Section 13 Maestro Logs

LISTSERV Maestro log files are located in two places. Log files having to do with specific LISTSERV Maestro components are kept in a directory configured like the example below:

x:\Program Files\L-Soft\Application Server\XXX\log

x:” is the drive where LISTSERV Maestro is installed and “XXX” is the component, either HUB, LUI, or TRK.

Log files for third party components like Tomcat are kept in a directory configured like the example below:

x:\Program Files\L-Soft\Application Server\logs

x:” is the drive where Maestro is installed.

13.1 Remote Log Access

The three main LISTSERV Maestro components all write their own log files. These files can be found in the logs subfolder of each component’s home folder inside of the Application Server installation folder. In some situations, the Maestro administrator may not have access to these folders, but still needs to access the log files. To solve this, LISTSERV Maestro offers remote log file access. The remote access allows the Maestro administrator to download the log files from the server through a web browser.

Before accessing the log files of a component, configure the component for remote log access. To do so, edit the INI file of the component and add the following entry:


Replace PASSWORD with a password known only to authorized administrators. For security reasons, do not use the normal admin password from the Administration Hub. Because this password will later be used as a parameter in a URL, use only URL-safe characters in the password (alphanumeric characters).

Remember; add this entry to each component’s INI file; to lui.ini, hub.ini and tracker.ini. For information on how to edit INI files, see Section 20 Editing LISTSERV Maestro INI Files. If the entry is not added to one of the INI files, then it will not be possible to access the log files of that component, but it will still be possible to access logs of the other components where the entry has been added. To disable remote log access, simply remove the entry from the INI file(s) or comment it out. Whenever this entry is changed, the change will be effective immediately – The component will not have to restart.

Once the component(s) have been configured for remote log access, access their log files from any web browser on any computer that has HTTP access to the particular component. The only requirements for access are the PASSWORD configured in the INI file(s) and the date of the log file to access.

·         To download a Maestro User Interface log file, access the following URL:

·         To download a Administration Hub log file, access the following URL:

·         To download a Maestro Tracker log file, access the following URL:

Replace HOST with the host name of the server running the component to be accessed, PORT with the HTTP port on that server (:PORT can be left out if the HTTP-port is 80), PASSWORD with the password configured in the INI file, and DATE with the date of the day of the log file to download. The date is formatted as YYYYMMDD, where YYYY is the year with 4 digits, MM is the month with 2 digits and DD is the day of the month with 2 digits.

13.2 Subscriber Activity Change Log

LISTSERV Maestro offers the option of keeping a change log of all subscriber activities (i.e. a log of all subscribe, unsubscribe, join, un-register, and address-change activities of subscribers and members of hosted lists and datasets). By default, the subscriber change log is deactivated.

The change log is activated with the following entry in the lui.ini:


Optionally, a change log time period can be specified to determine how often a new change log is started. Possible time periods are daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. The time period is specified after the keyword true in the INI-file, separated with a comma, similar to this example:


If no time period is specified, the default weekly will be used. This means that:


is equivalent to


Notes: The keywords are not case sensitive, meaning that you could also type True,Yearly or TRUE,MONTHLY.

If any other value than true is specified, then the change log is deactivated. Therefore, you can temporarily deactivate the change log either by commenting out the ChangeLog line, or by changing the value true to something else, for example:


Each line in the change log corresponds to one subscriber or member activity. Each line is prefixed with the date and time of the activity, followed by a three letter activity code and activity details. The following activities are logged:

·         NEW D dataset_id email_address ip_address

            Logged when a new dataset member was added to a dataset:

o        dataset_id – The ID of the dataset (an integer number).

o        email_address – The email address of the new member. 

o        ip_address – Appears only if the new member was added because of an active join by an actual user; in which case, the user’s IP-address is logged. If the new member was added by the LISTSERV Maestro data admin, then no IP-address is logged.

·         DEL D dataset_id email_address ip_address

            Logged when a dataset member was deleted from a dataset:

o        dataset_id – The ID of the dataset (an integer number).

o        email_address – The email address of the member that was deleted. 

o        ip_address – Appears only if the member was deleted because of an active un-register by the actual user; in which case, the user’s IP-address is logged. If the member was deleted by the LISTSERV Maestro data admin, then no IP-address is logged.

·         ADR D dataset_id old_email_address new_email_address ip_address

            Logged when a dataset member’s email address was changed:

o        dataset_id – The ID of the dataset (an integer number).

o        old_email_address – The old email address of the member.

o        new_email_address – The new email address of the member.

o        ip_address – Appears only if the member’s address was changed because of an active change by the actual user; in which case, the user’s IP-address is logged. If the member’s address was changed by the LISTSERV Maestro data admin, then no IP-address is logged.

·         NEW L dataset_id list_id email_address ip_address

            Logged when a new subscriber was added to a list:

o        dataset_id – The ID of the dataset the list belongs to (an integer number).

o        list_id – The ID of the list (an integer number).

o        email_address – The email address of the new subscriber.

o        ip_address – Appears only if the new subscriber was added because of an active subscribe by an actual user; in which case, the user’s IP-address is logged. If the new subscriber was added by the LISTSERV Maestro data admin, then no IP-address is logged.

·         DEL L dataset_id list_id email_address ip_address

            Logged when a subscriber was deleted from a list:

o        dataset_id – The ID of the dataset the list belongs to (an integer number).

o        list_id – The ID of the list (an integer number).

o        email_address – The email address of the subscriber that was deleted.

o        ip_address – Appears only if the subscriber was deleted because of an active unsubscribe by the actual user, in which case the user’s IP-address is logged. If the member was deleted by the LISTSERV Maestro data admin, then no IP-address is logged.

Notes: If the list is a hosted LISTSERV list and the user unsubscribed from the list by sending an “unsubscribe” email to LISTSERV, then the address “” is logged, since the real IP-address of the user it not known in this context.

In addition to the above entries, the system also writes marker entries to the change log whenever a backup is performed (i.e. automatically once a day) or restored (i.e. when a backup-restore is initiated by the administrator).