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L-Soft international, Inc.

Developers Guide
LISTSERV®, version 1.8d

1 March 1999
Initial Release

The reference number of this document is 9903-MD-02.


1Under LISTSERV Classic only. DISTRIBUTE jobs sent to LISTSERV Lite servers are handled exclusively by the local server and the DISTRIBUTE backbone is not employed.
2Assuming that the bouncing system is compliant with Internet standards and uses the RFC821 MAIL FROM: address for bounces.
3Technically the syntax "janecustomer@abc.com Jane Customer BSMTP" is also correct, but since the personal name field will be ignored in a BSMTP job, there is no need to define it.
4Native ODBC support under Windows NT is provided by Microsoft starting with Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3. If you are using NT 3.51, ODBC support must either be installed separately (it can be obtained at no charge from Microsoft's web site) or it will be installed when LISTSERV is installed.
5Described in the LISTSERV 1.8d Tuning Guide, available separately (contact support@lsoft.com for a copy).
Developer's Guide to LISTSERV®