfree
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .ber_free
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .ldap_msgfree
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .ldap_search_s
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .ldap_unbind
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .ldap_initialize
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .ldap_set_option
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .ldap_bind_s
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .ldap_err2string
and any resulting 'lsv' will not be executable.
Under newer distributions of Linux, it may be necessary to relink LISTSERV with
the default OpenLDAP libraries. For backward compatibility, the precompiled
'lsv' executable is currently built on the equivalent of Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 6.x, with the LDAP libraries at version 2.3.x. Sites running RHEL 7.x or
the equivalent, with LDAP libraries at version 2.4.x or later – or sites
running RHEL 6.x with updated 2.4.x OpenLDAP libraries – will be prompted to
LISTSERV Classic for UNIX(R) is distributed either as two compressed "tar" archive files (the original method of distribution) or as a single binary installation kit (used in the "simplified" installation), depending on your needs. The installation guide, which is the file you are currently reading, is also available independently of the archives.
In the original distribution scheme, one of the tar files (common.tar.Z) contains data files common to LISTSERV on all UNIX(R) platforms, including the Makefile, and the other (`uname`.tar.Z, where `uname` corresponds to your OS-specific distribution) contains the compiled version of the LISTSERV server, object files for recompilation, and the 'wa' CGI for the web archive interface. In order to simplify the process of removing extraneous files created during the installation procedure, you should copy the tar files to a scratch directory, install LISTSERV, and then "rm -fr /tmp/scratch" (or whatever you name the staging area).
The "simplified" distribution is a single binary that is run at the shell prompt. This installer asks a number of questions related to the installation and then installs LISTSERV accordingly.
LISTSERV Lite for UNIX(R) is distributed as a single compressed "tar" archive file, `uname`-Lite.tar.Z (the original method of distribution), or as a single binary installation kit (used in the "simplified" installation), depending on your needs.
In the original distribution scheme, all files needed, including the "common" files, are shipped in the single archive.
The "simplified" distribution is a single binary that is run at the shell prompt. This installer asks a number of questions related to the installation and then installs LISTSERV accordingly.
For anti-spam and general security purposes, L-Soft strongly recommends that any Unix site running LISTSERV with Sendmail upgrade to at least Sendmail version 8.11.x, and if possible, later versions should be preferred. As of April 2017 it appears that the latest version is 8.15.2, released on 3 July 2015.
While L-Soft supports Sendmail as an MTA for use with LISTSERV, L-Soft does not
provide support for the Sendmail product itself.
If you are running sendmail out of a restricted shell (for instance the smrsh shell), note that the lsv_amin mailer program that you will install below must be registered as a trusted application that may be executed by sendmail, or mail sent to LISTSERV and to lists will be rejected (typically with a sh: lsv_amin not available for sendmail programs error, although this may depend on how you have sendmail set up). Registering an application with the restricted shell typically involves placing symbolic links from /usr/adm/sm.bin/ to the programs which are authorized. If you need more information on restricted shells, please refer to the sendmail documentation.
LISTSERV for UNIX is shipped with both:
· pre-compiled lsv and lsv_amin binaries which will run with the default settings; and
· an lsv.o object file and C source for lsv_amin that can be linked locally if you need to modify the Makefile or simply prefer to compile the server yourself.
The installation of LISTSERV consists of the following steps:
· if you are using the precompiled binaries: renaming 'lsv_amin-precompiled' to 'lsv_amin'.
· if you do not have a compiler, moving or deleting the 'lcmd.c' and 'jobview.c' files from the 'scratch' directory.
All of these steps are described in greater detail in the sections below. They should be performed in the order they are presented since some steps rely on the results of earlier steps. Once you've finished the above steps, you will be able to start your LISTSERV server and verify that it's working.
If you are using Sendmail as your MTA:
· listserv: "|/BBB/lsv_amin /SSS listserv"
· owner-listserv: "|/BBB/lsv_amin /SSS owner-listserv"
· (where /BBB is the BINDIR directory, and /SSS is the LSVSPOOL directory) to your sendmail aliases file. Then rebuild the aliases and send the appropriate signal to your sendmail daemon to load the new aliases.
A simplified installation procedure for LISTSERV for Unix platforms is available. A configuration script replaces the need to manually configure LISTSERV's Makefile and go.user site configuration file.
The installation kit can be downloaded as a single compressed binary, shipped as `uname`.bin.Z. Simply uncompressing the kit (with either compress(1) or gunzip(1)), setting its minimum permissions to 500 (owner r-x), and running it from a scratch directory will allow you to install LISTSERV without having to unpack .tar.Z files, modify the Makefile, etc. While the old two-part kits will remain available for the foreseeable future for sites requiring more control over the installation, this new one-part kit is is designed for first-time installers or those who simply wish to install LISTSERV with most of its default settings. It is thus necessarily limited in its scope and does not provide user control over every aspect of the installation, but rather, allows the installer to set several basic options and relies on Makefile defaults for the rest.
If it is desired to have complete control over all aspects of the LISTSERV installation, it will be necessary for installers to continue with the current document.
The simplified installation procedure can be viewed on the Web at:
http://www.lsoft.com/manuals/16.0/unixinst-sim.html .
LISTSERV requires exclusive access to the mail sent to one username. Unless you have a very good reason to do otherwise, the "listserv" username should be used for that purpose. Many people around the world are already familiar with LISTSERV, and will assume that mail sent to <listserv@your.host.name> will reach the server. The LISTSERV account is just an ordinary user, it doesn't need privileges, doesn't require access to restricted directories, and it doesn't need to have any particular UID or GID.
Important: As noted above, this is NOT recommended.
If you do change the username under which LISTSERV runs, you must make sure that the following points are observed as you work through the installation:
where USERNAME is the username you have selected.
listmanager: "|/usr/local/bin/lsv_amin -t listserv"
owner-listmanager: "|/usr/local/bin/lsv_amin -t owner-listserv"
In other words, lsv_amin will be invoked suid listmanager but will feed the userid 'listserv' to LISTSERV. Since you cannot change the name used internally by LISTSERV unless you have a compiler, this is required to keep mail to 'listmanager' and 'owner-listmanager' from being treated as list mail rather than administrative mail.
Important: The Makefile should be run from a temporary directory rather than the target directory. Otherwise some 'mv' commands will produce unexpected results.
For LISTSERV Classic, the two archive files you receive will be called common.tar.Z and either AIX.tar.Z, or SunOS.tar.Z, or Linux.tar.Z, etc... depending on the version of UNIX(R) you are using. The filename is taken from the string returned by the "uname" command on each UNIX(R) platform.
For LISTSERV Lite, you will receive only one archive file, which will be called AIX.tar.Z, or SunOS.tar.Z, or Linux.tar.Z, etc... depending on the version of UNIX(R) you are using. Again, the filename is taken from the string returned by the "uname" command on each UNIX(R) platform. For LISTSERV Lite installations simply ignore further references in this document to common.tar.Z as all of the "common" files are contained in your `uname`.tar.Z file.
