1.3 Installation
Installation instructions have been broken down by operating system. Make sure that your current LISTSERV license is installed before you begin, and that you have made a backup of your LISTSERV directory tree.
1.3.1 Windows
Standard Windows kits include support for ODBC and mail-merge by default.
Documented Restriction: LISTSERV, being a 64-bit application, requires that you use the 64-bit ODBC management application built into Windows. Any ODBC DSNs created using the 32-bit version of the ODBC management application will be invisible to LISTSERV and won’t be usable. |
1.3.2 Unix
LISTSERV for unix kits support Oracle, DB2, and MySQL (via unixODBC) in a single, universal kit. This kit contains both a precompiled ‘lsv’ executable (which does not support any database), and a set of object files allowing you to link a new ‘lsv’ that supports any combination of databases for which you have a run-time environment on the machine running LISTSERV. The following object files are included:
lsv.o |
Main object file for linking ‘lsv’. |
nooci.o |
Link with lsv.o to disable OCI (Oracle) support. |
nocli.o |
Link with lsv.o to disable CLI (DB2) support. |
nouodbc.o |
Link with lsv.o to disable unixODBC support. |
If a particular database is not available for your operating system, the corresponding noxxx.o file will have been pre-linked into lsv.o and will not be included in the kit. A table showing LISTSERV DBMS support under unix follows:
Unix Variant |
OCI Supported |
CLI Supported |
unixODBC Supported |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Linux-S390 |
No |
No |
Yes |
Linux (x86-64 platforms) |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Solaris SPARC |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Solaris x64 |
Yes |
Yes |
N/A |
Note, however, that you may relink LISTSERV with only the following combinations of DBMS support:
- OCI only
- CLI only
- unixODBC only
- OCI and CLI
- OCI and unixODBC
LISTSERV cannot be relinked with support for both CLI and unixODBC at the same time. This is due to the fact that the two implementations are quite similar and the share function names inside LISTSERV. (It should be noted that this is due to design decisions made by Oracle and IBM, not by L-Soft; L-Soft has no choice in the matter.)
The current LISTSERV for unix kits contain a Makefile which is set up to relink ‘lsv’ without any DBMS support by default. An “OS-specific flags” section s available where you can add or remove DBMS support simply by adding or removing the reference to the appropriate no*.o file. The default compilation flags for the unix operating systems supported by LISTSERV are
CFLAGS_LSV_AIX=nooci.o nocli.o -lldap -llber
CFLAGS_Solaris=-lsocket -lnsl
CFLAGS_LSV_Solaris=nooci.o nocli.o -lldap -m64
CFLAGS_LSV_Linux=nooci.o nocli.o -lldap -llber -lresolv
In the Makefile, the CFLAGS_`uname` macros are reserved for libraries needed by both LISTSERV itself and its associated utilities. The CFLAGS_LSV_`uname` macros contain the object files and libraries needed only by LISTSERV itself. In these examples we will concern ourselves only with the CFLAGS_LSV_`uname` macros.
For instance, if you are running LISTSERV under Solaris, the default flags line is
CFLAGS_LSV_Solaris=nooci.o nocli.o -lldap -m64
If you want to relink ‘lsv’ with Oracle support, simply change this line to
CFLAGS_LSV_Solaris=nocli.o -lldap -m64
If you want to relink ‘lsv’ with DB2 support, you would change the line to
CFLAGS_LSV_Solaris=nocli.o -lldap -m64
If you want both Oracle and DB2, remove both the nooci.o and nocli.o references:
CFLAGS_LSV_Solaris=-lldap -m64
Relinking ‘lsv’ with unixODBC support is not quite as intuitive. You would use the following flags line:
CFLAGS_LSV_Solaris=nooci.o -lldap -lodbc -m64
For unixODBC, you must leave CLI support enabled because CLI and unixODBC share internal function names in LISTSERV, as noted above. In addition, you must also link explicitly to the unixODBC library (the -lodbc flag).
Important: The -lldap and -m64 flags specified are required for Solaris, and must not be removed from the CFLAGS_LSV_Solaris macro. |
The other supported unixes are configured in a similar manner. For instance, linking unixODBC support into a Linux installation would look like this:
CFLAGS_LSV_Linux=nooci.o -lldap -llber -lresolv -lodbc
Important: Again, the -lldap, -llber, and -lresolv flags specified are required for Linux, and must not be removed from the CFLAGS_LSV_Linux macro. |
Important: Do not attempt to relink with DBMS support unless you have the appropriate DBMS support (SQL*Net, JDBC, unixODBC) already installed on your machine. Without this support, the link option will fail. |
1.3.3 Verification
When done, start LISTSERV normally and send a few test commands before proceeding with the post-installation tasks. This will ensure that the installation was successful and that, where applicable, the appropriate environment is configured for the OCI or CLI library. Note that the DBMS interface will not be enabled until you add the necessary authentication/login information to your configuration files.