Section 11 Ongoing JobsThe Ongoing Jobs screen is a repository of email jobs that have been authorized for delivery. To access this screen, perform one of the following actions:
• Figure 11-1 The Ongoing Jobs ScreenOn the Ongoing Jobs screen, each job is listed with its Job ID, Job Title, Owner, Mail Type (plain or HTML), Date/Time of Sending, and State.
• Display jobs in a specific category – Click the Display jobs with category drop-down menu and select the category of jobs you want to view in the list.
• Sort the job listing – The column headers in the table are links that, when clicked, will sort the jobs in ascending (one click) or descending (two clicks) order. Each subsequent click will reverse the sort order.Note: It is not possible to sort the table using the Owner column.
• View the details for any job – Click on the Job ID to open the Ongoing Job Details screen, which is where you can edit or view various parts of the job.
• A clock icon represents jobs that are authorized for delivery and awaiting a future delivery time. Click on a specific job ID to open the Ongoing Job Details screen for a particular job. It is possible to rescind the delivery authorization status by clicking on the [Revoke Send Authorization] button. Click the View link adjacent to each of the job details to review the selections. Once the authorization has been revoked, it is possible to edit the job details from the Workflow or Summary Diagrams. Depending on what steps are edited, other steps may have to be revisited and delivery authorization will have to be given again.
• A yellow arrows icon represents jobs that are currently being processed. It is possible to click on the ID of such a job very soon after it begins delivery if the user is quick enough or if the job is large and sending takes a longer time. The Ongoing Job Details screen appears with a [Stop Sending] button. Clicking this button while sending is still in process, will abort the delivery. The job will then be listed in the “failed” state.
• A red X icon represents jobs that have failed to be sent. Failed jobs can be the result of a bad connection, network problems, or server problems. Click the ID of such a job to open the Ongoing Job Details screen. Three buttons appear, [Re-Open Job], [Close Job], and [Retry Sending]. Click [Re-Open Job] to re-open the job for editing. Click [Close Job] to close the job as “failed” and put it in the Completed Jobs list. Click [Retry Sending] to immediately restart the sending of the failed job.Figure 11-2 The Ongoing Job Details ScreenTip: Use [Retry Sending] if the reason for the failure was a temporary one, (for example, the LISTSERV server being down) so that the job can be delivered once the temporary reason is gone.Important: If a job contains a virus, and virus protection is enabled in LISTSERV, then it will fail during delivery. It will be rejected by LISTSERV. The job will remain on the Outgoing Jobs screen in the "failed" state. The reason for the failure (a message about the detected virus) will be visible when clicking on the job to view the job details. From there, the job can either be re-opened to change the content (to get rid of the virus) and sent again, or closed and remain in the list as a failed job.The Ongoing Jobs: Advanced Filter Settings screen lets you activate and define an advanced filter for the Ongoing Jobs list. To access this screen, click on the Advanced Filter Settings link on the Ongoing Jobs screen.If the filter is set to active, then only jobs that fulfill the filter condition will be displayed in the list. Define the active filter condition as follows:
• Job ID starts with or Full Job ID starts with – Enter a text string that is used as a "starts with" filter for the job ID. Only jobs where the job-ID (or the full job-ID, including the ID-prefix) starts with the given text will be included. Whether or not the job-ID or the full job-ID will be used for filtering is determined by your preference setting for job-ID prefix. If the prefix is included in the job list, then this filter will be applied to the full job-ID, including the prefix (as it is displayed in the job list). If the job-ID prefix is not included in the job list, then this filter will only apply to the bare job-ID, without the prefix. Leave this field empty if you do not want to filter over the job ID.
• Job Title contains – Enter a text string that is used as a "contains" filter for the job title. Only jobs where the job title contains the given text string (case sensitive) will be included. Leave empty if you do not want to filter over the job title.
• Date/Time of Sending – Enter a From and/or a To date and time (in the displayed format) to define a time range filter. If only a From date/time is entered, then only jobs where the date/time is the given date/time or later will be included. If only a To date/time is entered, then only jobs where the date/time is the given date/time or earlier will be included. If both a From and To date/time is entered, then only jobs where the sent date/time is between the two given borders (including the borders themselves) will be included. Leave empty if you do not want to filter over the date/time.
• Job State – Select one of the jobs states (Authorized, Being Processed, or Failed) to define a job state filter. Only jobs with the matching job state will be included. Select <Ignore> if you do not want to filter over the job state.
• Owner – If applicable, select an owner from the drop-down menu. Only jobs with the matching owner will be included. Select <Ignore> if you do not want to filter over the owner.
• Mail Type – Select one of the mail types (HTML or Plain) to define a mail type filter. Only jobs with the matching mail type will be included. Select <Ignore> if you do not want to filter over the mail type.Figure 11-3 Advanced Filter SettingsNote: If you define any filter settings and later set the filter to "inactive", then the filter settings will still be remembered, which means you can easily activate them again at a later time.If delivery of an auto-repeat job fails for any reason, the failure is handled differently than with normal jobs. A normal job that fails remains on the Ongoing Jobs screen and is marked as failed. From there, the job can be closed, transferring it to the list of delivered jobs. Alternatively, delivery can be retried, or the job can be re-opened for editing. A failed auto-repeat job is marked failed as usual, but it is automatically closed and transferred to the list of delivered jobs, just as if it had been manually closed as a failed normal job. If the end-condition for the auto-repeat has not yet been met, a new copy is created and authorized for delivery after the corresponding delay interval, just as if the delivery of the previous job had not failed.As a result, if at a given delivery time some condition that causes failure exists (perhaps outside of LISTSERV Maestro such as the inaccessibility of a database), then only this auto-repeat instance will fail. The next auto-repeat instance will be created and authorized normally, and will proceed to be delivered at its scheduled delivery time. If the condition that caused the first failure still exists at the next interval, the delivery of the next copy will fail as well. However, the copy after that (if there is one) may have a chance to get through if conditions change, and so on.11.3 Multiple Job ActionsFrom the Ongoing Jobs screen, you can also perform certain actions on several jobs at once by using the Multiple Job Actions feature. This feature is normally disabled. To enable it, click Mail Job > Multiple Job Actions > Enable Multiple Job Actions. The Ongoing Jobs screen will refresh and each job will have a checkbox next to it. In addition, the Mail Job menu will show additional entries that can be performed on several jobs at once.To manipulate several jobs at once, check all jobs that you want to edit and then select the desired option from Multiple Job Actions submenu (located on the Mail Job menu). These options include:
• Edit Category of All Selected Jobs – Opens the Edit Category of All Selected Jobs screen. Select or define the category that you want to assign to the selected jobs.
• Select All – Selects all of the jobs in the list.
• Unselect All – Unselects all of the jobs in the list.
• Disable Multiple Job Actions – disables the feature and hides the additional checkboxes.Note: Once the Multiple Job Actions feature is enabled, then it will be enabled on all other job list screens (i.e. the Open Jobs Screen and the Completed Jobs Screen) until you disable it again.Figure 11-4 Multiple Job Actions for the Ongoing Jobs Screen