Some FTP sites may change the name of the files slightly to adhere to system specific naming conventions. If you're used to dealing with compressed tar files already, then just extract the contents using whatever commands you prefer. If you'd like the sample commands listed below to work as shown, rename the files you received to common.tar.Z and `uname`.tar.Z before continuing. For example, if the system specific file you received is called aix.tar-z, you would enter the command mv aix.tar-z `uname`.tar.Z. Copy or move the two files to a scratch directory first. (The advantage of using a work directory for the installation is that you can easily clean up afterwards.) Once the files have been copied, "cd" to that directory and enter, uncompress *.tar.Z to restore them to their original state. Then enter, tar xf common.tar and tar xf `uname`.tar to unbundle the programs, data files, etc... needed to install LISTSERV. Afterwards you should find the following files and directories have been created in your current directory:
go |
listview.c |
Makefile |
go2 |
lsv |
nooci.o |
go.sys |
lsv.o |
nocli.o |
go.user.sample |
lsv_amin.c |
nouodbc.o |
home |
lsv_amin.h |
unixinst_files |
jobview.c |
lsv_amin-precompiled |
unixinst.html |
lcmd.c |
lsv-logger.pl |
unixinst-sim_files |
lcmdx.c |
lsv-logger.readme |
unixinst-sim.html |
listserv-initd-script.sample |
wa |
and the ./home directory will contain the following files:
aliases.names |
bitearn.nodes |
country.file |
default.mailtpl |
default.wwwtpl |
errfac.file |
htmledit.bundle |
intpeers.names |
license.merge |
linkswt2.file |
listall.refcard |
listcat.file |
listdb.memo |
listdev.memo |
listfaq.memo |
listfile.memo |
listjob.memo |
listkeyw.memo |
listkwd.file |
listlpun.memo |
listmast.memo |
listownr.memo |
listpres.memo |
listqs.memo |
listserv.memo |
lsvhelp.file |
lsvinfo.file |
maestro.mailtpl |
stdcmd.file |
syscfg.file |
sysff.file |
system.catalog |
upload.cab |
upload.jar |
Sample commands for this step:
mkdir /tmp/scratch
cp common.tar.Z `uname`.tar.Z /tmp/scratch
cd /tmp/scratch
uncompress *.Z
tar xf common.tar
tar xf `uname`.tar
- or -
mkdir /tmp/scratch
cp common.tar.Z `uname`.tar.Z /tmp/scratch
cd /tmp/scratch
zcat common.tar.Z | tar xf -
zcat `uname`.tar.Z | tar xf –
If you plan to use the precompiled lsv binary, you may skip this section as it uses the defaults for these locations.
Before you can continue with the installation of LISTSERV, you need to choose where you want several things to be placed. The installation process needs the full path names of three directories. All of them are defined by macros in the Makefile (which was extracted from the common.tar archive in the preceding step).
The directory where the mail interface and command line interface programs should be installed is defined by the BINDIR macro. The Makefile is distributed with BINDIR set to /usr/local/bin by default. Whether you choose to use the default directory, or redefine it, the installation procedure assumes the directory already exists. If you choose a new directory, you will need to create it before running the final "make install". This directory is referenced only during the installation of the mail interface. Neither the mail interface program, the command line interface utility, nor the LISTSERV server process requires write access to this directory afterwards.
Incoming mail is written to the directory defined by the LSVSPOOL macro in the Makefile. The default value is $(LSVROOT)/spool. Unlike the BINDIR directory, the LISTSERV spool directory is assumed to be a new directory. In fact, no other users or daemon processes should write to this directory since LISTSERV scans this directory for incoming mail. If the directory doesn't exist when the "make install" command is executed, it will be created, and the LISTSERV account will be made the owner.
The LISTSERV executable, as well as associated directories and data files will be installed in the directory pointed to by the LSVROOT macro in the Makefile. Any directory can be used, so long as LISTSERV has write access to it. When the final "make install" is run, the LSVSPOOL directory, and several subdirectories, will be created if necessary. The LISTSERV account will be made the owner of those directories. The Makefile is distributed with the LSVROOT macro set to /home/listserv. If you choose the default setting, the directories /home/listserv, /home/listserv/home, and /home/listserv/tmp will be created as a result.
To use
different directories, edit the Makefile and change the BINDIR, LSVSPOOL,
and/or LSVROOT macros.
Documented Restriction: Under unix, all files and directory paths accessed by LISTSERV must be in lower case. In other words, you cannot install LISTSERV under the LSVROOT path of /home/users/LISTSERV ; instead, you must use the path /home/users/listserv instead (or in any case, a path that is in lower case).
Sample command for this step:
vi Makefile
Note: L-Soft does not recommend using the precompiled executables if you have a compiler. It is always preferable (and indeed, may be necessary) to compile and link with your own local libraries rather than to assume that ours are the same as yours. However, it is not always required to do so.
The program that handles incoming mail is called lsv_amin and is distributed in source form. The file lsv_amin.c is a standalone program that can be modified to suit your local mail system as needed. It should work as distributed with unmodified Sendmail systems.
If you are running an older version of ZMailer instead of Sendmail, you must change the value of the Makefile macro LSVAMIN_TYPE from "flags" to "links". This causes LISTSERV to use symbolic links to "lsv_amin" for each LISTSERV email address. Backleveled ZMailer users must choose this option since programs run from ZMAILER "aliases" files can't have arguments. Current versions of ZMailer do not appear to have this restriction.
If you are running PP instead of Sendmail, you can compile the standard mail interface with -DMAIL_PP. To compile lsv_amin, first check the CC and CFLAGS macro in the Makefile to make certain the compiler and options specified are appropriate for your system. Second, if you have enabled the syslog daemon on your system, note that the lsv_amin program logs informational and error level messages using the syslog facility. By default, lsv_amin logs those messages as part of the mail system. That is, LOG_MAIL is used on the openlog() call. If you would prefer to log the LISTSERV mail interface entries separate from the other mail software on your system, edit lsv_amin.h and change the line
replacing LOG_MAIL with LOG_LOCAL1, or whatever category is appropriate for your site. If you are using a system on which the openlog() routine only takes two parameters, an older Ultrix system for example, just change LOG_MAIL to 0.
The "lcmd" utility is also distributed in source form. Once you've compiled and installed "lcmd", users can use it to send commands to your LISTSERV server rather than having to use a mail program. Long-time users familiar with the BITNET version of LISTSERV will find "lcmd" works much like the VM "tell" and JNET "send" commands. The primary differences are that LISTSERV sends back mail in response to commands submitted with "lcmd", and only your local LISTSERV can be reached. In addition to providing a simple command line interface to LISTSERV, sending commands with "lcmd" obviates the need for password validation of protected commands. Since the origin of the command is determined by the username of the person running "lcmd", not by parsing mail headers, password checking can be skipped by LISTSERV. The lcmd.c program should compile without modification. Site specific information needed by "lcmd" will be provided by the Makefile when building the program.
