With every installation of LISTSERV Maestro, a special user account for the system administrator is available. From this account, it is possible to archive delivered jobs and import jobs from the archive back into LISTSERV Maestro. The administrator can also change the ownership of a job, report, sender profile, drop-in content element, or recipients target group.
To access this account, log into the Maestro User Interface (LUI) as an administrator, using admin in the User field, and then typing in the administrator password that was configured in the Administrator Hub. The home page for the administrative user account is different from that of normal users.
Figure 43 Special Administrative User Account
To save server space and shorten jobs listings within the Maestro User interface, administrators can archive delivered jobs and jobs that have been closed after a failed delivery. Archiving a delivered or failed job removes the job from the system and saves it in a single ZIP archive file stored in a special archive folder on the system. Archived jobs cannot be viewed because all their tracking events are deleted and they are removed from any report data sources. As a result, any existing reports referencing them in their data sources will not display correctly.
The default archive folder of a LISTERV Maestro installation on Windows is located along a path similar to: \Program Files\L-Soft\Application Server\lui\archive. On UNIX/Linux, the default archive folder is ~/lui/archive. Although archived jobs are saved as ZIP files, little space will be saved because the archive folder exists on the same server or disk as the application. To save disk space, they can be moved from the server or disk where LISTSERV Maestro is installed. This can be done two different ways.
The first way is to change the default archive folder in the Administration Hub to point to a folder that is located on a different disk. The disk could be another disk on the same server, a mapped network drive (Windows), or a mounted NFS drive (UNIX/Linux) available on another server. By setting a different default folder for saving archived jobs within the Administration Hub, the list of archived jobs displayed under the Import Job icon remains intact. All archived jobs in the folder will display in this list and can be imported back into LISTSERV Maestro if necessary. To change the default archive folder, see Section 7 Settings for the Maestro User Interface.
The second way to move archived jobs from the disk or server where LISTSERV Maestro is located is to do so manually. Open the default archive folder. All archive files are ZIP files and have the job ID in the file name. Select the files and move them to a secondary storage medium such as different disk, a tape, a CD-ROM or similar. Once the file has been removed from the default archive folder it will not appear in the list of archived files. Files removed from the archive folder can be moved back in it at any time, and then will appear in the list of archived files. Once listed, the files will be available to import back into LISTSERV Maestro.
There are two ways to archive a delivered or failed job. Click on the Delivered Jobs icon from the home page of the administrative user account. The Delivered Jobs screen opens listing all the previously delivered jobs. Then, either:
· Click on the Job ID link to select the job. The Job Administration screen opens. Click on the Job Archive tab, and then click the [Move to Archive] button. Click the [Cancel] button to cancel the operation and return to the Delivered Jobs screen.
– OR –
· Check the box next to each job ID that you want to archive, and then click the Actions link. Select Move all selected jobs to archive. The Job Administration screen opens. Click the [Move to Archive] button. Click the [Cancel] button to cancel the operation and return to the Delivered Jobs screen. By using this method of archiving, you can archive more than one job at a time.
Figure 44 Archiving a Job from the Delivered Jobs Screen
Imported archived jobs are in a “frozen” state. The status and the contents of the job will not change from the moment it was placed in the archive. Any tracking events that arrive after the moment the job is archived will be discarded, even if the job is later imported.
To restore an archived job to the system, click on the Import Job icon located on the home page. A listing of all the jobs currently present in the archive will appear. Then, you can:
· Click on the Job ID link to select the job to be imported. Click [OK] to import the selected archived job. The Job Administration screen opens. Use the drop-down menu to select an owner for the imported archived job, and then click [OK]. Once restored, an imported job will be listed again in Delivered Jobs with its original Date and Time of Delivery (not the archived date). The job owner (and other group members if applicable) can use imported archived jobs in tracking reports.
– OR –
· Check the box next to all the jobs you want to import, and then click the Actions link. Select Import all selected jobs. By using this method of importing, you can import more than one job at a time. Imported jobs will have to be assigned a new Job Owner. From the Delivered Jobs screen, check the box next to the job(s) you want to assign a new owner to, and then click the Actions link. Select Change owner of all selected jobs, and then use the drop-down menu to select an owner for the imported archived job. Once restored, an imported job will be listed again in Delivered Jobs with its original Date and Time of Delivery (not the archived date). The job owner (and other group members if applicable) can use imported archived jobs in tracking reports.
