Share Your Insights: Get a LISTSERV T-Shirt
Big thanks to you, our customers and newsletter readers. To best serve your needs, we'd love to hear your insights on email technology as we ring in a new decade.
Please click the button below and take a few minutes to let us know:
 How your organization is using email lists for communication and engagement
 Any challenges that you're encountering with email technology
 Resources and support that would be useful to your work with email
All submissions with valid email and postal mail addresses will receive a LISTSERV t-shirt while supplies last. We appreciate your feedback and insights. Thank you!
2020 Vision: Ready for a New Decade of Email?
Make the most of the newest resources to help you effectively manage your organization's groups and communications:
Learn LISTSERV: Easy and helpful video tutorials about working with email lists
Software Tuneup: Tech review for optimization of your organization's LISTSERV site
Stay compliant with the latest product versions:
LISTSERV 17.0: Responsive and customizable interface for blogs, email groups and beautiful newsletters
ListPlex Dedicated: Premium email list hosting service, powered by LISTSERV HPO, for the cloud era
Privacy in View: Be Sure You're Up-to-Date on Rules and Tools
The new decade brings with it continuing and new data privacy and protection regulations. Are you making the most of the GDPR-compliance tools in LISTSERV and LISTSERV Maestro? And did you know that a new privacy and data protection law – the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) – takes effect in California on January 1, 2020?
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