The "lcmdx" utility is also distributed in source form. Similar to "lcmd", once you've compiled and installed "lcmdx", users can use it to send commands to your LISTSERV server rather than having to use a mail program. Unlike "lcmd", which writes a LISTSERV JOB file to the spool where it is picked up and processed as if it were a mailed command, "lcmdx" is a TCP/IP application which interfaces directly with LISTSERV's TCPGUI API and communicates in real-time from the user's console with the LISTSERV command processor (much as could be done on BITNET with "TELL" commands). Also unlike "lcmd", the "lcmdx" utility requires a full login and appropriate LISTSERV administrator permissions for the user issuing the commands. The lcmdx.c program should compile without modification.
Although any command sent from "lcmdx" is authenticated against
LISTSERV's internal security methods, it is not recommended to provide access
to the utility to either general users or list owners. L-Soft recommends that
use of the utility be restricted to LISTSERV administrators only (that is, the
people listed in the POSTMASTER= setting in go.user).
should also be noted that the "lcmdx" code was originally intended as
"demonstration" code, for use by sites wishing to develop their own
custom applications for the LISTSERV TCPGUI API, and not as a full-fledged
replacement for mailed commands, although it certainly can be used in that way.
If you have decided to link the lsv.o file and make your own lsv binary, there should be no need to modify anything in the Makefile to perform this step.
Sample commands for this step:
vi Makefile
vi lsv_amin.c
If you
do not have a compiler, or if you have just decided to use the precompiled
binaries from the kit, you now need to rename the lsv_amin-precompiled binary to lsv_amin. This will prevent 'make' from trying to call
Note: There is no precompiled lcmd binary. This is because lcmd requires that the LSVSPOOL directory specification be compiled into it, and there is no way to know ahead of time whether or not your site will be using the defaults. Therefore sites that elect to use the precompiled binaries will not be able to run 'make lcmd'.
If you are using the precompiled binaries because you do not have a compiler, you should move or delete the 'lcmd.c' and 'jobview.c' files from the 'scratch' directory before running 'make install', so that the Makefile doesn't try to compile them and crash because it can't find 'cc'.
Sample commands for this step:
mv lsv_amin-precompiled lsv_amin
If you do not have a compiler:
rm lcmd.c
rm jobview.c
(See the Advanced Topics Manual for LISTSERV for more information on DBMS support.)
LISTSERV 16.0 for unix kits support Oracle, DB2, and MySQL (via unixODBC) in a single, universal kit. This kit contains both a precompiled 'lsv' executable (which does not support any database), and a set of object files allowing you to link a new 'lsv' that supports any combination of databases for which you have a run-time environment on the machine running LISTSERV. The following object files are included:
lsv.o |
Main object file for linking 'lsv' |
nooci.o |
Link with lsv.o to disable OCI (Oracle) support |
nocli.o |
Link with lsv.o to disable CLI (DB2) support |
nouodbc.o |
Link with lsv.o to disable unixODBC (MySQL) support |
If a particular database is not available for your operating system, the corresponding noxxx.o file will have been pre-linked into lsv.o and will not be included in the kit.
You may relink LISTSERV with only the following combinations of DBMS support:
· OCI only
· CLI only
· unixODBC only
· OCI and CLI
· OCI and unixODBC
LISTSERV cannot be relinked with support for both CLI and unixODBC at the same time. This is due to the fact that the two implementations are quite similar and share function names inside LISTSERV.
The current kits contain a revised Makefile that is set up to relink 'lsv' without any DBMS support by default. A new "OS-specific flags" section has been added where you can add or remove DBMS support simply by adding or removing the reference to the appropriate no*.o file. For instance, if you are running Solaris, the default flags line is
CFLAGS_Solaris=nooci.o nocli.o -lsocket -lnsl
If you want to relink 'lsv' with Oracle support, simply change this line to
CFLAGS_Solaris=nocli.o -lsocket -lnsl
If you want to relink 'lsv' with DB2 support, you would change the line to
CFLAGS_Solaris=nooci.o -lsocket -lnsl
Relinking 'lsv' with unixODBC support is not quite as intuitive. You would use the following flags line:
CFLAGS_Solaris=nooci.o -lsocket -lnsl -lodbc
For unixODBC, you must leave CLI support enabled because CLI and unixODBC share internal function names in LISTSERV, as noted above. In addition, you must also link explicitly to the unixODBC library (the -lodbc flag). Please see the Advanced Topics Manual for LISTSERV for more detailed information on configuring unixODBC support.
As noted in the Makefile, Solaris requires that -lsocket and -lnsl must be linked in all cases, so don't remove these references from CFLAGS_Solaris under any circumstances.
The other supported unixes are configured in a similar manner.
You should not relink with DBMS support unless you have the appropriate DBMS
support (Oracle Net (formerly SQL*Net), DB2, unixODBC) installed on your
machine. Without this support, the link option will fail.
While you will still want to review the Installing the LISTSERV Web Interface section, if you want the installation procedure to properly install and set ownership/permissions on the 'wa' executable, you need to provide the path to your cgi-bin directory in the Makefile macro CGIDIR and uncomment that line in the Makefile. By default this installation feature is commented out:
The example setting appears to be a common default for most current Apache versions, but it is your responsibility to ensure that you define the correct directory if you uncomment and use this feature. L-Soft does not recommend taking this default blindly as it may differ on your server.
If you
do not uncomment this line, neither 'make install' or 'make update' will try to
install 'wa', and you will have to copy it to your cgi-bin directory manually
per the instructions below.
Note: This procedure does not attempt to make any directories or files required by the web archive interface. You still need to follow the instructions below to fully install the interface.
The command, "make install" will copy the "lsv", "lsv_amin", and "lcmd" programs to the appropriate directories, as specified by the BINDIR and LSVROOT macros in the Makefile. In addition, several directories will be created and a number of data files copied to those directories. While there are scenarios in which you can complete this step from the LISTSERV account, in most cases you will need to become "root" to run the "make install" command.
SOLARIS SPECIFIC: When issuing the commands below be sure to follow them exactly. If you issue "su - root" instead of "su root" LISTSERV will be installed but will fail when you attempt to start it.
Sample commands for this step:
su root
make install
LISTSERV needs to know a variety of things about your system, and also how to communicate with the people that will be maintaining the software. All of the settings that you are likely to want to change are defined in the "go.user" shell script, which is created in the LSVROOT directory when you enter "make install". There are a number of environment variables that you can set to reflect things like the Internet domain name of the machine that will be running LISTSERV, the email address of the LISTSERV postmaster, etc... You'll need to edit the go.user file in the LSVROOT directory, and set each of the variables as appropriate. There are comments in the file explaining the purpose of each variable, and we will discuss the basic settings that must be made before you can start the software below.
After 'make install' finishes, it will tell you that you need to chdir into the ~listserv directory and edit the go.user file before you can start the server. You will need to gather some information before you start.
1. What is the DNS hostname for the machine on which LISTSERV is going to be installed? This is something like LISTSERV.YOURDOMAIN.COM . It must be a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) and it must map to an A or MX record in your domain's DNS service. While it is possible to use a bracketed IP (eg, []) for testing purposes, as noted above the use of bracketed IPs in production is not supported and not recommended.
2. What are the email addresses for the LISTSERV maintainers (the person or persons who are authorized to create lists and operate/maintain the server)?
