L-Soft Case Studies

L-Soft's email list management and email marketing solutions are being used by companies and organizations in virtually every industry. The following case studies demonstrate how companies are using L-Soft's solutions to improve customer service and satisfaction, create interactive virtual communities, and decrease the delivery time of large volumes of email.

L-Soft is always happy to hear from our customers. If you would like to showcase your email list initiatives and participate in a case study, please contact us. The process is quick and easy, and you will of course be able to edit and approve the case study before publication.

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ACOR (Association of Cancer Online Resources)

Association of Cancer Online Resources

The Association of Cancer Online Resources (ACOR), a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation founded in 1996, is an umbrella organization created and run by volunteers. Started with the goal to foster free, timely and accurate information to cancer patients using the power of the Internet, ACOR is providing hosting services to a growing number of specialized Websites created by professional organizations and patients alike. ACOR operates the largest collection of cancer-related mailing lists on the Internet.

ACOR needed a timely and dependable method of connecting cancer patients, family members and the medical community through the association's online presence.

ListPlex® email list hosting service.

ACOR has successfully launched 135 mailing lists that deliver more than 1.5 million messages weekly to more than 50,000 subscribers across the globe. LISTSERV® has enabled ACOR to offer free, timely and accurate information to cancer patients and build a bridge between the informed patient community and healthcare professionals.

"It is well known that electronic mailing lists are the most economical and effective means of global communication and information exchange between large numbers of people. Many people are benefiting from these lists, especially subscribers with a focus on rare forms of cancer, as well as those living in communities where resources are scarce."

Gilles Frydman

ACOR Case Study »



AEGEE is one of the largest interdisciplinary student associations in Europe. It is represented by 15,000 students, active in 241 academic cities and in 40 countries. AEGEE is a secular, non-profit organization that is not affiliated with any political party and strives to promote a unified and tolerant European society. All projects and activities are based on its members' volunteer work.

To connect AEGEE members in 40 countries across Europe and to provide a solid platform for young Europeans to communicate and interact.

LISTSERV® email list management software.

Quick and effective communication via numerous email lists.

"With the help of LISTSERV, we have not only managed to connect our members, but we've received services we had never expected, most noticeably the ability to filter and reject spam and the newly introduced support for DomainKeys."

Dilyan Palauzov
Mailing Lists Manager
AEGEE, Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l'Europe

AEGEE Case Study »

APAPO (American Psychological Association Practice Organization)

The PracticeUpdate electronic newsletter – powered by L-Soft's LISTSERV® technology – is designed to meet the needs of practicing psychologists nationwide. It is emailed every three weeks by the American Psychological Association Practice Organization (APAPO) to 60,000 licensed psychologists and psychology graduate students who are preparing for practice.

To distribute an electronic newsletter offering resources tailored specifically for the professional practice community.

LISTSERV® email list management software.

By using L-Soft's LISTSERV software to disseminate PracticeUpdate, APAPO shares important information with members in a cost-effective and timely manner and saves money on printing and mailing costs.

APAPO Case Study »


Ashoka is a non-profit organization designed to promote the profession of social entrepreneurship around the world. The network of people working toward Ashoka's goals currently numbers 1,100. These individuals, otherwise referred to as Ashoka Fellows, are from 38 different countries.

Lack of communication not only with Ashoka's 1,100 Fellows but also its large group of friends and supporters.

ListPlex® email list hosting service.

Since ListPlex was first implemented, Ashoka has launched several successful mailing lists. Supporters and friends can now stay in constant touch with the organization.

"We are grateful for the L-Soft donation, which has been very helpful in strengthening the community of Ashoka Fellows and engaging Ashoka supporters. We look forward to the coming year, in which we plan to launch a Social Entrepreneurship News Service and several other regionally based Fellow discussion forums."

