L-Soft is celebrating its 10-year anniversary this year. The company, which was incorporated February 14, 1994, will reflect on its success up to this point and share its enthusiasm for the future of the e-mail industry through a variety of anniversary-related activities. Below is a timeline highlighting key L-Soft events and milestones from its inception in 1994 to today.
(Requires Flash Player 6)
Q. How can I schedule a series of e-mail jobs to be sent at preset intervals in LISTSERV Maestro?
Answer by Beth Stinson
Technical Writer, Software Development, L-Soft
LISTSERV Maestro 1.2-4 introduced auto-repeat jobs. Auto-repeat jobs are made up of a sequence of identical jobs based on the first job created in the series and scheduled to be delivered at regular programmable intervals. Various settings control the auto-repeat sequence, and these sequences can be used in many ways.
Once the first job in an auto-repeat series is set up, tested and authorized for delivery, the rest of the jobs in the series can run without the intervention of a user, saving time and resources. This also makes auto-repeat jobs compatible with automated systems.
Auto-repeat jobs can be scheduled to run indefinitely, each job being sent out at the arranged time interval, until the series is manually stopped by a user's intervention. Auto-repeat jobs can also be programmed to stop at a pre-configured time, removing from the user the worry about remembering the stop dates of various jobs.
A special fail-safe feature is built into auto-repeat jobs preventing the entire series from failing in the event that a job or jobs in the series fails. From time to time a single job or several jobs in an auto-repeat series may fail due to network failures, database problems or other temporary reasons. With a normal job, if the job fails, it is placed in the Outbox and marked as failed. From there it can be manually closed, reopened to edit, or sent again. With auto-repeat jobs, the failed job is automatically closed, but a copy of the job is automatically authorized to be sent at the next time interval. If that job fails too, the next copy is authorized for delivery at the next time interval and so on until the job is stopped manually or by reaching the end date.
To schedule a job for auto-repeat delivery:
- Click on the Schedule Delivery icon from the Workflow diagram.
- Define the delivery time for the first time to send the job - either "immediately when authorized" or at a specific date and time in the future.
- Click the Click to enable link on the line that says "Advanced scheduling options are disabled. Click to enable".
- Select "Auto-repeat delivery of this job."
- Define the delay interval between repeated deliveries in terms of hours, days, weeks or months.
- Define how the job will stop. There are two choices:
a. Keep repeating forever until stopped manually b. Enter a specific date and time to stop the series.
To submit questions for future issues of the newsletter, please contact editor@lsoft.com.
"We have been using LISTSERV since the '80s when it was available on Bitnet. Being there for that long a time is in itself a remarkable achievement, but since it is also improving with time while retaining the qualities of efficiency, reliability and versatility makes it unique among the many applications that I know. Keep up the good work, and happy anniversary!"
Moshe Barak,
Head of User Support Group,
Taub Computer Center,
To send comments about this newsletter or if there is a topic that you would like to see addressed in a future issue, please contact editor@lsoft.com.
For more information about L-Soft, e-mail lists, e-mail marketing, the latest press releases and upcoming events, visit the L-Soft opt-in page, www.lsoft.com/optin.html, where you can sign up to receive future mailings. For more information or a customized quote, please contact sales@lsoft.com.
In its role as a global provider of e-mail list communication and opt-in e-mail marketing solutions, L-Soft continuously monitors the trends in the United States and European marketplaces.
Exclusive to the subscribers of "LISTSERV at Work," L-Soft has published a list of five of the most important industry events that took place in United States this past year and has included predictions for trends that may occur in 2004.
The renowned NTBugtraq e-mail list was created to invite the free and open discussion of security exploits or bugs in Microsoft products and third party products that run on Microsoft operating systems, including Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 and Windows XP. The mailing list has become a widely used forum to report reproducible security issues that subscribers personally encounter.
The purpose of The Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago is stated as the "accumulation and dissemination of knowledge, and the preservation and exhibition of objects illustrating art, archaeology, science, and history." This 100-year-old institution first began using e-mail lists for effective communication among its internal staff. Subsequently, e-mail updates were sent to the museum's specially trained educators and board of trustees.
To browse more client success stories, visit L-Soft's case study page. If you or your company would like to be featured as an L-Soft success story, please contact editor@lsoft.com.
L-Soft Ventures Down Under
To address the needs of customers in the Australia/Pacific region, L-Soft has begun cooperating with Australian company Bilby Blue IT Solutions. Its representative Michael Shannon performs different tasks for L-Soft in this region, including helping with local sales, providing onsite training and consulting to local customers using L-Soft's solutions, and assisting L-Soft in better exploring the Australia/Pacific market. Because of his location, Michael Shannon also participates in follow up with European and U.S. West Coast customers with unresolved customer support issues when L-Soft's regular customer support staff is gone for the day. Michael Shannon has a background in web development, having spent three years at TOWER software as a webmaster. He has sound LISTSERV experience as manager of the organization's LISTSERV account.
L-Soft is conducting the next public training sessions at its Landover, MD, facilities February 24-26, 2004. For more information about the classes offered and a list of the schedule, see the training page or e-mail training@lsoft.com.

L-Soft's VP of Marketing Gabriela Linares will present "Building Business Relations Using E-Mail" at the BizTech Expo on March 18, 2004, in Bethesda, Maryland.

L-Soft will exhibit and present a mini-workshop named "Email Lists Empower the Field Museum" at the Museums and the Web 2004 conference March 31-April 3, 2004, in Arlington, Virginia.

Eric Thomas, L-Soft's CEO, presented "Freeing the Internet from Spam - Opt-In, Filtering and Other Approaches" on November 19, 2003, at IP-Dagarna in Stockholm, Sweden.

Gabriela Linares, L-Soft's VP of Marketing, gave a presentation named "Electronic Mail Marketing - E-Mail and Online Tactics that Work" on October 28, 2003, at the PRSA e-workshop in Washington, DC.
Thank you for filling out the newsletter survey!
Last issue's survey generated many responses from our readers. L-Soft would like to thank all of you who filled out the survey. The responses showed a high level of satisfaction with the newsletter as it stands now. However, we also received feedback on how to further develop the newsletter and make it even more valuable to your organization. Watch for your suggested changes in 2004.
Again, thank you for helping us improve the newsletter. And as always, if you have any comments that you would like to share with us, please e-mail them to editor@lsoft.com.