L-Soft Launches New Era with LISTSERV Maestro 12.0
February 11, 2025
It's a Complex Communications World: Just Add LISTSERV®
November 20, 2024
Förbättra din kommunikation med LISTSERV® 17.5
November 20, 2024
LISTSERV Maestro 11.0 Email Marketing Software Introduces Hybrid Lists
March 29, 2023
Permission Email Is Thriving at 30, Launched by Double Opt-In Invention in LISTSERV Software
March 15, 2023
Get Closer to Your Audiences with LISTSERV Maestro 10.1
March 9, 2022
Learn LISTSERV with a Free Email Course
February 9, 2022
L-Soft Debuts LISTSERV® Maestro 10.0: Keep on Email Tracking – The Right Way
September 28, 2021
L-Soft Debuts LISTSERV® Maestro 10.0: Keep on Email Tracking – The Right Way
September 28, 2021
L-Soft släpper LISTSERV® Maestro 10.0 – fortsätt med responsmätning av e-postutskick på rätt sätt
September 28, 2021
Nostalgic Yet? Email Turns 50, LISTSERV is 35
June 29, 2021
Email Turns 50, LISTSERV is 35
June 21, 2021
New Software Release Makes It Data Privacy Day Every Day
January 28, 2020
LISTSERV Bridges Gap Between Mailing Lists, Forums and Blogs
August 21, 2019
L-Soft Releases LISTSERV 17.0 for Customers, Launching a New Mobile Era for Email Lists
July 9, 2019
One of the Oldest Email Technology Companies Hits 25 Years
February 13, 2019
LISTSERV Inventor's Take on the GDPR
May 9, 2018
Power to the Subscribers: Permission Email, More Relevant than Ever, Turns 25
March 15, 2018
Email Marketing Platform LISTSERV Maestro 8.1 Adds Support for LDAP and Windows AD
November 8, 2017
Email Marketers on the Go Engage Subscribers on the Go
May 18, 2016
Unique Email List Serves as Indispensable Resource for the Non-Profit Fundraising Profession
October 9, 2014
L-Soft's LISTSERV Maestro 6.0 Meets the Challenges of Today's Email Marketing Communicators
May 20, 2014
DMARC Debacle: Yahoo Gets Caught in Its Own Net
May 16, 2014
LISTSERV Inventor Develops Seamless Solution to DMARC Hassles
April 25, 2014
The LISTSERV Choice Awards Grand Prize Finalists Are ...
February 24, 2014
The Communities That Email Builds
October 1, 2013
Where Technology Meets Humanity: Email List Helps People Heal from Eating Disorders
March 21, 2013
Utomordentlig e-postlista hjälper människor att återhämta sig från ätstörningar
March 21, 2013
LISTSERV Email Communities Change and Save Lives
February 28, 2012
LISTSERV Email Communities Change and Save Lives
February 28, 2012
LISTSERV räddar och förändrar liv
February 28, 2012
L-Soft's LISTSERV Maestro Bridges Gap Between Email and Other Social Media
December 15, 2011
L-Soft's LISTSERV Maestro Bridges Gap Between Email and Other Social Media
December 15, 2011
L-Soft integrerar e-post med andra sociala medier
December 15, 2011
LISTSERV is 25 Years: Join Inventor Live Chat and Videocast September 15
September 8, 2011
LISTSERV 25 år: Chatta med uppfinnaren den 15 september
September 8, 2011
Email Community Helps Professionals Get Funded, Not Stressed
February 23, 2011
Smart e-postlista hjälper forskningsadministratörer på jobbet
February 23, 2011
Kayvu: Email Marketing Power to the People
November 2, 2010
L-Soft förhandsvisar en ny tjänst för digital marknadsföring
November 2, 2010
L-Soft International Emerges Successfully from Chapter 11 Protection
May 4, 2010
LISTSERV 16.0 Helps Organizations Connect, Communicate and Collaborate, Hassle-Free and On-Budget
December 10, 2009
LISTSERV 16.0 Helps Organisations Connect, Communicate and Collaborate, Hassle-Free and On-Budget
December 10, 2009
L-Soft släpper LISTSERV 16.0 med nyhetsbrevgalleri
December 10, 2009
Delivering Hope, Support and Community Via Email
December 8, 2009
Delivering Hope, Support and Community Via Email
December 8, 2009
Hopp, stöd och gemenskap via e-post
December 8, 2009
L-Soft Named Among 10 Best Workplaces for Gender Equality in Sweden
November 23, 2009
L-Soft Named Among 10 Best Workplaces for Gender Equality in Sweden
November 23, 2009
L-Soft håller måttet inom jämställdhet
November 23, 2009
Court Approves L-Soft's Reorganization Plan
June 2, 2009
L-Softs dotterbolag kliver ur Chapter 11 konkursskydd
June 2, 2009
In Email We Trust: L-Soft's LISTSERV® Maestro 4.0 Released Today
February 25, 2009
Pumping up Permission: L-Soft's LISTSERV® Maestro 4.0 Released Today
February 25, 2009