Stephanie Fischer

Ashoka Case Study »

ASTC (Association of Science-Technology Centers)

Association of Science-Technology Centers

The Association of Science-Technology Centers is an organization of science centers and museums dedicated to furthering the public understanding of science among diverse audiences. ASTC encourages excellence and innovation in informal science learning by serving and linking members worldwide and advancing their common goals.

A technology was needed to provide professional development for the science center field, promote best practices, support effective communication, strengthen the position of science centers within the community at large, and foster the creation of successful partnerships and collaborations.

EASESM email list hosting service.

The list has become an indispensable tool for the science center network and has grown to include more than 1000 subscribers in 30 countries.

"ISEN-ASTC-L has become an indispensable tool for the science center network worldwide. Using the list, subscribers regularly exchange ideas and offer each other practical assistance on everything from common misconceptions about Mars to how to handle field trip groups."

Wendy Pollock
Director of Research, Publications and Exhibitions

ASTC Case Study »

Bell Canada

Bell Canada provides a range of communications services, including local and long-distance telephony, Internet access and high-speed data services to 12.6 million customers in Ontario and Quebec.

To make billing information more accessible, Bell Canada decided to send monthly email reminders to customers. The company needed a software solution that could scale as demand for the email reminder service increased.

LISTSERV® email list management software.

In the three years Bell Canada has offered the email reminder service, the subscriber base has steadily risen and currently stands at 300,000.

"One of the greatest things about LISTSERV and LSMTP is the configuration process. The language is so straightforward it is hard to go wrong. This saves valuable resource time and really makes L-Soft's solutions the natural choice for us."

Bill Attia
Senior Consultant

Bell Canada Case Study »

Cambridge Scientific Abstracts

Cambridge Scientific Abstracts

Cambridge Scientific Abstracts is a privately owned information company located in Bethesda, Maryland, with offices in Hong Kong, France, and the UK. CSA has been publishing abstracts and indexes to scientific and technical research literature for more than 30 years.

CSA needed an email campaign manager that provided list segmenting and personalization functionalities but still allowed a "do-it-yourself" approach.

ListPlex® Maestro hosted email marketing solution.

CSA sends anywhere from 6,000 to 50,000 emails monthly to its 15,000 list members with response rates from 12-19 percent and a list attrition rate of approximately 2 percent per year.

Cambridge Scientific Abstracts Case Study »



CharityChannel is a 12-year-old worldwide community of more than 150,000 voluntary-sector professionals who work for, or directly serve, nonprofit organizations.

To meet the demands of its rapidly growing community of professionals by expanding the use of discussion lists and online communities.

LISTSERV® email list management software.

Because LISTSERV has been instrumental in eliminating the barriers of time and distance, voluntary-sector professionals in every corner of the globe have discovered that they can now instantly have access to their colleagues with little more than an Internet connection.

CharityChannel Case Study »


CrimEnet uses LISTSERV® email list technology to serve a vital purpose: solving crime. CrimEnet, which stands for Crime Electronic Network, is an online network connecting law enforcement personnel to improve crime solving through email list communication.

Law enforcement agencies are unknowingly dealing with perpetrators who have committed multiple crimes in adjacent jurisdictions. But they rarely have the time to communicate with one another to compare details about certain types of crimes, especially burglaries, to find patterns that might indicate a single perpetrator is responsible.

EASESM email list hosting service.

The results attesting to CrimEnet's success include numerous suspects being taken into custody, arrest warrants issued and the recovery of stolen property.

CrimEnet Case Study »

The Field Museum of Natural History

The Field Museum of Natural History

The purpose of The Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago is stated as the "accumulation and dissemination of knowledge, and the preservation and exhibition of objects illustrating art, archaeology, science, and history."

The need to send moderated system-wide messages to approximately one thousand email accounts as often as seven times a day.

LISTSERV® email list management software.

Low overhead, an easy-to-use interface that allows multiple moderators, minimal impact on operations or the email server, an ability to send HTML messages as easily as text, and a minimal IT department support role.

"L-Soft's LISTSERV products are the best of breed in the email list niche and for good reason: Their software is easy to use, flexible, reliable and cost-effective."