To configure the server, first open LISTSERV's go.user file with any text-based editor (emacs, vi, pico, etc.). There are four basic settings that must be configured before LISTSERV can be run.
Sample commands for this step:
cd /home/listserv
vi go.user
# -- The fully qualified domain name for this host.
The NODE setting is the fully-qualified domain name as registered in DNS for the machine LISTSERV is running on. As noted above, it is possible to insert a square-bracketed dotted-decimal IP address in this box for testing purposes, but L-Soft neither recommends nor supports this in production. This is the host name that LISTSERV will always identify itself with when it sends mail out.
# -- All possible domain names for this machine. SPACE SEPARATED!
It is usually best to leave this set to the default, ie, $NODE, but under some circumstances it may be necessary to deviate from the default.
MYDOMAIN does not refer to your corporate Internet domain. MYDOMAIN is the space-separated list of all possible host names your machine might be known as. In many cases the value of MYDOMAIN is the same as NODE, but for instance some machines running LISTSERV also run the enterprise's World Wide Web server, and may thus be identified in DNS as something like "WWW.EXAMPLE.COM". If you have users who receive mail on this machine, you might also have a DNS record for "MAIL.EXAMPLE.COM" pointing to it. And of course we'll assume that NODE has been set above to something like LISTSERV.MYCOMPANY.COM. Using this as an example, you would set the MYDOMAIN setting to contain, in space-separated format, all of these names that mail might come in to LISTSERV under, with the NODE value coming first:
This way if someone accidentally writes to LISTSERV@MAIL.EXAMPLE.COM, LISTSERV will recognize MAIL.EXAMPLE.COM as equivalent to LISTSERV.EXAMPLE.COM and will process the mail as if it had been addressed to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.EXAMPLE.COM. Otherwise the mail may bounce as LISTSERV has no other way to know what other names the machine might be known by in DNS.
# -- The email address(es) of the LISTSERV maintainer(s). SPACE SEPARATED!
This is a space-separated list of userid@host.domain type email addresses belonging to people who have authority to manage LISTSERV--specifically the people who are allowed to create lists, but also who have pretty much global authority on the server to look at lists, modify list headers, and so forth. There are some advanced options for this setting but for right now you will probably just want to insert your own email address so that you can test the server.
Please note carefully that the POSTMASTER should NEVER be LISTSERV@ anywhere or POSTMASTER@ anywhere. These userids are reserved and mean specific things to LISTSERV. If you need to use a generic name for a postmaster account, it is recommended that you use something like "listmaster" or "lstmaint" instead.
# -- The password to be used when sending "put" commands to create files
The password that will be used to create lists
and perform certain management functions (such as administering LISTSERV's user
password feature). Note that when using the web management features, you do
not use the CREATEPW= value, but rather your own personal LISTSERV password, to
validate your identity. See the main LISTSERV documentation for information on
how to create a personal LISTSERV password.
Note: Setting a shared password value for CREATEPW is obsolete and deprecated. LISTSERV personal passwords are encrypted by default (since LISTSERV 15.5) and are much more secure than the plain-text CREATEPW setting in the go.user file. Unless there is a compelling reason to set it differently, the CREATEPW= value should always be set to
and LISTSERV will accept only individual administrators' personal passwords (as noted above) for the purpose of authenticating site-level functions.
For Sendmail, see the Telling Sendmail about LISTSERV section.
For Postfix, see both the Sendmail section and the Telling Postfix about LISTSERV section.
For qmail, see the Telling qmail about LISTSERV section.
The file you need to edit in this step, and the commands you need to issue,
will require root privileges. Also, while the procedure for manually modifying
the sendmail aliases file is described below, you can also enter "make
aliases" to have the installation program complete this step
automatically. The automated procedure assumes that your sendmail stores
aliases in the file /etc/aliases, that the "newaliases" command will
rebuild the aliases database, and finally that "kill -HUP `cat
/etc/sendmail.pid`" will cause Sendmail to read in the updated alias list.
(On some systems this last item is not required as it is taken care of when you
run 'newalises'.)
LISTSERV accepts and responds to several email addresses. Even before you setup mailing lists, mail sent to listserv and owner-listserv should be handed to LISTSERV. The link between LISTSERV and your mail system is the lsv_amin program. If you are running Sendmail, the best way to route incoming mail to lsv_amin is by adding entries to your "aliases" file. Refer to the manual pages for sendmail on your system if you are not sure where the alias file is stored. On many systems the file will be called /etc/aliases. Once you have located the file, add the following lines,
listserv: "|/BBB/lsv_amin /SSS listserv"
owner-listserv: "|/BBB/lsv_amin /SSS owner-listserv"
to the file, replacing /BBB with the directory where the lsv_amin program was installed (the BINDIR macro in the Makefile), and replacing /SSS with the LISTSERV spool directory (the LSVSPOOL macro from the Makefile). Other than that, the lines should look exactly like the examples above. The double quotes should be entered into the alias file.
For example, if you changed BINDIR to /usr/lbin, and kept the default LSVSPOOL directory, the new lines in /etc/aliases would look like the following.
listserv: "|/usr/lbin/lsv_amin /home/listserv/spool listserv"
owner-listserv: "|/usr/lbin/lsv_amin /home/listserv/spool owner-listserv"
After updating the alias file, you will need to issue two Sendmail commands. First enter "newaliases" to compile the alias file into the format the sendmail daemon expects. Then on some systems you may also need to direct the sendmail daemon currently running on your system to read the newly compiled list of aliases. Refer to the manual pages for sendmail if you are unsure of how to do so. The command, "kill -HUP `cat /etc/sendmail.pid`" will work on AIX and SunOS systems. If you are running a syslog daemon, sendmail will log the fact that it has loaded the new aliases file. You can check the syslog output after issuing the command to make sure your changes are in place.
Sample commands for this step:
su root
cd /etc
vi aliases
LISTSERV can be used with Wietze Venema's Postfix product, which was designed as an alternative to sendmail. Postfix has a number of advantages, not the least of which is that it is much simpler to configure than sendmail. However, L-Soft does not have any test machines running Postfix and has not run any performance or interoperability tests with Postfix.
In general, the instructions for interfacing LISTSERV with sendmail are all you need to follow for Postfix. Modern versions of Postfix typically use the same /etc/aliases file as sendmail. If your local installation is configured differently, you will have to modify the ALIASES macro in LISTSERV's Makefile to point to the appropriate aliases file, which can be found by issuing the command
postconf alias_maps
at the unix command line. Otherwise, LISTSERV is happy to work with Postfix as a replacement for sendmail.
If you plan to use LISTSERV's address probing feature with Postfix (the default is to do so when sending mail-merge jobs, for instance, or when you have configured a list for Auto-Delete), you must configure Postfix to direct all mail received for unknown recipients to LISTSERV. This is because bouncing address probes come back to specially-formatted addresses -- for instance,
These addresses positively identify to LISTSERV:
· which list or mail-merge job originated the message that bounced; and
· which recipient is the bouncing address.
In order to direct these mails to LISTSERV, you need to modify Postfix's master.cf and main.cf files. Typically these are found in /etc/postfix, but your installation may vary.