L-Soft utvidgar samtycket för e-postmarknadsföring
February 25, 2009
L-Soft Opens Global Email List Competition for Nominations
October 1, 2008
L-Soft Opens Global Email List Competition for Nominations
October 1, 2008
Internationell tävling för e-postlistor
October 1, 2008
Reseller Pricing on LISTSERV® Solutions Available to All Customers
September 12, 2008
Reseller Pricing on LISTSERV® Solutions Available to All Customers
September 12, 2008
L-Soft erbjuder återförsäljarpriser till alla kunder
September 12, 2008
Solving Crime, One Email at a Time
June 24, 2008
Solving Crime, One Email at a Time
June 24, 2008
Brottsbekämpning, ett e-postmeddelande i taget
June 24, 2008
LISTSERV® Maestro Debuts Custom-Selected Metrics for Marketers to Maximize Best Email Practices
February 12, 2008
LISTSERV® Maestro Debuts Custom-Selected Metrics for Marketers to Maximise Best Email Practices
February 12, 2008
L-Soft lanserar LISTSERV® Maestro 3.3 med skräddarsydda kampanjrapporter
February 12, 2008
L-Soft präsentiert LISTSERV® Maestro 3.3 mit maßgeschneiderten Kampagnenberichten
February 12, 2008
L-Soft's LISTSERV® 15.5 Wraps RSS Abstracts and LDAP Support into Legendary Email List Software
November 27, 2007
L-Soft's LISTSERV® 15.5 Wraps RSS Abstracts and LDAP Support into Legendary Email List Software
November 27, 2007
L-Soft släpper LISTSERV® 15.5 med stöd för RSS och LDAP
November 27, 2007
L-Soft's LISTSERV® Maestro 3.1 Email Marketing Solution Released Today, Introduces Visual Email Analytics
August 7, 2007
L-Soft's LISTSERV® Maestro 3.1 Email Marketing Solution Released Today, Introduces Visual Email Analytics
August 7, 2007
L-Soft introducerar A/B-Split-tester för effektivare e-postutskick
August 7, 2007
L-Soft international, Inc. Files for Chapter 11 to Resolve Protracted Litigation
March 8, 2007
L-Soft's Upgraded Email Communication and Marketing Software Provides Easy Targeting and Personalization for Everyone
January 23, 2007
L-Soft's Upgraded Email Communication and Marketing Software Provides Easy Targeting and Personalisation for Everyone
January 23, 2007
Ny version av L-Softs program för e-postmarknadsföring släpps idag
January 23, 2007
L-Soft gibt Version 3.0 der professionellen E-Mail-Marketing-Lösung LISTSERV® Maestro frei
January 23, 2007
L-Soft Introduces Next Generation of Classic LISTSERV® Software
November 20, 2006
L-Soft Introduces Next Generation of Classic LISTSERV® Software
November 20, 2006
L-Soft släpper LISTSERV 15.0
November 20, 2006
L-Soft stellt die nächste Generation des Mailinglisten-Klassikers LISTSERV® vor
November 20, 2006
Lactnet Empowers the Frontlines of Breastfeeding Education, One Email at a Time
October 20, 2006
Lactnet Empowers the Frontlines of Breastfeeding Education, One Email at a Time
October 20, 2006
E-postlista om amning och bröstmjölk vinner L-Softs stora pris
October 20, 2006
Globale E-Community Lactnet gewinnt Auszeichnung
October 20, 2006
Pioneering LISTSERV® Software Celebrates 20th Anniversary
June 15, 2006
Pioneering LISTSERV® Software Celebrates 20th Anniversary
June 15, 2006
LISTSERV – den första programvaran för e-postlisthantering firar 20 år
June 15, 2006
20 Jahre LISTSERV® – die erste Mailinglisten-Software überhaupt feiert Geburtstag
June 15, 2006
Global Breastfeeding Support Community Lactnet Honored for Email List Communication Excellence
June 9, 2006
Global Breastfeeding Support Community Lactnet Honoured for Email List Communication Excellence
June 9, 2006
European Law Students' Association Honored for Outstanding Use of Email List Technology
April 19, 2006
L-Soft Releases High Deliverability Mailer
April 10, 2006
L-Soft Releases High Deliverability Mailer
April 10, 2006
L-Soft lanserar högpresterande e-postserver
April 10, 2006
Neue Mail-Server-Software von L-Soft: High Deliverability Mailer
April 10, 2006
Upgraded LISTSERV® Product Line Released Today, Spotlights Deliverability with Unique New Assessment Feature
March 2, 2006
Upgraded LISTSERV® Product Line Released Today, Spotlights Deliverability with Unique New Assessment Feature
March 2, 2006
L-Soft lanserar LISTSERV och LISTSERV Maestro med stöd för DomainKeys
March 2, 2006
DomainKeys-Unterstützung in LISTSERV Produkt-Updates
March 2, 2006
AOL's New Email Certification Program: Good Mail or "Goodfellas"?