Neil Young
Manager of Application and Enterprise Services
The Field Museum

The Field Museum of Natural History Case Study »



FORREX is dedicated to promoting healthy and sustainable ecosystems in British Columbia through research and outreach efforts. The organization's goals are to spread innovative ideas in the area of ecosystem management and to foster partnerships between natural resource users, researchers and those with experiential and indigenous knowledge.

A means for communication was needed to maintain regular contact between staff, partners and clients. In addition to archiving knowledge for future use, the tool had to provide people with the flexibility to maintain control over the information they received.

LISTSERV® email list management software.

Staff, partners and clients of FORREX now receive more regular communication. They can also customize their participation. They subscribe to topic-based lists containing information most relevant to their area of interest. They may receive this information in individual email messages or periodic digests.

"Sustainable management of natural resources is intimately linked to our ability to share knowledge. With LISTSERV, we are able to link more people to current information that supports learning objectives and decision-making."

Trina Innes
Natural Resources Information Specialist

FORREX Case Study »



GIST Support International (GSI) is an all-volunteer group of patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST cancer), family members, friends and interested professionals. GSI's LISTSERV groups connect more than 4,000 subscribers who form an online community to share information about GIST treatment and to support each other in living with GIST.

The need for people around the globe with gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), a rare cancer, and their caregivers to seek and share knowledge, support and community.

ListPlex® email list hosting service.

GSI's 4,000 members have learned about GIST via LISTSERV groups throughout the life of the association, enabling the group to benefit more and more patients and caregivers. The group learned that there are many different types of GIST, depending on mutation, as well as different therapies, treatments and medication side effects. Group members also share support and how to deal with the emotional ups and downs that they experience.

"GSI (Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Support International) is truly a patient-driven organization, held together by the bonds of our email groups, which serve as our support system. Each and every person who associates with GSI through our LISTSERV discussions leaves a lasting piece of information and history for those who will follow in the future."

Ginger Sawyer
Board Member and Treasurer

GSI Case Study »

Harris Interactive

Harris Interactive, a leading global market research firm, uses Internet-based and traditional methodologies to provide its clients with information about the views, experiences, behaviors and attitudes of people worldwide.

Speed of delivery and continuous growth of Internet panel volunteers were key factors in the need for mailing list management software.

LISTSERV® email list management software.

Currently between 500,000 and 1.5 million fully customized email messages are sent every day to the Harris Poll Online Panel, which now consists of approximately 6.2 million subscribers, a number expected to grow to 10 million by the end of 2000.

"L-Soft's products satisfactorily facilitated online market research and polling studies, and its platforms displayed excellent performance and stability. By meeting the needs of Harris Interactive's software developers and technicians rather than just supporting marketing, L-Soft's software are mission-critical to our entire operation."

Leonard R. Bayer
Executive Vice President and Chief Scientist
Harris Interactive

Harris Interactive Case Study »


Leading international home furnishings retailer.

Notify customers of sales and special events using IKEA's extensive online database.

EASESM email list hosting service.

The net result was a success rate of more than 12 percent, significantly higher than that offered by traditional distribution methods.

"We are very pleased with the performance of the LISTSERV-based service in this campaign. What is particularly interesting is that this task only utilized a fraction of the program's capabilities, a fact that will definitely lead us back to L-Soft for our email list management needs in the future."

Garret Glaser
Marketing Spokesperson

IKEA Case Study »

Il Sole 24 ORE

The Il Sole 24 ORE Group is a multimedia publishing group, operating in the sectors of news, information and specialist publishing for professionals and businesspeople. Its flagship publication, the daily newspaper Il Sole 24 ORE, has more than 1.2 million readers. The Group has been listed on the Stock Exchange of Milan since 2007. The newspaper, founded in 1965, has headquarters in Milan and Rome and offices throughout Italy.