In the master.cf file, add a service called "lsvamin" as follows (we are assuming a default installation of LISTSERV for our file locations):
# LISTSERV redirection
lsvamin unix - n n - - pipe
flags=F user=listserv argv=/usr/local/bin/lsv_amin /home/listserv/spool ${user}
Then, in the main.cf file, add:
Stop and restart Postfix, if it is already running. Finally, in /etc/aliases, you will also have to add at least one LISTSERV alias:
listserv: "|/usr/local/bin/lsv_amin /home/listserv/spool listserv"
and then run `newaliases'. If you don't do this, mail sent to the 'listserv' user will end up in the unix mailbox, and never get to LISTSERV's command processor.
If you prefer to create a Postfix virtual host instead, add the lsvamin service to master.cf as outlined above, and then add the following in main.cf:
virtual_mailbox_domains = your.virtual.domain.com
virtual_transport = lsvamin
(Replace your.virtual.domain.com with the actual name of the virtual domain you will be creating.)
In either case, it should be noted that all mail addressed to unknown recipients will be shunted to LISTSERV, which can cause LISTSERV postmasters to see significantly more bounce mail than they would otherwise.
more advanced help with postfix, please see http://www.postfix.com/documentation.html
. Some large LISTSERV sites are running with postfix and you can probably get
help from their admins by joining and writing to the LSTSRV-L mailing list
(see Section 9.2 Mailing Lists for information on
L-Soft's support mailing lists).
Note: While L-Soft supports Postfix as an MTA for use with LISTSERV, L-Soft does not provide support for the Postfix product itself.
LISTSERV can be used with Dan Bernstein's qmail product. However, L-Soft does not have any test machines running with qmail so the procedure as outlined is based on correspondence with customers who have made this combination work rather than based on tests run on our own systems.
Assuming defaults for everything else, you should include a file called /home/listserv/.qmail that has the following statement in it:
|/var/qmail/bin/preline /usr/local/bin/lsv_amin -s /home/listserv/spool -t listserv
You must also create another file called ~alias/.qmail-default with the following line in it:
|/var/qmail/bin/preline /usr/local/bin/lsv_amin -s /home/listserv/spool -t $LOCAL
(Note that ~alias is a link to /var/qmail/alias .) This entry "generalizes" the aliases that under sendmail would have to go into /etc/aliases .
For more advanced help with qmail you should contact the appropriate qmail support lists and newsgroups (see http://www.qmail.org/ for the qmail home page). Some large LISTSERV sites are running with qmail and you can probably get help from their admins by joining and writing to the LSTSRV-L mailing list (see Section 9.2 Mailing Lists for information on L-Soft's support mailing lists).
While L-Soft supports qmail as an MTA for use with LISTSERV, L-Soft does not
provide support for the qmail product itself.
This step is handled automatically for evaluation kits. The necessary file,
called "license.merge", is provided in the common.tar archive and the "make install"
command will copy it to the proper directory.
Before you can start up LISTSERV, you will need to install a License Activation Key (LAK) for 'LISTSERV-xxx' (xxx = LINUX, AIX, SOLARIS, etc...). In order to offer the same range of services to all LISTSERV sites, regardless of the operating system used, we had to develop our own "license key" scheme. Using system supplied license managers where available and L-Soft LAKs elsewhere would have required us to develop multiple authorization schemes, and would also complicate the task of issuing license keys to customers.
Since the LAK manager is part of LISTSERV, installing the LAK is done last, after all the programs have been built and moved to their proper directories. The process is quite simple, you just create a file called license.merge in the $LSVROOT/home directory and start the LISTSERV server to compile the information. The instructions for doing so are described in the License Registration Form that came with your installation materials.
Once you've finished the LISTSERV installation, you're ready to start LISTSERV and verify its successful installation. To do so, change your current directory to LSVROOT (as defined in the Makefile) and enter "./go". LISTSERV will print some startup messages, then since this is the first time your server has been run, LISTSERV will generate a number of files needed to route mail. Presuming that you have already installed your product and maintenance licenses, you should see messages similar the ones below.
17 Apr 2017 10:59:33 LISTSERV(R) for unix version 16.0 starting...
17 Apr 2017 10:59:33 Copyright Eric Thomas 1986-2017
17 Apr 2017 10:59:33 Build date: 28 Feb 2017
17 Apr 2017 10:59:33
17 Apr 2017 10:59:33 SIGNUP files are being compressed...
17 Apr 2017 10:59:33 -> No entry removed.
17 Apr 2017 10:59:33 The network tables are outdated and must be rebuilt.
* Network tables generation process started - be patient...
Currently processed 500 nodes.
Currently processed 1000 nodes.
And once the table generation steps have finished you will see,
* Step 6 complete - link weights file successfully compiled.
* Network tables generation completed successfully.
17 Apr 2017 10:59:39 Nearest backbone host is LISTSERV@PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM
17 Apr 2017 10:59:39 Nearest NJE host is LISTSERV@PSUVM
17 Apr 2017 10:59:39 Building list indexes...
17 Apr 2017 10:59:39 License activated: SERIAL=MYCORP-1, UNITS=0
17 Apr 2017 10:59:39 This license will expire on 30 Apr 2018
17 Apr 2017 10:59:39 Your maintenance contract will expire on 30 Apr 2018
17 Apr 2017 10:59:39 Cleaning up upload directory...
17 Apr 2017 10:59:39 -> No file deleted
17 Apr 2017 10:59:39 Initialization complete
17 Apr 2017 10:59:39 You can enter commands via the keyboard at any time
which confirms that you've successfully installed the LISTSERV server. To issue LISTSERV commands, press Ctrl-C and you will be prompted to enter a command. You can verify that your customized version of "go.user" was used with the RELEASE command. It will display, among other things, the address(es) of the LISTSERV postmaster(s) you entered in "go.user". If not, then stop the server and make certain that LISTSERV owns the "go.user" file, and that execute permission is set for the file. To stop LISTSERV, hit Ctrl-C then enter "stop".
Once you've verified that your LISTSERV server starts and accepts commands, you should check to make sure the mail interface is working properly. If you stopped LISTSERV, then restart it. After restarting LISTSERV, login to a different username and send mail to the LISTSERV account on your machine. Include one or more LISTSERV commands in the body of the mail message. Since you have yet to define any mailing lists to your server, commands like RELEASE, INFO and THANKS would be good choices. The mail interface notifies the server immediately upon arrival of new mail. So unless your system is heavily used when you try sending the message, a response should arrive within a few moments. If you don't receive mail back from LISTSERV, check for syslog entries generated by the mail interface, lsv_amin. Also, check to see if there are any errors on the terminal/window where you're running LISTSERV. If you started the server with "go bg" check the file "listserv.log" for error messages.
Running LISTSERV in the foreground is primarily useful for debugging purposes only. When running in production, LISTSERV should be run in the background, which also causes a 'listserv.log' file to be generated by redirection of standard output.
To start LISTSERV in the background, issue './go bg' at the shell prompt.
To stop LISTSERV when it is running in the background, you do one of the following:
STOP PW=createpw
in the body (not the subject) of the message. This command is validated with the value you have coded into the CREATEPW= go.user variable.