February 2, 2006
American Psychological Association Practice Organization's PracticeUpdate Email Newsletter Wins LISTSERV® Newsletter Award
November 21, 2005
Online Fibromyalgia Community FIBROM-L Wins LISTSERV® Choice Award
September 20, 2005
Online Fibromyalgia Community FIBROM-L Wins LISTSERV® Choice Award
September 20, 2005
Fibrom-L, e-gemenskap för fibromyalgi vinner LISTSERV Discussion Award
September 20, 2005
Online Fibromyalgie-Gemeinschaft FIBROM-L gewinnt LISTSERV® Choice Award
September 20, 2005
L-Soft's LISTSERV® Maestro Email Marketing Software Released Today for Mac® OS X
September 8, 2005
L-Soft's LISTSERV® Maestro Email Marketing Software Released Today for Mac® OS X
September 8, 2005
L-Soft lanserar produkt för opt-in e-postmarknadsföring för Mac
September 8, 2005
L-Soft stellt E-Mail-Marketing-Software LISTSERV® Maestro für Mac OS X vor
September 8, 2005
LISTSERV® for Mac® OS X Released Today
August 3, 2005
LISTSERV® for Mac® OS X Released Today
August 3, 2005
L-Soft släpper LISTSERV® för Mac® OS X
August 3, 2005
L-Soft's LISTSERV® 14.4 Released Today, Features Mail-Merge Capabilities for All Users and Enhanced Performance
June 21, 2005
L-Soft's LISTSERV® 14.4 Released Today, Features Mail-Merge Capabilities for All Users and Enhanced Performance
June 21, 2005
L-Soft introducerar LISTSERV® 14.4
June 21, 2005
Nominations Sought in Global Competition Honoring Top Email Lists
May 26, 2005
Nominations Sought in Global Competition Honoring Top Email Lists
May 26, 2005
Global Cancer Community Wins Top Honor for Email List Success
May 12, 2005
L-Soft Thanks Loyal Customers with Free Software Licenses
February 15, 2005
L-Soft Announces Winner of Email Marketing Award
January 20, 2005
Stockholmsmässans e-postmarknadsföring vinner internationellt pris
January 20, 2005
Media Alert: Tsunami Relief List
December 30, 2004
Kunddatabas inkluderad i nya LISTSERV Maestro 2.0
December 22, 2004
L-Soft Announces Winner of LISTSERV Technical Innovation Award
December 21, 2004
LISTSERV Product Line Update Reclaims Communication Focus
December 8, 2004
LISTSERV Product Line Update Reclaims Communication Focus
December 8, 2004
L-Soft stoppar spam i nya LISTSERV 14.3
December 8, 2004
Update der LISTSERV-Produktlinie mit wichtigen neuen Features: verbesserte Spam-Kontrolle und integrierte Empfängerdatenbank
December 8, 2004
Ofer-Trabec, Servio de Anuncios de Empleo, Gana el Premio Internacional LISTSERV® de L-Soft
November 16, 2004
Pioneering Job Announcement Service Wins LISTSERV® Announcement List Award
November 10, 2004
LISTSERV® Makers Win Deloitte Fast 50 Award for the Fourth Time
October 12, 2004
Email Lists Promote British Culture
September 28, 2004
Email Lists Build Virtual Street Corners
September 23, 2004
In Spite of Spam, Email Communities are Thriving
September 10, 2004
German News E-Mail Newsletter Wins LISTSERV® Choice Newsletter Award
June 8, 2004
ASAE Chooses LISTSERV®, the Industry Standard for E-Mail List Management, as Member Benefit
May 26, 2004
Online School Librarian Community LM_NET Wins LISTSERV® Choice Educational List Award
April 20, 2004
Företaget bakom LISTSERV firar tio år
March 25, 2004
L-Soft Launches LISTSERV® Choice Awards in Celebration of its 10 Years in the E-Mail Industry
March 8, 2004
E-post 2003 banade väg för opt-in – inblick i 2004 (Article)
January 26, 2004
Media Alert: L-Soft Supports EU Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communication and Offers Insight on Trends for 2004
January 21, 2004
E-Mail Trends in 2003 and Insights for 2004 (Article)
January 21, 2004
Das Jahr 2003 im Rückblick und Ausblick auf 2004 (Article)
January 21, 2004
