Section 1

Section 2
Configuring for First Use

Section 3
Changing Admin Password

Section 4
Creating Accounts

Section 5
Global Component Settings

Section 6

Section 7
Log Files

Section 8
User Interface Settings

Section 9
Database Connections

Section 10
Non-Standard Ports

10.2 Configuring Ports

10.2 Continued

Section 11

Section 12

Section 13
Tracking and Recipient Profiles

Section 14
Editing INI Files

Section 15
Distributed Components

Section 16
User Interface Branding

Section 17
Evaluation Mode

Section 18
International Character Sets

Appendix A
Standard Default Ports

10.2 Configuring Port Usage

If any of the ports described in the previous sections are already in use on the server where the LISTSERV® component is installed, it is possible to change the use of this port. Note that some components make use of the same port as other components. This is not a problem between the different components of LISTSERV Maestro. If there are several components on the same server, then these components share usage of these ports (port 80 for HTTP access and port 1099 for internal communication for example). It is not necessary or even possible to configure one component to use a different port than the other while the components are on the same server.

10.2.1 Configuring the HTTP Port

To configure the HTTP port, edit the following file:

\Program Files\L-Soft\Application Server\conf\server.xml

In this file there is an XML-entry for the "Normal HTTP" connector (this is close to the end of the file, immediately following the

<!-- ====== Connectors ======= -->” header). An example of this entry is shown below:

<!-- Normal HTTP -->
<Connector className="org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector">
<Parameter name="handler" value="org.apache.tomcat.service.http.HttpConnectionHandler"/>
<Parameter name="port" value="80"/>

The standard HTTP port “80” is used. Simply change this value to any port not currently in use by another application.

If there are several LISTSERV Maestro components installed on the same server, then they will all be affected by this change. It is not possible to use different HTTP ports for each of the components if the components are installed on the same server. However, if the components are installed on different servers, they can use different HTTP ports. It is important to note that these changes will only be effective after a restart of the component in question.

When changing the HTTP port, there are a few issues to be aware of:

  • If the HTTP port is changed on a particular server where it affects the Maestro Tracker component (where this component is installed), then it is also necessary to change the Tracking URL - HTTP Port settings in the Administration Hub, either by editing the global component settings or on the group or single user level.
  • If the HTTP port is changed on the server where it affects the Administration Hub component, then it is necessary to edit the Maestro User Interface INI file. Once the server where the Maestro User Interface component is installed edit the file:

    \Program Files\L-Soft\Application Server\lui\lui.ini

    Edit or add the entry "HubHTTPPort" (if the entry is not present or is commented out, it defaults to port 80).
  • The Maestro User Interface and the Administration Hub User Interface are both accessed using this HTTP port. This implies that if this port were to be changed, it would no longer be possible to access these interfaces by entering their plain URL into the location field of a browser. Instead, it is necessary to add a colon followed by the port number to the URL. For example, if the HTTP port is changed to 8080, then the access URL will need to include the port number as shown below:

  • The shortcuts to access the Maestro User Interface and the Administration Hub User Interface that are installed in the Windows start menu do not include any port information. They expect the user interfaces to be accessible on the standard port 80. If this port is changed, then it is necessary to edit these shortcuts and add “:yourPort” to the URL, as described above.
  • Changing the HTTP port also affects the "CompileAll" command (this command is a tool to pre-compile all pages before first use - see the Installation Manual for details). Usually this command is only executed once, right after installation. However, if "CompileAll" needs to be run again (for example after an upgrade installation), and HTTP access port has been changed for the LISTSERV Maestro installation, the following files must be edited:

    \Program Files\L-Soft\Application Server\commands\compile\

    \Program Files\L-Soft\Application Server\commands\compile\

    Note that the "" file is located on the server where the Administration Hub component is installed, while the "" file is located on the server where the Maestro User Interface component is installed. If both components are on the same server, then the two files will be as well.

    The file can be edited with any text editor. It contains a single line, comprised of the access-URL (including host-name and port) for the Administration Hub and the Maestro User Interface component, respectively. Change it so that it contains the new HTTP port with a colon ":" after the host name (or leave out port and colon if the port is the standard port 80). For example, if the HTTP port was changed to "8888", then the Maestro User Interface entry must look like this:


    The Administration Hub will look similar, only with "/hub" at the end. If the port is changed back to the standard 80, then either include ":80" instead of the ":8888" shown above, or just leave out the port and the colon

  • If LISTSERV Maestro is installed behind a firewall (which is advisable) and the Maestro User Interface and/or the Administration Hub User Interface needs to be accessible from a computer outside the firewall, the firewall must be configured to allow access on the configured port instead of the standard HTTP port.
  • Similarly, if the Maestro Tracker component is installed behind a firewall, then the firewall must be configured to give all outside users access to the server where Maestro Tracker is installed on the port that is configured for HTTP access. This is normally port 80, but can be a different port if the port was changed as described above.

    The whole tracking mechanism of LISTSERV Maestro will not work if the Maestro Tracker component is installed behind a firewall in a way such that outside clients do not have access to its configured HTTP port.