L-Soft Launches New, Interactive LISTSERV Choice Awards

L-Soft's LISTSERV Choice Awards is a worldwide recognition program for email list communication excellence. Now in its fourth year, the LISTSERV Choice Awards honor the most successful, beneficial and exemplary usage of email lists. This year's contest adds more interactivity, allowing email list enthusiasts to not just nominate but also to vote for their favorite lists.
EmailRules: Where Email Marketing and Email List Communication Rule
L-Soft's discussion community, EmailRules, turned one over the summer. It is exciting to see the community growing, and we invite you to participate in EmailRules, welcoming anyone who has questions, answers, best practices and advice to share about opt-in email marketing and email list communication. Sample topics covered this past year include HTML rendering, the power of subject lines and email data management. Bring your ideas and passion for email and join today.
Q: How can LISTSERV's RSS support help subscribers monitor list traffic more effectively?
Answer by Tom McDaniel Research and Programming Consultant, L-Soft
By design, Internet content is evolutionary and expanding. Each day finds more news, more blog entries and more discussion list postings that demand the attention of Internet users. Being disparate, these Internet sources typically require a user to visit site after site to monitor traffic. Wouldn't it be great if you could get all those updates delivered to you, in real time, without cluttering up your inbox? Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the concept of aggregation.
Refer a Colleague |
Do you have a colleague who would be interested in LISTSERV at Work? Use our form to refer them to L-Soft's newsletter; subscriptions are only issued after the subscribers actively confirm through a double opt-in procedure.
Showcase Your Email List Initiatives |
Would you like to see your organization's work with LISTSERV or LISTSERV Maestro featured in L-Soft's LISTSERV at Work newsletter and Website? L-Soft staff is available to develop case study profiles based on your input. You will be given the opportunity to approve the case study before publication. Or would you like to provide a quote or testimonial on your experience with L-Soft products?
Please contact editor@lsoft.com for more information.
Facing the Acid Test: HTML Support in Email Clients

When designing HTML newsletters, it is important to take into account the different levels of HTML support among email clients. The Email Standards Project, which works with email client developers and the design community to improve web standards support in email, has tested the most popular desktop and webmail clients. The results of the acid test highlight several solid email clients but also demonstrate that inconsistent rendering is still a major problem.
L-Soft Discusses Media Tools at Internet Marketing Conference
L-Soft's Lars Nordstrom participated in a panel discussion at the Internet Marketing Conference (IMC) in Barcelona, Spain, on October 2. The topic of the panel was tools for media companies, with the discussion centering on media content and controlling the flow. Lars represented L-Soft on a panel that included Prisacom, Nedstat and WebAnalytics.es, discussing the technology tools available and glimpses into the future for the media industry.
Q: I have several jobs that I would like to compare without having to run a separate report for each job. Is there an easier way to do this?
Answer by Holly Taylor Technical Writer, L-Soft
LISTSERV Maestro's Job comparison reports allow you to dynamically compare the tracking events for two or more jobs (up to 12 jobs can be included). Job comparison reports enable you to compare separate standard jobs or to compare the variants of an A/B-Split Job, helping you figure out the best variant for the job.
LISTSERV is a Registered Trademark |
Did you know?
- There is only one LISTSERV®.
- L-Soft is the exclusive provider of LISTSERV-brand solutions.
- L-Soft actively protects its trademarked software.
- You can help. Email misuses of the term "LISTSERV", particularly by a software vendor or media organization, to: trademarks@lsoft.com.
LISTSERV at Work - Quickpoll |
How frequently do you use a mobile phone or smartphone to send and receive email?