As one of the most important and renowned Italian daily business newspapers, Il Sole 24 ORE needed an advanced email list communication solution to serve its audience and manage the constant growth of its email lists.

LISTSERV® email list management software.
LISTSERV® Maestro email marketing software.

Thanks to the high-performance email communication platform, Il Sole 24 ORE automates subscriber registration and list management processes, enforces a strong anti-spam policy, and enables its editorial, marketing and customer service departments to be completely autonomous in sending mailings to their subscribers. By using database integration, personalization and mail-merge functionality, Il Sole 24 ORE provides its customers with up-to-the-minute economic, financial and legal news content as well as customer service and promotions via its numerous email lists, such as announcements and newsletters.

"L-Soft has proven, time after time, to be a reliable provider because of the stability of its products and the excellence of its customer service. LISTSERV allows Il Sole 24 ORE to give our subscribers specialized information in a dynamic way, yet makes the process of creating new mailing lists very simple and guarantees high performance, even as our lists and subscribers continue to grow. L-Soft is a point-of-reference when looking for new and proven solutions."

Pasquale Bonito
Software Architect
Il Sole 24 ORE

Il Sole 24 ORE Case Study »



Since 1996, InterImage Inc. has provided custom database and software applications to commercial, federal and municipal clients with the goal of delivering solutions that solve critical business problems effectively and affordably. Recently, the United States Department of Commerce's Minority Business Development Agency came to InterImage looking for an effective method to market its Minority Enterprise Development Week event. InterImage recognized that today's business leaders prefer email and suggested promoting the Minority Enterprise Development Week conferences through email marketing, a more cost-effective method than the traditional direct mailings used previously.

InterImage needed a cost-effective email marketing solution to meet the MBDA's main goals of building awareness for events, increasing conference attendance, increasing exhibitor registration and providing the same support for the regional conferences that the national conferences maintained.

EASESM Maestro hosted email marketing solution.

So far, InterImage's MBDA campaign has been extremely successful. The first mailing yielded a dramatic increase in Web traffic and increased conference registration.

"InterImage looks for innovative solutions to provide the client the best possible value in their business. Being one of the first to offer LISTSERV Maestro allowed us to serve the Commerce Department in ways no other information technology solution provider could."

Leslie Steele

InterImage Case Study »



Jisc is a leading non-profit that supports and champions the use of digital technologies in UK education and research. JISCMail lists provide a way for people working in UK education and research to engage, connect, collaborate, discuss, share and champion the work that they're involved in. The JISCMail lists are also used by Jisc itself as a key tool to support the projects that the organization manages. Numerous Jisc-funded projects also use JISCMail lists to connect and communicate with project partners, teams and other contacts. JISCMail hosts the mailing lists for a wide range of national entities as well as for national initiatives in the UK.

A prestigious non-profit needed to run a very large-scale email list operation, with 20 years of archives, 9000 lists and a growing group of 1.36 million subscribers, and continue providing high-level technical support to list owners and others without a dedicated technical team.

ListPlex® email list hosting service.

With ListPlex as a key tool, JISCMail achieves its core mission of serving as a leading forum for people in UK education and research to connect and collaborate with one another and to champion their work. JISCMail's day-to-day, high-volume subscriber email traffic runs smoothly and at top speed with the ListPlex cloud hosting service. The JISCMail Helpdesk, which assists list owners and subscribers with a wide range of questions, has access to a dedicated support team at L-Soft for quick resolution of any issues beyond its own parameters, ensuring that its wide user group's needs are always met.

"The hosted solution works for us. We need to keep costs down, and this option means we don't have to have a dedicated technical team for JISCMail."

Lisa Vincent
Operations Manager

JISCMail Case Study »

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven is the largest university in Belgium with approximately 28,000 students and several thousand staff members. In nearly every scientific domain the K.U. Leuven has top quality teachers, researchers and students. In this globalized world, promoting the continuing exchange of knowledge and expertise on an international level remains one of the strengths of the university.

