10.5 LCMDX.C
Note: This code is also available for download from https://ftp.lsoft.com/CONTRIB/lcmdx.c . A precompiled executable for Windows may be downloaded from https://ftp.lsoft.com/CONTRIB/lcmdx-intel.exe . |
To compile an lcmdx executable for unix, simply download the code to a convenient directory and issue the command
[me@unixbox ~]$ sudo gcc -O lcmdx.c -o lcmdx
at the command prompt. This presumes that your compiler is ‘gcc’ and you have the correct level of permission to execute it. Once you have lcmdx compiled, you can either keep it in the same directory where you have compiled it, or you can copy it into /usr/local/bin or some other directory in your $PATH. You will also want to set appropriate ownership and permissions for lcmdx. For instance, `sudo chmod 755 lcmdx; chown root:root lcmdx’ will result in the following:
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 13384 Apr 11 10:42 lcmdx
which should allow any user to execute lcmdx. This may be more extreme than you prefer; the only constraint is that the ownership and permissions must be set so lcmdx can be executed by whomever needs to run lcmdx.
Note: Under Solaris, most network programs require you to pass the ‘-lsocket -lnsl’ flags to the compiler when compiling. If this is not done, then compiling LCMDX.C under Solaris will fail with network-related library errors. |
* *
* LISTSERV V2 - send command to LISTSERV on remote node via TCPGUI interface *
* *
* Copyright L-Soft international 1996-97 - All rights reserved *
* *
* Syntax: *
* *
* lcmdx hostname[:port] address password command *
* *
* Connects to ‘hostname’ on port ‘port’ (default=2306) using the LISTSERV *
* TCPGUI protocol, then executes the LISTSERV command ‘command’ from the *
* origin ‘address’. ‘password’ is the personal LISTSERV password associated *
* with the command origin (‘address’) - see the description of the PW ADD *
* command for more information on LISTSERV passwords. The reply from *
* LISTSERV is echoed to standard output (the command is executed *
* synchronously). *
* *
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#ifdef INTUX
#include <net/errno.h>
#define DEFAULT_PORT 2306
#ifdef ultrix
/* Use read() rather than recv() to bypass a bug in Ultrix */
#define recv(a, b, c, d) read(a, b, c)
static int receive(int ss, char *buf, int len)
char *w, *e;
int l;
for (w = buf, e = buf + len; w < e;) {
l = recv(ss, w, e - w, 0);
if (l <= 0)
w += l;
int LSV_send_command(char *hostname, unsigned short port, char *origin,
char *pw, char *command, FILE *writeto)
char buf[256], *reply = 0, *cmd, *w, *r, *e;
unsigned char *wb;
int rc, ss, len, orglen, n;
unsigned int ibuf[2];
struct sockaddr_in sa_connect;
struct hostent *H;
/* Initialize */
cmd = malloc(strlen(command) + strlen(pw) + 5);
sprintf(cmd, “%s PW=%s”, command, pw);
orglen = strlen(origin);
/* Create a socket */
if ((ss = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
goto Socket_Error;
/* Prepare sa_connect structure */
memset(&sa_connect, 0, sizeof(sa_connect));
sa_connect.sin_family = AF_INET;
sa_connect.sin_port = htons(port);
if ((H = gethostbyname(hostname)) && H->h_addr_list[0])
memcpy(&sa_connect.sin_addr, H->h_addr_list[0], 4);
goto Socket_Error;
/* Connect to the TCPGUI port */
if (connect(ss, (struct sockaddr *)&sa_connect,
sizeof(sa_connect)) < 0)
goto Socket_Error;
/* Send the protocol level request and the command header */
wb = (unsigned char *)buf;
len = strlen(cmd);
n = len + orglen + 1; /* Byte length */
*wb++ = ‘1’; /* Protocol level: 1 */
*wb++ = ‘B’; /* Mode: binary */
*wb++ = ‘\r’;
*wb++ = ‘\n’;
*wb++ = n / 256; /* Request length byte 1 */
*wb++ = n & 255; /* Request length byte 2 */
*wb++ = orglen; /* Origin length: 1 */
for (r = origin; *r;)
*wb++ = (unsigned char)*r++;
if (send(ss, buf, (char *)wb - buf, 0) < 0)
goto Socket_Error;
/* Await confirmation */
for (w = buf;;) {
n = recv(ss, w, buf + sizeof(buf) - w, 0);
if (n <= 0)
goto Socket_Error;
w += n;
for (r = buf; r < w && *r != ‘\n’; r++);
if (r != w)
/* Anything other than 250 is an error */
if (buf[0] != ‘2’ || buf[1] != ‘5’ || buf[2] != ‘0’)
goto Protocol_Error;
/* Finish sending the command text */
if (send(ss, cmd, len, 0) < 0)
goto Socket_Error;
/* Read the return code and reply length */
if (receive(ss, (char *)ibuf, 8) <= 0)
goto Socket_Error;
/* Exit if the return code is not 0 */
if (ntohl(ibuf[0]))
goto Protocol_Error;
/* Read the reply */
len = ntohl(ibuf[1]);
reply = malloc(len + 1);
if (receive(ss, (char *)reply, len) <= 0)
goto Socket_Error;
/* Cut it into individual lines, and output it */
for (r = reply, e = reply + len; r < e;) {
for (w = r; w < e && *w != ‘\r’; w++);
*w++ = ‘\0’;
fprintf(writeto, “%s\n”, r);
r = w;
if (r < e && *r == ‘\n’)
/* Close the socket and return */
rc = 0;
goto Done;
rc = 1000;
goto Done;
rc = errno;
goto Done;
if (reply)
if (ss >= 0)
#ifndef NO_MAIN
int main(int argc, char **argv)
char cmd[8192], hostname[80], *w, *r;
int rc, n;
unsigned short port;
/* Parse positional parameters */
if (argc < 5) {
Syntax: lcmdx hostname[:port] address password command\n”);
for (r = argv[1], w = hostname; *r && *r != ‘:’;)
*w++ = *r++;
*w = ‘\0’;
if (*r == ‘:’)
port = atoi(++r);
for (n = 4, w = cmd; n < argc; n++) {
if (w != cmd)
*w++ = ‘ ‘;
for (r = argv[n]; *r; *w++ = *r++);
*w = ‘\0’;
/* Execute the command */
rc = LSV_send_command(hostname, port, argv[2], argv[3], cmd,
if (rc == 1000)
>>> Protocol error while communicating with LISTSERV.”);
else if (rc != 0)
>>> Error - unable to initiate communication with LISTSERV (errno=%d).\n”, rc);