• Emphasized words or phrases will be underlined.
• Unless otherwise specified, directory paths are for Microsoft Windows installations of LISTSERV Maestro. For Linux or Solaris, substitute the Maestro top-level directory for \Program Files\L-Soft\Application Server.For information on the current LISTSERV Maestro version and build you are running, simply select the Utility menu from the Toolbar and then select About LISTSERV Maestro. The About LISTSERV Maestro screen opens, which lists the current build and version of your LISTSERV Maestro.Figure 3-1 About LISTSERV Maestro ScreenThis new About LISTSERV Maestro option is availble in both the User Interface and the Adminstration Interface.Figure 3-2 The About Menu OptionIn addition, it also requires LISTSERV 15.6. The LISTSERV installer that is bundled with the Windows Setup Suite for LISTSERV Maestro 4.0 contains this version of LISTSERV.