How to Build your Opt-In Email List
"How do we get people to give us permission to send them email marketing messages?" is the most common question I hear from L-Soft's email marketing seminar attendees.
To get customers and prospects to sign up for your email advertising or newsletter deliveries, consider these five tips for a successful opt-in strategy.
L-Soft Interviews Kristi Hughes, Director of Communications at WorldWIT
WorldWIT, hailed 2004 Woman's Business Association of the Year, is a global resource for women in business, offering on and offline services and discussion communities for professional women to network, mentor, and learn on a local and global level.

Q: How can I get LISTSERV to check messages for spam?
Answer by Françoise Becker VP of Software Engineering, L-Soft
LISTSERV 14.3 Classic and HPO include an "exit point" that allows you to use a third-party spam filter to scan messages processed by LISTSERV. The box below provides an example using SpamAssassinTM.
Three main tasks need to be accomplished in order to enable spam filtering in LISTSERV.
To submit questions for future issues of the newsletter, please contact

Q: How can I make sure my email messages get delivered?
Answer by Beth Stinson Technical Writer, L-Soft
You can greatly increase the chance that your messages will be delivered by using LISTSERV Maestro's spam checker. The spam checker, available in version 2.0-2 and higher, can check the likelihood that your message might be identified as spam by pointing out problem areas in the message. Once identified, problem areas such as no text alternative for HTML messages or using exclamation points in the subject or body can be corrected, giving messages a greater chance to reach recipients.
To submit questions for future issues of the newsletter, please contact
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Do you have a friend or a colleague who you think would be interested in LISTSERV at Work?
ACOR Wins Top Honor in LISTSERV Choice Awards

The Association of Cancer Online Resources (ACOR), an Internet-based public charity that operates the largest assembly of cancer-related email lists on the Internet, won the Grand Prize for 2004-05, the inaugural year of the LISTSERV Choice Awards.
L-Soft Announces 2005-06 LISTSERV Choice Awards Program
The inaugural LISTSERV Choice Awards proved to be a tremendous success. The competition provides the only industry recognition |

of all types of email lists, email marketing campaigns and mailings. Now L-Soft is launching the second year of the LISTSERV Choice Awards, with streamlined categories and exciting prizes. All LISTSERV email lists and LISTSERV Maestro email campaigns and mailings can participate. The categories are designed to encourage the widest participation possible. All categories are open for nominations. |
LISTSERV Choice Awards Categories |
LISTSERV Discussion Award Deadline: July 1, 2005
LISTSERV Newsletter Award Deadline: October 1, 2005
LISTSERV Announcement Award Deadline: December 1, 2005
LISTSERV Innovation Award Deadline: February 1, 2006
Upcoming Events |
L-Soft's Training & Consulting Group will host the next LISTSERV and LISTSERV Maestro training sessions at the company's Washington, DC, metropolitan area facilities in the fall of 2005.
L-Soft is Hiring |
L-Soft's is looking for new talent. If you would like to work with a dynamic Internet company, check the following list of currently available positions:
B2B Software Sales Representative
Junior Customer Support Engineer
In the Next Issue |
We wish our readers a great summer. Look for your next issue of LISTSERV at Work in the fall. And remember to submit your nominations for this year's LISTSERV Choice Awards competition.