L-Soft is ready to start LISTSERV 16.0 beta testing. The highlights of LISTSERV 16.0 include:
Newsletter Template System: The brand new newsletter template management system allows customers to send HTML newsletters without expert-level HTML skills. Newsletters can be created by simply clicking on placeholders and filling in the content. A text alternative part is created automatically, while the draft feature allows senders to work on newsletters over time. The interface also carries an integrated WYSIWYG HTML editor for fine-tuning.

Content Analysis: The message posting interface offers a content analysis feature for customers with maintenance. The analysis runs the email message through SpamAssassin, highlighting potential problem areas and evaluating the likelihood that the message will be viewed as spam by receiving mail systems.
Improved Attachment Handling: The Attachments list configuration keyword has been expanded with an additional option, which permits users to send attachments to a list but instead of distributing them to subscribers, LISTSERV stores the attachments on the server for download using an automatically generated link.
UTF-8 Support: LISTSERV now supports UTF-8 for subscriber names, list titles and list descriptions, facilitating lists and sites that operate in non-English languages and rely on charsets other than ISO-8859-1.
RSS Previews: The LISTSERV archives now display hovering RSS previews of the message content when moving the mouse over the subject line of a message.
Improved Archive Search: The archive search function has been improved to use more accurate sorting for searches that produce hits spanning several pages.
CSV Reports: List reports, subscriber report and server usage reports can now be downloaded as CSV files and exported to Excel or other external applications.
Customers who are interested in beta testing LISTSERV, please contact: beta@lsoft.com.