Figure 45 Importing a Job from the Archived Jobs Screen
The user that initially creates a new job or report is the owner of that job or report. The owner is the only user with privileges (rights) to execute the following job or report related actions:
· Assign collaboration rights on the job to other group members
· Change the job information (job title and job ID-prefix)
· Delete the job
· Re-open, retry, or close a failed job in the Outbox
· Assign collaboration rights on the report to other group members
· Delete the report
No other user can be granted owner rights within the same email job. Therefore, it is important that there is an owner for each job and each report, because only the owner can execute these actions.
Under normal conditions, there will always be an owner because the initial creator will automatically become the owner. However, under certain circumstances, a job may lose its owner:
· If an account is deleted in the Administration Hub (and therefore also in the Maestro User Interface), then all jobs and reports that were owned by that account will be without an owner.
· If an account that was a member of one group is changed so that it becomes a member of another group or not a member of any group at all, then all jobs and reports that were owned by that account will be without an owner (“orphaned”).
To reassign a job, click on the appropriate icon to open the listing for that job. Click Resume Job for a listing of all the current jobs that have not been delivered yet, Outbox for all the jobs that have been authorized for delivery, or Delivered Jobs for all the jobs that have already been delivered. To reassign a report, click the Tracking Reports icon for a listing of all the currently defined reports.
If you’ve clicked on the Outbox or the Delivered Jobs icon, then a listing of all the jobs currently present for that icon will appear. If you want to view a job owned by a specific user, click the drop-down menu and select that particular owner. Then, you can:
· Click on the Job ID link to select the job. The Job Administration screen opens. Click on the Job Owner tab (if necessary). Select a new owner for the job from the drop-down menu. Click [OK] to save the change, or [Cancel] to discard the change and return to the previous screen.
– OR –
· Check the box next to all of the jobs you want to reassign, and then click the Actions link. Select Change owner of all selected jobs, and then use the drop-down menu to select an owner for the job(s). Click [OK] to save the change, or [Cancel] to discard the change and return to the previous screen.
Figure 46 Change Job Owner from Job Owner Tab
If you’ve clicked on the Tracking Reports icon, then a listing of all the reports currently present for that icon will appear. If you want to view a report owned by a specific user, click the drop-down menu and select that particular owner. Then, you can:
· Click on the Report Title link to select the report. The Change Report Owner screen opens. Select a new owner for the report from the drop-down menu. Click [OK] to save the change, or [Cancel] to discard the change and return to the previous screen.
– OR –
· Check the box next to all of the reports you want to reassign, and then click the Actions link. Select Change owner of all selected reports, and then use the drop-down menu to select an owner for the report(s). Click [OK] to save the change, or [Cancel] to discard the change and return to the previous screen.
Figure 47 Change Report Owner Screen
When an account is changed or ownership of a job or report is transferred, job and report rights are affected.
Account name is changed; account not in a group
The account retains ownership of all jobs and reports. The account remains
the owner of all previous jobs and reports. Since the account is not a
member of a group, neither before nor after the change, team collaboration
rights on the jobs and reports are not affected.
Account name is changed; account member of a group
The account retains ownership of all jobs and reports and the jobs and
reports remain in the same group. The account retains ownership of all
previous jobs and reports. The team collaboration rights on the jobs and
reports are not affected. All members in the same group that had any job
or report privileges before the change have the same privileges after
the change.
Group is added to a non-group account
The account retains ownership of all jobs and reports and transfers them
to the new group. The account remains owner of all previous jobs and reports.
Since the account was not a member of a group before the change, no team
collaboration rights on the jobs and reports are affected. However, after
the change, since the account is now a member of a group, the owner of
the account can assign team collaboration rights on any of the jobs or
reports to any of the other members in the group.
Group is removed
from a group account
The account loses ownership of all jobs and reports. Jobs and reports remain
in the old group. All previous account privileges for any jobs or reports
are removed. This means that the account loses all team collaboration
rights on all jobs and reports that are owned by other members of the
account’s old group. The account also loses ownership of all jobs and
reports that the user of the account created while the account was still
a member of the old group. The team collaboration rights of other members
of the old group are unaffected. However, these jobs no longer have an
owner, since the old owner left the group. The administrator should set
a new owner at this point.