The "go" shell script can be called from an inittab entry if you would like LISTSERV to be started whenever your system is rebooted. If you choose to treat LISTSERV like other daemon processes, it is advisable to redirect the standard output of the "go" script to a file. Otherwise, information needed to track and resolve problems will not be available for reference. In order to do this, you should start the server with the command "go bg". The "bg", or "background", option will redirect LISTSERV's informational and error messages to a file called "listserv.log" in the LSVROOT directory. By way of example, here is the inittab entry used on one of the L-Soft development machines (this one happens to be a Linux machine):
ls:235:once:/home/listserv/go bg
>/dev/console 2>&1
Note: This method may not work if you don't have sh as the default shell for 'listserv'. You also need to ensure that the default runlevel for the machine is specified in the inittab entry.
Please refer to the manual pages for init and inittab on your system for specific information on how such mechanisms work on your version of UNIX(R).
Note: This section does not apply to evaluation kits or to LISTSERV Lite or
Shareware kits. Evaluation copies of LISTSERV should not be registered because
they are (presumably) temporary servers running test lists, whose existence
should not be broadcast. LISTSERV Lite and Shareware kits are automatically
registered via a different process.
Once the server is ready for production use (that is, once you have purchased and installed a permanent License Activation Key, and once you have arranged for LISTSERV to be started automatically when the system boots), you should consider registering it with L-Soft. Registering the server is necessary to broadcast its existence to the other LISTSERV servers and to receive automatic, periodic updates of LISTSERV's networking tables. Once you have registered, your server will also be sent periodic updates about the public lists hosted by other LISTSERV sites, and, similarly, other LISTSERV sites will receive information about the public lists you are hosting. Registration also makes it possible to assign the most efficient DISTRIBUTE routing path for your server.
Please note the following requirements for registration:
· L-Soft registers only sites that have unlimited (UNITS=0) licenses or sites licensed for DISTRIBUTE-only use, which are running version 1.8d or higher of LISTSERV Classic or LISTSERV Classic HPO. (Versions prior to 1.8d are not Y2K compliant and therefore sites seeking new LISTSERV registrations must be running the release version of 1.8d or later.)
In order to qualify for registration, a LISTSERV site must also:
· Be running in NETWORKED runmode. If you have RUNMODE=STANDALONE or RUNMODE=TABLELESS in SITE.CFG, you must remove the RUNMODE line (or change it to RUNMODE=NETWORKED) and stop and restart the server before registering.
· Be readily accessible via the Internet by email from outside users.
· Have a name that is unlikely to change any time soon. For instance, LISTSERV.EXAMPLE.ORG, LISTS.EXAMPLE.EDU, and LSV.EXAMPLE.COM are completely acceptable (although we strongly suggest using "LISTSERV" rather than "LISTS" or "LSV", simply because that is what most users are familiar with), whereas something like A8B703A.CC.EXAMPLE.EDU is not. If you are running a test server that you plan to rename later when it goes into production, do not register the server until it is running under its final name. Note also that a hostname containing "LISTSERVE", "LISTSERVER", or any other misspelling of "LISTSERV" is not acceptable.
· Have an A or MX record in DNS corresponding to the value you place in the NODE section (an A record is recommended at minimum).
L-Soft does not register sites running evaluation kits, LISTSERV Lite, or LISTSERV shareware. Requests to register such sites will be discarded.
L-Soft cannot register intranet sites since by definition such sites are not accessible via the Internet. Registration requires that your LISTSERV site be readily accessible via email by outside users.
If your LISTSERV Classic site does not meet the above criteria, there are other options for keeping your LISTSERV networking tables current (which is the most important reason for registering the software). See http://www.lsoft.com/table-updates.html for more information.
You may submit an online registration form at http://www.lsoft.com/regform.html . If there are special considerations for your site that are not covered by the standard form, or if you are unable to access the web site, you can contact registrar@lsoft.com to obtain a registration form. When contacting the site registrar, please tell us what operating system LISTSERV is running under so that we can send you the proper form.
LISTSERV Lite servers are registered automatically when you start the software for the first time. This auto-registration is not optional for Free Edition servers, but may be disabled for non-Free Edition Lite servers by specifying STANDALONE runmode (see "RUNMODE=" in the Site Configuration Keyword Reference document for LISTSERV).
The auto-registration allows you to take part in the global List of Lists and CataList services maintained by L-Soft. Registrations are verified on a regular basis by a central L-Soft server, which sends out several informational commands that return non-privileged information about your server (anyone can issue these commands). Since these registrations are maintained by regular communication with your server, please note that, should you decommission the server, registration verifications will continue to be mailed to your server for several days until the central server decides that your server is actually gone, and not simply unable to receive mail for some reason. Please note carefully that it is not possible for L-Soft to stop these registration queries manually even if you write to us and tell us that the server has been shut down permanently. They will stop after several days without a response.
1. Copy the 'wa' executable from your source scratch directory to the CGI script directory for your web server. You can call it something else, but a short name will help keep the HTML documents small! Note that you need to make 'wa' run suid listserv in order to allow it to access LISTSERV archive files (the correct permissions for 'wa' MUST be 4755 and it should be owned by 'listserv'). (See above for instructions on how to do this automatically at install time.)
2. Create a subdirectory on your web server to contain the various files LISTSERV will be creating. You should not use your main directory as LISTSERV will create quite a few files! The suggested name is 'archives'. This directory must be rwx accessible by the 'listserv' user.
You must also create a subdirectory under the 'archives' directory called 'upload', again, rwx accessible by the 'listserv' user. LISTSERV and WA use this directory for virus scanning, among other things. If this directory is not created, or is not created with the proper permissions, the posting section of the interface will not work.
Create a world-readable file called /etc/lsv-wa.config
with the following two statements:
PATH xxx
URL yyy
where 'xxx' is the absolute path to the directory you've just created and 'yyy'
is the URL to this directory (preferably relative). For instance:
PATH /usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs/archives
URL /archives
4. Modify LISTSERV's configuration to add two variables, as follows:
· WWW_ARCHIVE_CGI is the relative URL that leads to the CGI script you have just installed. Typically this will be something like '/cgi-bin/wa' or '/scripts/wa'. This is a URL, not an OS path name.
· WWW_ARCHIVE_DIR is the full path name to the directory you created in step 3.
· Under unix, don't forget to export! Add
at the end of your go.user file before you save it.
5. For each list that you want accessible through the web interface, you must create a subdirectory in the directory you created in step 3, named like the list. For instance, if you create 'archives/xyz-l', the list XYZ-L will be accessible through the interface. Note that only lists with public archives are ever made accessible, for security reasons.
Next, restart LISTSERV. It should create a file accessible with the URL http://localhost/archives/index.html, and from there you should be able to access all the postings.
Complete information on installing the Web Archive Interface is contained in the Site Manager's Operations Manual.
Please note that this feature is not available under LISTSERV Lite.
Please note that the anti-virus scanning software is available only for versions of Windows and Linux which are currently supported by L-Soft, and that this feature is available only for LISTSERV Classic or LISTSERV Classic HPO sites running those operating systems. A current, unexpired L-Soft maintenance contract is also required.