Finding a trusted solution that meets the complex communication needs of an extensive university and that will stand the test of time.

LISTSERV® email list management software.

The university's LISTSERV email list network is becoming an integral part of its organizational core. Using a simple script, lists are automatically maintained from the databases of students, personnel, alumni and others. Email and mailing lists are the primary means of communication among this massive institution.

"One of the main benefits of LISTSERV is that it has enough features to protect lists against any possible misuse or error such as loops, duplicate postings, spam, viruses, or unauthorized senders. Another advantage is that the maintenance of LISTSERV and our nearly 7,000 lists takes only five percent of a system administrator's time."

Herman Van Uytven
Manager of Intranet Development Team
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Case Study »


Imagine being able to "pick the brains" of your professional peers from around the world, looking for everything from ideas on how to handle difficult cases to support for those days when only another in your field can truly understand your frustrations. The Lactnet list is such a place for professionals in the field of lactation education and support.

Health professionals who need access to the knowledge of others all over the world.

EASESM email list hosting service.

Members are able to easily access list archives, and professionals can concentrate on doing their jobs while L-Soft keeps their resources safe and readily available.

Lactnet Case Study »

Lifetime Television

Lifetime Television

In March 1999, Lifetime Television launched the Lifetime Breast Self Examination Reminder Service to raise public awareness of breast cancer and the importance of early detection. Visitors to Lifetime TV's Web site are given the opportunity to register for a monthly examination reminder received via email.

In order to maintain the Breast Self Examination Reminder Service, Lifetime TV needed a high-performance email list management software that could meet its specific needs.

LISTSERV® email list management software.

Today, the Breast Self Examination Reminder list has 120,000 subscribers.

"We are very happy with the performance of LISTSERV. It remains easy-to-use regardless of how much the lists grow. LISTSERV has provided us with the ability to develop a more personalized relationship with our audience and to have a direct impact on their lives."

Shobhit Kapoor
Director of Internet Technology
Lifetime Television

Lifetime Television Case Study »



Founded in 1996, MonthlyBuzz.com is a leading online social service for young adults. Primarily targeting professionals from the age of 21 to 35, MonthlyBuzz.com delivers social news to subscribers through a free email newsletter and their Web site. Features include monthly event listings, bar scene news, social highlights and an extensive database of online photos from local events and venues.

MonthlyBuzz.com needed a scalable, efficient, reliable and secure email list management outsourcing service to handle increasing membership to its email newsletters, while dealing with any email bounces that become more apparent with larger lists.

EASESM email list hosting service.

MonthlyBuzz.com currently has three email newsletters hosted by EASE that service the Washington, D.C., Baltimore and Delaware beach areas. The total number of subscriptions to these lists is approximately 50,000. L-Soft's EASE hosting service has given MonthlyBuzz.com the flexibility to let their lists grow without having to dedicate extra resources to manage the lists on their own.

"We are very happy with the service that L-Soft provides. Thanks to LISTSERV, subscribers can easily keep up-to-date with all the latest local social happenings, and we don't have to spend extra resources on managing the lists ourselves. We are always confident that with L-Soft's solutions, our email operations are working as they should be."

Lauren MacDonald

MonthlyBuzz.com Case Study »

The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA) houses and preserves preeminent, encyclopedic art collections and aspires to serve a wide variety of people through direct encounters with these works. The Museum's collection of an estimated 400,000 objects is made up of Art of the Americas; Art of Europe; Contemporary Art; Art of Asia, Oceania and Africa; Art of the Ancient World; Prints, Drawings and Photographs; Textile and Fashion Arts; and Musical Instruments. It is the only museum of its kind that is open seven days a week.

To implement an affordable solution that provided scalability, integration and automation in anticipation of large newsletter lists with multiple outside database sources.

LISTSERV® email list management software.

The solution has proven to be hugely scalable and runs well even on old machines. The automation of list management tasks has been very beneficial and the Museum can easily switch between multiple, divergent list data sources.