Group account becomes member of different group
The account loses ownership of all jobs and reports. Jobs and reports remain
in the old group. All previous account privileges for any jobs or reports
are removed. This means that the account loses all team collaboration
rights on all jobs and reports that are owned by other members of the
account’s old group. The account also loses ownership of all jobs and
reports that the user of the account created while the account was still
a member of the old group. As a result, the account joins the new group
as a “fresh” member, without any team collaboration or job or report ownership
rights. The jobs and reports that were created by the user of the account
while still in the old group remain in the old group. The team collaboration
rights that other members of the old group may have on those jobs and
reports are unaffected. However, these jobs no longer have an owner, since
the old owner left the group. The administrator needs to set a new owner
at this point.
Ownership of a job or report is transferred; previous
owner not in a group
The new account acquires all ownership rights on the job or report. The
original owner loses all rights, including ownership.
Ownership of a job or report is transferred; previous
owner in a different group from new owner
The new account acquires all ownership rights on the job or report. For
all other accounts (the previous owner and the members of the old group),
ownership or team collaboration rights are removed.
Ownership of
a job or report is transferred; previous owner in same group as new owner
The new account acquires all ownership rights on the job or report. The
original owner loses all rights, including ownership. However, any other
accounts that may have team collaboration rights on the job or report
do retain these rights – they are preserved.
To delete more than one report or job at a time, simply check the box next to all of the reports/jobs that you want to delete, and then click the Actions link. Select Delete all selected reports/jobs, and then click [OK]. Click [Cancel] to discard the deletion and return to the previous screen.
Drop-in content elements and sender profiles are utility items in LISTSERV Maestro created for the convenience of the users. These items, if created by a user who is not part of a group, are owned by that single user and cannot be used by any one else. If a member of a group creates items, then everyone in that group can use them. In addition, users in that group who have the necessary right can create new items, and delete or modify existing items.
An item can lose its owner and become ownerless under certain circumstances:
· If an item is owned by a non-group account, and that account is deleted.
· If a group owns an item, and the last account of that group is deleted or is moved out of the group (into another group or made into an account without a group).
The ownership of any item, whether it already has an owner or not, can be changed by the administrator using the special Administrator User Account. The administrator can also delete any item.
To change the ownership of a Sender Profile or Drop-in Content Element, click on the User Settings icon from the homepage. The User Settings screen opens. Select the item type to change from the menu.
Note: The Preferences setting is used to set the user preferences for the Administrator User Account, and has nothing to do with changing the settings or item ownership for other accounts.
Figure 48 Change Ownership
Clicking on any of the menu entries will open a list of the related items, grouped after their current owners. At the top of the list, a drop-down list with all available owners appears. The list includes all available non-group accounts, all available groups, and a special <No Owner> entry. Below the drop-down list is a table listing all items that are currently owned by the selected owner account or group.
Figure 49 Select Account/Group and Item to Change Ownership
Click on an item to open a screen that lets you select a new owner or delete an item.
Figure 50 Change Drop-In Owner
If an item is moved to a new owner, and the new owner already has an item with the same name, the moved item is automatically renamed to give it a unique name. For example, if an item named “sample” is moved to an owner who already has an item with that name, the moved item is renamed “sample1”. If “sample1” is also in use, the moved item will be renamed “sample2”, and so on until a unique name is created.
Ownership of an item is affected when an account is changed in the following ways:
Account name is changed, account not in a group
The account keeps ownership of all items of which it previously was the
Account name is changed, account member of a group
Since the items are owned by the account’s group anyway, ownership is not
affected, meaning that they are still owned by the same group as before.
Group is added to a non-group account
Ownership of all items previously owned by the account is transferred to
the group that the account joins. All members in that group will then
share ownership of these items. The account also gains ownership of all
items that previously existed in the group it joins.
Group is removed from a group account
Since the group owns the items, the account loses access to them. They
stay in the old group. The account that no longer belongs to a group does
not have ownership of any items until new ones are created with this account.