LISTSERV Version 16.0 supports on-the-fly anti-virus scanning of all messages sent to mailing lists that run under LISTSERV Classic or LISTSERV Classic HPO on supported Windows and Linux servers, including inline uuencoded binaries and MIME attachments in those messages. This is a value-added feature which, in addition to a regularly-licensed LISTSERV Classic or LISTSERV Classic-HPO installation, requires the following:
The table below indicates the web sites for F-Secure downloads.
Linux- x64: |
NOTICE: Use of F-Secure Linux Security 11.10 and later requires, at minimum, LISTSERV version 15.0. LISTSERV version 16.0-2017a or later is STRONGLY RECOMENDED*.
Issue a SHOW VERSION command to LISTSERV to ascertain your product level BEFORE upgrading or installing FSAV. The current LISTSERV for Linux kits can be downloaded at http://www.lsoft.com/download/listserv.asp#unix .
Also: PLEASE read the "Supported Platforms and Languages" section of the FSLS product download page before attempting to install FSLS on your Linux server. Most, but not all, major Linux distributions are supported.
Installation kits: For use with LISTSERV 15.0 and later: F-Secure Linux Security (FSLS) 11.10 ftp://ftp.lsoft.com/F-Secure/fsls-11.10.68-rtm.tar.gz
Manuals: F-Secure Linux Security 11.x documentation: F-Secure Linux Security Admin Guide
*We recommend upgrading LISTSERV to at least version 16.0-2017a (the current released version) because of an incompatibility with earlier versions of LISTSERV that is present in current versions of the F-Secure products. The incompatibility may result in occasional spurious reports from LISTSERV of out-of-date anti-virus signatures. We have taken account of this incompatibility in LISTSERV version 16.0-2017a and later. To ensure that you have at least LISTSERV version 16.0-2017a, issue a SHOW LICENSE to your LISTSERV server. The build date reported should be 28 Feb 2017 or later.
It should be noted that earlier versions of LISTSERV do not support, or do not completely support, the DMARC anti-spam standards currently in place with many large ISPs world-wide. For this reason also, we strongly recommend upgrading older versions of LISTSERV to the latest generally-available version, at time of writing, 16.0-2017a. |
In order to use LISTSERV’s Anti-Virus features, F-Secure® Anti-Virus must be installed on the same server as LISTSERV®. If you already have F-Secure Anti-Virus installed on the server, you should make sure that you are running the version supported by LISTSERV, or higher:
· For Linux-x86_64: version 11.10
L-Soft strongly recommends that all such Linux-x86_64 LISTSERV sites upgrade to F-Secure Linux Security version 11.10 with all hotfixes for that version released to date.
The FSAV for Linux Servers (FSLS) license key provided by L-Soft is for a single stand-alone server only, installed in "command-line-only" mode.
The FSAV key provided by L-Soft is valid only as long as your paid maintenance contract for LISTSERV is up-to-date. If you discontinue LISTSERV maintenance, you must uninstall F Secure Linux Security, or purchase a separate key from F-Secure (although remember, without current LISTSERV maintenance, LISTSERV's anti-virus feature will not be activated).
Given our own experience and that of customers who have reported problems to support, L-Soft strongly recommends that all currently-available hotfixes for FSAV be installed.
If available, hotfixes for both Windows and Linux can be downloaded from the F-Secure WebClub product page for the particular product in question. Please check the F-Secure website regularly for any hotfixes that may be provided.
L-Soft is pleased to offer its Linux customers the ability to integrate F-Secure Linux Security (FSLS) 11.x into their LISTSERV 15.0 or later environment. (At this writing, the current version of FSLS is 11.10.)
Please be aware that L-Soft provides a license for the "command-line" version of F-Secure Linux Security. The "command-line" version does not include the real-time protection, integrity checking, web user interface or central management features provided in the full version.
Before starting to install FSLS 11.x, make sure that you have your FSLS installation key from your sales representative. The FSLS key is normally sent with your LISTSERV LAK(s) but may be obtained separately if you have not previously received it.
Please note that the support department does not have access to, nor can it provide, either LISTSERV LAKs or FSLS keys. They must be obtained from your sales representative.
F-Secure Linux Security 11.x and later works with LISTSERV 15.0 and later. However, we strongly recommend upgrading any older installation of LISTSERV with the current generally-available version, which at time of writing was LISTSERV 16.0-2017a.
Please visit the LISTSERV documentation page to read the LISTSERV release notes.
Please visit the LISTSERV product download page to download the current LISTSERV kit.
For 64-bit Linux versions
If installing F-Secure Linux Security 11.x under a 64-bit Linux operating system, please be aware that you must also install the Linux 32-bit compatibility packages appropriate for your Linux distribution. This is because FSLS is a 32-bit application and, as such, will not be able to use 64-bit common libraries.
In some cases 32-bit compatibility packages may be installed by default. Should you have any question about the 32-bit compatibility packages, please contact your OS vendor. L-Soft is unable to assist in the installation of these packages.
Please read F-Secure's pre-installation checklist for 64-bit systems before installing.
This procedure assumes that you are installing FSLS 11.10, the version current when this document was updated. However, these instructions should work with any 11.x version.
zcat fsls-11.10.68-rtm.tar.gz | tar xvf -
This leaves the following files in the directory fsls-11.10.68-rtm :
The file called fsls-11.10.68-rtm should have execute permission. (If it does not, chmod it appropriately.)
Execute (still as root) the
following command:
./fsls-11.10.68-rtm --command-line-only
It is very important that the --command-line-only flag be appended to this command! If it is not, you will install an evaluation copy of the full version of the product, for which you are not licensed. You will then have to uninstall the product and reinstall it in command-line mode.
[home]root:~/fsls-11.10.68-rtm# ./fsls-11.10.68-rtm --command-line-only F-Secure Linux Security installation Copyright (c) 1999-2016 F-Secure Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
You must accept following F-Secure license agreement to install F-Secure Linux Security. Press enter to view license agreement. |
Simply press enter and then use the space bar to page down. At the end of the license agreement you will be asked:
Do you accept this license agreement?
Type "y" or "Y" or some form of "yes" to continue.
After accepting the license agreement, the product will install and create a default configuration.
The license agreement text is available at /opt/f-secure/fsav/LICENSE.
Installing RPM packages, please wait...
Running configuration
You will then be asked to provide the F-Secure license key (and please note that the key shown is only for illustration; it is not a valid key). Type in the key and then hit return.
Keycode for F-Secure Linux Security
To install the licensed version of the product, please enter the keycode you
have received with your purchase or press enter to install the fully functional
30-day evaluation version.
keycode: 1234-5678-90AB-CDEF-GHIJ
Keycode accepted. Configuring
Note: The Virus Definition Databases are now being updated to the newest versions in the background. You can check the date of the current the databases by typing 'fsav --version'.
[home]root:~/fsls-11.10.68-rtm# |
odsFilePrimaryActionOnInfection 1
Then save the file.