"L-Soft's products perform exactly as advertised. They are simple, powerful tools for distributing lots of email fast and keeping our lists clean. We have been able to survive with a very affordable license."

Phil Getchell
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

The Museum of Fine Arts Case Study »

National Corvette Museum

National Corvette Museum

The mission of the National Corvette Museum is to celebrate the Corvette's invention and preserve the legendary automobile's past, present and future. The museum serves as an education and research model for all to enjoy.

A timely way was needed to keep in touch with members and enthusiasts for basic news, special projects or as a communication forum.

LISTSERV® email list management software.

Enhanced information flow, increase in online sales and phone orders, personalized messages that comply with CAN-SPAM regulations to recipients pulled from a database.

"With L-Soft I have experienced excellent sales and service support. All questions or problems are taken care of in a very short time. Overall, L-Soft has been very reliable and dependable."

Glenn Darwin
Information Technology Manager
National Corvette Museum

National Corvette Museum Case Study »



Founded in 1985, NeighborImpact changes lives by helping families access skills for success, family services, financial assistance, food, housing, heat and energy assistance. Dedicated to empowering individuals and families to become engaged citizens in the community, this Central Oregon-based not-for-profit organization uses one-way announcement lists to reach clients, staff, donors, board members and partners. The organization currently runs 10 LISTSERV lists with a total of 2,000 subscribers.

Finding a single, powerful, easy-to-use solution to replace a cumbersome combination of in-house and external email list hosting services to benefit the agency's communication with clients and stakeholders.

ListPlex – LISTSERV® in the Cloud – email list hosting service.

Hosted LISTSERV lists provide information to clients and partners about NeighborImpact's programs and services; enable fast information sharing among donors, board members and staff; and get the word out on important events and agency updates.

"The L-Soft cloud-based list hosting solution is very powerful and easy to use. Technical staff was extremely helpful in migrating our existing lists and setting up new lists. List management is very easy using the LISTSERV web-based interface."

Michael Hensley
Information and Facilities Officer

NeighborImpact Case Study »

RedR - Engineers for Disaster Relief

RedR - Engineers for Disaster Relief

RedR – Engineers for Disaster Relief is an international charity that provides relief to disaster victims by selecting, training and providing competent and effective personnel to humanitarian relief agencies worldwide.

A need for a reliable solution that can distribute requests for support to a network of experts operating in specialist groups. Responses needed to be visible to members of each group, and the accumulating wealth of expertise had to be available for others to tap into.

ListPlex® email list hosting service.

Technical expertise and support given to relief workers, facilitation of internal discussions and sharing of important information.

"The diverse possibilities of L-Soft's list management software have been a great asset to RedR, saving us time and money and helping information flow quickly and reliably to the people that matter to us all around the world."

Sam Platt
Administrative Officer/Web Site & Technical Support Service

RedR Case Study »

St. John's University Information Center

St. John's University Information Center has become a focal point for Human Services with related lists on Psychology, Education, Medicine, Community, Disability, and Support and so forth. As of September 2002, St. John's server hosts almost 700 lists with approximately 220,000 list subscribers and generates a volume of approximately 700,000 messages every day – making it the largest academic LISTSERV site.

The need for high-end, high-capacity mailing list solutions with a limited hardware budget.

LISTSERV® email list management software.

Capacity to manage approximately 700 lists that generate more than 700,000 daily deliveries (September 2002 figures). It is the largest academic mailing list site in the world.

St. John's University Information Center Case Study »

Sierra Club

Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is a 600,000-member grassroots environmental organization. It is a nonprofit, member-supported public interest organization that promotes conservation of the natural environment by influencing public policy decisions: legislative, administrative, legal and electoral.

Manually administrated mailing list system excluded tens of thousand of club members from receiving timely information and participating in email discussions.

LISTSERV® email list management software.

Management and subscription procedures of mailing lists are simple and flexible, leading to increased growth and specialization of lists run on modestly priced hardware.

