9.1 Documentation

All of L-Soft’s formal documentation for LISTSERV is available at https://www.lsoft.com/manuals .

9.2 Mailing Lists

There are several mailing lists dedicated to the support of LISTSERV.


for LISTSERV maintainers and interested list owners


for LISTSERV list owners


for LISTSERV evaluation kit users



for LISTSERV Lite users  


for third-party developers using features documented in the Advanced Topics Guide  

To subscribe to any of these lists, send mail to LISTSERV@PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM with the following command in the body of the message:

SUBSCRIBE listname Your Name

9.2.1 Talking to other LISTSERV evaluation kit users

A discussion group for sites that have installed evaluation copies of LISTSERV has been created to facilitate communication between LISTSERV maintainers, list owners and L-Soft support staff. The list is called LSTSRV-E, and you can subscribe by sending mail to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.NET, with the command “SUB LSTSRV-E Your Name” in the body of the mail message. If you have any questions, comments, helpful hints, etc., please post them to LSTSRV-E for distribution to other people participating in the evaluation. Don’t forget to mention which version of UNIX(R) you are using when posting. The purpose of the list is to share your experience and problems with other users of evaluation kits. Because there are so many versions and brands of unix, the kits haven’t been tested equally on all possible platforms. Knowing which kit you are using will streamline the process of finding an answer to your questions.

9.3 Contacting L-Soft Support

At https://www.lsoft.com/manuals/lsv-faq/ we’ve attempted to document a few of the most frequently-asked questions pertaining to installing and running a LISTSERV server. Before writing to our support department for problem resolution, please take a moment to read through the online FAQ and see if your problem is answered there.

L-Soft recognizes that the FAQ pages are not going to solve every problem you may face. We are always willing to help diagnose and correct problems you may be having with your registered LISTSERV® server. To that end, please note the following when you write to L-Soft with a problem report: 

    1. Please make the subject line of your report indicative of the problem, and in particular the product with which you are having a problem. A subject like “Problem posting to moderated LISTSERV list” is much more useful to us than “Help me please!”
    2. Include any appropriate log entries. LISTSERV keeps logs of everything it does when you are running it in the background (i.e., with ‘./go bg’, and without a log excerpt it is often impossible to determine what caused a given error.
    3. If LISTSERV dumps core, please run the debugger on the core file (see FAQ 1.3. in the LISTSERV maintainer’s support FAQ) and include the results.
    4. Always send a copy of your site configuration file (with the passwords XXX’ed out).
    5. Send along anything else that you think might be helpful in diagnosing the problem.

If you are running an evaluation version of our software, please join the evaluation users’ list, LSTSRV-E@PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM, and send your trouble reports there.

If you are running LISTSERV Lite, please join the LISTSERV-LITE mailing list, LISTSERV-LITE@PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM, and send your trouble reports there.