Please note carefully that this element of the installation is required. If you skip it, FSLS will end up disinfecting or renaming infected files, and LISTSERV will not receive the return code that tells it to reject the message. There is no need for FSLS to delete or rename the file. LISTSERV itself will delete the file when it receives the correct return code.
28 Feb 2016 12:38:39 F-Secure Anti-Virus 11.10 activated, explicit file scan.
If you downloaded FSLS 11.10 from the F-Secure website, you will not have this file. It can be downloaded from ftp://ftp.lsoft.com/f-secure/tools/fsavd-config.sh if needed.
fsavd-config.sh makes one change to
the fsavd startup script, altering
Please note carefully that this element of the installation is required.
If you skip it, LISTSERV will not see FSAV at startup and LISTSERV's AV
scanning feature will be disabled. It should be noted that this will NOT
affect how fsavd reacts to requests from other users. F-Secure normally
recommend that the fsavd daemon should run under a non-privileged UID to begin
If you have installed LISTSERV to start under a different UID (not common), you
will have to manually change the fsavuser= line in /etc/init.d/fsavd to the correct UID value and then stop and
restart the 'fsavd' daemon. You can stop and restart the daemon from the shell
prompt with "/sbin/service fsavd restart".
Because of
non-backward-compatible changes made by LISTSERV 16.0 to the format of
LISTSERV's SIGNUP files which allow UTF-8 characters to be used in passwords,
and the addition of non-reversible subscriber password encryption, L-Soft STRONGLY
RECOMMENDS that, prior to upgrading, a full backup be made of your LISTSERV
installation if you are upgrading from a version earlier than 16.0.
IMPORTANT: LISTSERV 16.0 requires a version 16.0 LAK!
You must obtain and install a LISTSERV version 16.0 product LAK prior to upgrading your server, or LISTSERV will not start after the upgrade.
IMPORTANT: Install your LISTSERV 16.0 product LAK before upgrading! A valid product LAK (License Activation Key) with "REL=16.0" must be installed before upgrading or LISTSERV will not start after the upgrade.
If you have not received a LISTSERV 16.0 product LAK, please contact your sales representative or SALES@LSOFT.COM before upgrading!
If your product LAK has EXP=NEVER, you will also need to install an appropriate LISTSERV maintenance LAK.
To find out if you can upgrade to LISTSERV 16.0 with your current LAKs, please issue a SHOW LICENSE command to LISTSERV and examine the response. It will be similar to this:
License type: Permanent
Expiration date: None - perpetual
Maintenance until: 26 May 2017, serial number MNT-XYZ-1
Capacity: Unlimited
Version: 16.0
Serial number: XYZ-1
Build date: 7 Feb 2017
Your license key will be valid for the 16.0 upgrade if your current product LAK is for version 16.0 or higher and your maintenance is not expired.
Upgrading LISTSERV is almost as simple as installing it. Simply follow these steps:
1. If you are upgrading from one full version of LISTSERV to another (for instance, from 15.5 to 16.0), you should have received a new LAK from your sales representative. If you do not have a LAK for the version you are upgrading to, stop right here and contact your L-Soft sales representative. If you are not sure what version you are currently licensed for, send a "SHOW LICENSE" command to LISTSERV.
2. If you have received a new LAK, install it onto your old installation, following the instructions that come with the LAK. Send LISTSERV a "SHOW LICENSE" command after restarting LISTSERV to ensure that the new LAK has been installed properly. Do not proceed further until this step has been correctly completed.
3. Back up the entire LISTSERV directory hierarchy (just in case).
4. Stop LISTSERV. If you have LISTSERV set up to respawn itself, be sure to bring LISTSERV to a complete stop.
5. Get the current Unix evaluation kit for your platform from the LISTSERV evaluation kit download page. Note that evaluation kits are production code limited only by an evaluation LAK, which your production LAK will override.
(If you are upgrading a LISTSERV Lite installation, you can get the current LISTSERV Lite kit from the LISTSERV Lite download page.)
6. Back up the entire LISTSERV directory hierarchy (just in case).
7. Follow the instructions in this document to install the new version over the old. Your current configuration, lists, and other settings will be preserved.
8. Restart LISTSERV and send a command to make sure the installation was successful.
Note: The standard LISTSERV Classic and Lite kits for unix are binary installers that are designed to simplify the installation process. If upgrading a LISTSERV Classic installation, or going from LISTSERV Lite to LISTSERV Classic, you may choose to download the old 'tar.Z' installation kits instead. If so, be sure to download common.tar.Z as well as the `uname`.tar.Z. This is very important as the common files also change from version to version.
LISTSERV Lite installations should always be updated from the standard ".bin" kits.
All of L-Soft's formal documentation for LISTSERV is available at http://www.lsoft.com/manuals .
There are several mailing lists dedicated to the support of LISTSERV.
for LISTSERV maintainers and interested list owners |
for LISTSERV list owners |
for LISTSERV evaluation kit users |
for LISTSERV Lite users |
for third-party developers using features documented in the Developer's Guide to LISTSERV |
To subscribe to any of these lists, send mail to LISTSERV@PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM with the following command in the body of the message:
SUBSCRIBE listname Your Name
A discussion group for sites that have installed evaluation copies of LISTSERV has been created to facilitate communication between LISTSERV maintainers, list owners and L-Soft support staff. The list is called LSTSRV-E, and you can subscribe by sending mail to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.NET, with the command "SUB LSTSRV-E Your Name" in the body of the mail message. If you have any questions, comments, helpful hints, etc., please post them to LSTSRV-E for distribution to other people participating in the evaluation. Don't forget to mention which version of UNIX(R) you are using when posting. The purpose of the list is to share your experience and problems with other users of evaluation kits. Because there are so many versions and brands of unix, the kits haven't been tested equally on all possible platforms. Knowing which kit you are using will streamline the process of finding an answer to your questions.
At http://www.lsoft.com/manuals/lsv-faq.stm we've attempted to document a few of the most frequently-asked questions pertaining to installing and running a LISTSERV server. Before writing to our support department for problem resolution, please take a moment to read through the online FAQ and see if your problem is answered there.
L-Soft recognizes that the FAQ pages are not going to solve every problem you may face. We are always willing to help diagnose and correct problems you may be having with your registered LISTSERV® server. To that end, please note the following when you write to L-Soft with a problem report:
1. Please make the subject line of your report indicative of the problem, and in particular the product with which you are having a problem. A subject like "Problem posting to moderated LISTSERV list" is much more useful to us than "Help me please!"
2. Include any appropriate log entries. LISTSERV keeps logs of everything it does when you are running it in the background (i.e., with './go bg', and without a log excerpt it is often impossible to determine what caused a given error.
3. If LISTSERV dumps core, please run the debugger on the core file (see FAQ 1.3. in the LISTSERV maintainer's support FAQ) and include the results.
4. Always send a copy of your site configuration file (with the passwords XXX'ed out).
5. Send along anything else that you think might be helpful in diagnosing the problem.
If you are running an evaluation version of our software, please join the evaluation users' list,
LSTSRV-E@PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM, and send your trouble reports there.
If you are running LISTSERV Lite, please join the LISTSERV-LITE mailing list,
LISTSERV-LITE@PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM, and send your trouble reports there.
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