Sierra Club Case Study »

Special Olympics Maryland, Prince George's County

Special Olympics Maryland, Prince George's County

Special Olympics Maryland, Prince George's County (SOMDPG) is a local branch of Special Olympics Maryland. All of Special Olympics is a registered non-profit charitable organization. Special Olympics provides year-round sports training and competition for athletes with intellectual and neurological disabilities. At the local level, SOMDPG pays for the training venues, qualifiers, uniforms and equipment for the athletes. The local board members and all coaches are volunteers.

To find a way for SOMDPG coaches to easily communicate with their team families and for general information to quickly and easily reach every team.

ListPlex – LISTSERV® in the Cloud – email list hosting service.

Coaches only have to store one address to reach their team families. Families can change their email addresses themselves when necessary. With the team lists configured as sub-lists under a master list, it is very easy to send information to all participants and avoid duplicate messages for subscribers on multiple team lists.

"My experience with L-Soft has been excellent. Customer support is top notch, and LISTSERV is a pleasure to use."

Karen Reznek
IT Support
Special Olympics Maryland, Prince George's County

SOMDPG Case Study »

Stockholm International Fairs

Stockholm International Fairs

Established in 1941, Stockholm International Fairs is the leading exhibition and congress center in Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea region. Each year Stockholm International Fairs has more than 1 million visitors, distributed among over 80 fairs and almost 1,000 congresses, conferences and seminars.

Stockholm International Fairs is continuously looking for new ways to improve its events. As a result, the company decided to increase communication using email to provide exhibitors and attendees with improved services and information.

LISTSERV® email list management software.
LISTSERV® Maestro email marketing software.

Stockholm International Fairs has achieved not only campaign cost savings but also better information distribution to exhibitors and visitors. The marketing employees are now able to create, manage and track email campaigns via LISTSERV Maestro's user interface. The number of conference registrations has also increased thanks to the mailings.

"LISTSERV Maestro's response tracking provides us with unique information. With the help of this information, we are able to analyze our campaigns and develop them further. We already see results in cost savings and an increased number of pre-registrations."

Kinna Jonsson
Project Manager
Stockholm International Fairs

Stockholm International Fairs Case Study »

Syracuse University

The mission of Syracuse University is to promote learning through teaching, research, scholarship, creative accomplishment and service. The university's vision is to be the leading student-centered research university with faculty, students and staff sharing responsibility and working together for academic, professional and personal growth.

A large university required email communication technology to keep up with its changing needs over the years.

LISTSERV® email list management software.

Minimal time spent administering a large volume of lists as well as professional and personal appreciation for email list communication.

"I like working with L-Soft's software – for what it does, it is economical and effective. And despite the available complexity, most people seem to be able to use it, both as list members and owners."

Nelson R. Pardee
Computing & Media Services
Syracuse University

Syracuse University Case Study »

Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology is the oldest university in Israel. Since it was founded in 1924, some 50,000 students have earned degrees from this highly regarded university. Graduates of the institute hold key positions in public companies, industry and in Israeli universities.

No conceivable way to manually administer several thousand lists per year.

LISTSERV® email list management software.

Increased communication between professors, lecturers, students and staff, resulting in more efficient faculty administration and far more accessible lecturers.

"L-Soft's LISTSERV HPO product and support excel in that they deliver fast, secure, flexible and feature-rich mailing list distribution capabilities. But I am probably biased, since I have been using it since the '80s."

Moshe Barak
Head of User Support Group
Taub Computer Center

Technion Case Study »

Texas Beef Council

The Texas Beef Council represents producers in the nation's largest beef producing state. The council's purpose is to facilitate the sale of beef through consumer education and promotion as well as to assist beef producers in improving product quality.

Scalable, reliable, cost-effective and secure hosting service was required to send out monthly email newsletters to subscribed consumers.

EASESM email list hosting service.

