Case Studies: APAPO (American Psychological Association Practice Organization)

LISTSERV Newsletter Award: APAPO PracticeUpdate Newsletter

LISTSERV Choice Awards

The PracticeUpdate electronic newsletter – powered by L-Soft's LISTSERV® technology – is designed to meet the needs of practicing psychologists nationwide. It is emailed every three weeks by the American Psychological Association Practice Organization (APAPO) to 60,000 licensed psychologists and psychology graduate students who are preparing for practice. Content for the newsletter is posted at APAPO's web portal for licensed APA members.

PracticeUpdate is a membership benefit, offering resources tailored specifically for the professional practice community, including: information and tools to help psychologists manage, build, market and diversify their practices; practical information about the effect of laws and regulations on psychology practice; updates on important legislative developments; and current news of interest to practitioners.

APAPO's PracticeUpdate Newsletter

According to communications staff who manage the e-newsletter, PracticeUpdate seeks to provide timely and substantive information designed to meet the needs of a large and varied membership of practicing psychologists and psychology graduate students. Surveys and other feedback mechanisms suggest content that is helpful for members.

Each issue of the newsletter, which began publication in January 2004, features an average of five articles that provide information and tools to help psychologists grow their practice, acquire new knowledge, reach out to their community, connect with colleagues and participate in meaningful advocacy activities on behalf of psychology.

The newsletter is laid out in HTML format, with photos, links and article summaries designed to attract readers' attention and facilitate skimming to allow busy psychologists to easily and quickly access the content that best meets their needs.

By using L-Soft's LISTSERV software to disseminate PracticeUpdate, APAPO shares important information with members in a cost-effective and timely manner and saves money on printing and mailing costs.

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