LISTSERV Maestro 3.3 Introduces Custom-Selected Visual Email Metrics

LISTSERV Maestro 3.3, released February 12, provides email marketers and communicators with real-time campaign data through custom-selected visual email metrics and reports directly on the campaign dashboard.
Q: Why is it better to send links to large attachments through LISTSERV rather than the attachments themselves?
Answer by John Harlan Vice President, Computer Services, L-Soft
One of the many extremely convenient features of LISTSERV has long been its ability to include attachments in electronic mailings. It is undeniably very handy to be able to send a file – a word processing document, a spreadsheet, a photograph, a sound file, or a PDF file – along with an email message to a group of recipients.
Showcase Your Email List Initiatives |
Would you like to see your organization's work with LISTSERV or LISTSERV Maestro featured in L-Soft's "LISTSERV at Work" newsletter and Website? L-Soft staff is available to develop case study profiles based on your input. You will be given the opportunity to approve the case study before publication. Or would you like to provide a quote or testimonial on your experience with L-Soft products?
Please contact for more information.
Quote of the Issue |
"Since 2001, L-Soft's LISTSERV® technology has given us a tool to transform families from passive bystanders into informed advocates. Today, the Barth Syndrome Foundation and our Barth syndrome charitable partners in Canada, South Africa and Europe represent fewer than 200 males with the disease. My son, who at age 10 was facing the same life-threatening diagnosis to which his brother succumbed at age 4, is now 21 years of age and there are others in our group who are in their fourth decade of life. We are a community that lives online to save lives that are on the line."
Shelley Bowen President Barth Syndrome Foundation
New White Papers: A/B-Split Testing, Dynamic Dashboards

L-Soft is pleased to announce the availability of two new white papers, focusing on improving your email marketing and email list communication results with LISTSERV Maestro's A/B-split testing functionality and how to make the most out of the LISTSERV Maestro dashboard to facilitate your job management and monitor your communication performance.
Update on LISTSERV Choice Awards
A big "thank you" to everyone who submitted a nomination to this year's LISTSERV Choice Awards. We had active participation with |

great diversity among the nominees.
Q: How can I customize the LISTSERV Maestro Dashboard so the information that's important to me is most prominent?
Answer by Françoise Becker VP Software Engineering, L-Soft
You can easily rearrange dashboard sections and add graphs to your dashboard so that the information you are most interested in is at the top. For example, perhaps you are interested in seeing an overview of all jobs and subscriptions, or perhaps you want to focus on a particular category of jobs, or monitor the activities related to a particular dataset or even a single list. This is all possible. With the newly released LISTSERV Maestro 3.3, you have the ability to add reports to the dashboard, giving you immediate access to your most important metrics.
LISTSERV at Work - Quickpoll |
Do you track and evaluate recipient responses (for example, open-up and click-through rates) for your email lists?