Group of a group account is changed – account becomes
member of different group
Since the old group owns the items, the account loses access to them. They
stay in the old group. The account gains ownership of all items that previously
existed in the new group it joins.
As with Sender Profiles and Drop-In Content Elements, Recipient Datasets and Target Groups may have either single user or group ownership. Single user Datasets and Target Groups are owned by an individual user, and may not be used by anyone else. If a group member creates items, they may be used and modified by other users within the group who have the necessary rights.
An item can lose its owner and become ownerless under certain circumstances:
· If an item is owned by a non-group account, and that account is deleted.
· If a group owns an item, and the last account of that group is deleted or is moved out of the group (into another group or made into an account without a group).
The ownership of any item, whether it already has an owner or not, can be changed by the administrator using the special Administrator User Account. The administrator can also delete any item.
To change the ownership of a Recipient Dataset or Target Group, click on the Recipient Warehouse icon from the home page. The Recipient Warehouse screen opens. Select the item type to change from the menu.
Figure 51 Change Ownership of a Recipient Dataset or Target Group
To change ownership of a specific set of Recipient Datasets and Lookup Tables, click on Recipients Datasets from the main Recipient Warehouse screen. A screen will be displayed that shows a list of all groups and accounts that have at least one Recipient Dataset or Lookup Table in their Recipient Warehouse. Click on an individual account or group name to see the datasets and lookup tables owned by that account or group.
Figure 52 The Recipient Datasets and Lookup Tables Screen
From the Recipient Dataset and Lookup Table Administration screen, change ownership of Recipient Datasets and Lookup Tables from one owner (either an individual or group) to another. To assign new ownership, select a new owner from the drop-down menu, and click [OK]. This will assign all of the Recipient Datasets and Lookups tables to the new owner. To delete all Datasets and Lookup Tables for the selected account or group, click [Delete].
Figure 53 The Recipient Dataset and Lookup Table Administration Screen
Note: It is not possible to re-assign individual datasets or lookup tables. When you choose to re-assign a specific owner’s datasets and lookup tables, then you are re-assigning that owner’s entire Recipient Warehouse (i.e. all of the datasets and lookup tables belonging to that owner).
From the Recipient Dataset and Lookup Table Administration screen, select individual datasets or unreferenced lookup tables for deletion. Clicking on one of the Recipient Datasets opens the Recipient Dataset Administration screen. From that screen, view details for the individual dataset. The Recipient Dataset Administration screen lists dataset name, a description of the dataset, the current owner, and the number of Hosted Lists in the dataset. From this screen, it is possible to [Delete] the dataset or [Cancel] to return to the previous screen.
Figure 54 The Recipient Dataset Administration Screen
If the dataset contains Hosted Lists, click on the individual list names to open the Hosted Lists Administration screen. From that screen, view the name of the Hosted List, a description of the list, the current list owner, and the Recipient Dataset to which the Hosted List belongs. From here, it is possible to [Delete] the Hosted List from the dataset or [Cancel] to return to the previous screen.
Figure 55 The Hosted List Administration Screen
From the Recipient Dataset and Lookup Table Administration screen, it is possible to click on individual tables that are not currently referenced. Clicking on individual table names opens the Lookup Table Administration screen. From this screen, view the name of the Lookup Table, a description of the table, and the current owner of the table. From here, it is possible to [Delete] the Lookup Table or [Cancel] to return to the previous screen.
Figure 56 The Lookup Table Administration Screen
To change ownership of Recipient Target Groups, click on Recipient Target Groups from the Recipient Warehouse screen. This will open the Change Target Group Owner screen. From here, select an individual account or group in order to view all Recipient Target Group categories owned by that group.
Figure 57 The Change Target Group Owner Screen
Click on an individual category to view details for that category. From here, view the category name and current owner. Assign a new owner by selecting an account or group from the drop‑down menu and clicking [OK]. It is also possible to [Delete] the current category or [Cancel] to return to the previous screen. On the lower half of the screen, a list of Target Groups contained within the currently selected category, along with descriptions of those Target Groups appears. Click on an individual Target Group to change ownership of a particular Target Group, or to delete the Group.
Figure 58 Changing Ownership of a Target Group Category