The council's list subscriptions grew by 100% within the first six months and continue to grow steadily. This success prompted the council to initiate email marketing campaigns, with the aim of enhancing subscriber relations. These campaigns have also seen fantastic results.

"EASE has made our lives so much simpler by effortlessly taking care of our list as it expands. We have really been able to get to know our subscribers, which helps us to better understand their needs."

Michele Blank
Website Administrator
Texas Beef Council

Texas Beef Council Case Study »

Thrust SSC

The Thrust SSC team has dedicated many years of extensive research to one goal: to create a supersonic car that would break the sound barrier on land.

The need for a truly robust and automatically managed email list management solution to communicate with 17,000 sponsors, donors, fans and other interested parties throughout the duration of the project.

LISTSERV® email list management software.

Effective, fast and time-saving communication with the audience. When funds for fuel were scarce, one email to supporters raised 92% of funds required to purchase sufficient fuel for the Thrust SSC car to complete its mission.

"Without L-Soft's LISTSERV software, the Thrust SSC project would never have reached completion, and we would not have taken the first ever supersonic world land speed record."

Jeremy Davey
Thrust SSC

Thrust SSC Case Study »

United Way

United Way

United Way Worldwide is the leadership and support organization for the network of nearly 1,800 community-based United Ways in 45 countries and territories. Each United Way is independent, separately incorporated and governed by local volunteers. We envision a world where all individuals and families achieve their human potential through education, income stability and healthy lives.

A timely and cost-effective way was needed to communicate with United Way staff, donors, volunteers and those interested in knowing more about their communities in far-reaching corners of the United States and beyond.

LISTSERV® email list management software.
LISTSERV® Maestro email marketing software.

An increase in United Way's capacity to share knowledge and best practices, and to bring together available resources to better serve the people in every community.

"The L-Soft products are cost-effective and easy to use. They empower users and owners to efficiently share and receive information through ongoing discussion, alerts and newsletters."

Nicole Haynes
United Way Online

United Way Case Study »

University of Tampere

The FAST (Foundations in Area Studies for Translators) Program at the University of Tampere in Finland educates translators, interpreters and others in intercultural area studies. The studies are focused on the United States, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, and Finland, in these countries' international English language contexts. The FAST program, founded in 1992, has successfully integrated new information technologies in teaching and the interactive learning process.

The need for a technology solution in order to provide 24/7 access to teaching and reference materials for students.

LISTSERV® email list management software.

The LISTSERV lists have enhanced teaching and learning, and increased student motivation and performance. Moreover, the lists have greatly improved the effectiveness of providing instructional materials, while simultaneously reducing the cost of delivering it. More importantly, the lists provide perspective and an international aspect for students.

"LISTSERV is only one component of the FAST program's multifaceted learning environment, but the wide-ranging interactive connectivity it enables in such a user-friendly, efficient and cost-effective fashion makes it the most fundamental and significant component. Without LISTSERV, the program would not have been able to function."

John D. Hopkins
Program Coordinator of the FAST Area Studies Program
University of Tampere

University of Tampere Case Study »

University of Valencia

At University of Valencia in Spain, there has always been a high interest in email lists. The University introduced LISTSERV to enhance communication and interactivity between lecturers and students, and there are now more than 600 active email lists. These lists are easily managed by faculty and support staff via LISTSERV's user-friendly Web interface, without the need for technical assistance.

The need to automate difficult and time-consuming list administration tasks to accommodate a growing number of email lists and list members. Moreover, a wish to implement an easy-to-handle list management interface in order to let administrators manage the lists without the need to involve the IT-department.

LISTSERV® email list management software.

LISTSERV has automated many of the otherwise time-consuming manual list administration tasks and has proved to be a fast and easy way to communicate. The University's list administrators greatly appreciate the user-friendly Web interface.

"LISTSERV's user-friendly Web interface has enabled professors and other list owners, mostly non-technical staff, to manage day-to-day list administration."

Fernando Durá
System Analyst
The University of Valencia

University of Valencia Case Study »

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