L-Soft Contrasts CAN-SPAM Act with the European Union Opt-In Directive
November 13, 2003
Sobig.F. and Blaster Worms Underscore the Importance of Virus Protection for E-Mail Lists
October 21, 2003
Deloitte & Touche Names L-Soft One of Maryland's Fastest Growing Technology Companies
September 29, 2003
LISTSERV® Maestro 1.2 Makes Database-Driven E-Mail Communication More Manageable
September 3, 2003
L-Soft Lifts Barriers to Precision Email Marketing
September 3, 2003
Nya LISTSERV Maestro – grunden till målinriktad e-postkommunikation
September 3, 2003
LISTSERV Maestro mahdollistaa täsmämarkkinoinnin tietokantoja hyödyntäen
September 3, 2003
LISTSERV Maestro 1.2 verbessert die Kommunikation im E-Mail-Marketing
September 3, 2003
L-Soft amplía su protección anti-virus para listas de e-mail que utilizan LISTSERV®
June 24, 2003
L-Soft Expands its Anti-Virus Protection to Safeguard 130 Million LISTSERV® List Subscriptions
May 27, 2003
L-Soft utökar skyddet mot e-postvirus
May 27, 2003
L-Soft Expands its Anti-Virus Protection to Safeguard 130 Million LISTSERV® List Subscriptions
May 27, 2003
L-Soft stellt neue Plattform-unabhängige Virenschutztechnologie vor
May 27, 2003
L-Soft julkaisee LISTSERV Anti-Virus Station:in estämään virusten leviämisen sähköpostilistoilla
May 27, 2003
L-Soft hjälper svenska företag att skicka bättre e-post
March 4, 2003
LISTSERV® Maestro Featured as a Marketing Technology That Works
February 27, 2003
L-Soft Opens Doors to Responsible E-Mail Marketers
October 24, 2002
L-Soft lanserar en ny outsourcingtjänst för avancerade e-postkampanjer
October 24, 2002
L-Soft Lifts Barriers to Adoption of Email Marketing
October 24, 2002
L-Soft's LISTSERV® Maestro to Serve Small and Medium-Sized Organizations
September 10, 2002
L-Soft bringt neue Lösungen für E-Mail-Kommunikation nach Deutschland
July 17, 2002
LISTSERV® Brings Simplicity and Added Security to E-Mail Communication
May 22, 2002
L-Soft introducerar LISTSERV 1.8e med nya lättanvända funktioner för professionell e-postkommunikation
May 22, 2002
Email List Management Software Brings Simplicity and Added Security to Email Communication
May 22, 2002
L-Soft julkaisee uuden LISTSERV 1.8e -version ammattimaiseen sähköpostiviestintään
May 22, 2002
Sichere E-Mail Kommunikation mit LISTSERV 1.8e
May 22, 2002
L-Soft's LISTSERV® to Support Linux for S/390
March 5, 2002
L-Soft Responds to Growing Customer Demand for Linux Platform
March 5, 2002
L-Soft Unveils New E-Mail Marketing Software
January 23, 2002
Svensk programvara möjliggör smart kundkommunikation via e-post
January 23, 2002
L-Soft Launches Software Facilitating E-Mail Marketing Industry's Move Away From Third-Party Hosting
January 23, 2002
L-Softin uusi ohjelmisto auttaa sähköpostimarkkinoinnin toteuttamisessa
January 23, 2002
LISTSERV® Maestro zieht alle Register beim E-Mail-Marketing
January 23, 2002
L-Soft and F-Secure Sign Agreement to Protect Millions of E-Mail Inboxes from Computer Viruses
October 29, 2001
L-Soft och F-Secure skyddar miljoner e-postkonton
October 29, 2001
L-Soft and F-Secure protect millions of mailboxes
October 29, 2001
L-Softin ja F-Securen sopimus suojaa miljoonia sähköpostilaatikoita tietokoneviruksilta
October 29, 2001
L-Soft to Demonstrate E-mail Marketing Solutions at the DMA 84th Annual Conference & Exhibition
October 24, 2001
L-Soft to Exhibit at the Compaq Enterprise Technical Symposium 2001 in Anaheim, California
September 7, 2001
E-Mail List Marketing Innovator L-Soft Opens New U.S. Office
August 21, 2001
L-Soft and Bell Canada to Discuss Customer Relations Strategy at NCDM
July 30, 2001
L-Soft to Demonstrate E-Mail List Technology at IBM Share
July 18, 2001
L-Soft Acquires E-Mail Tracking Technology
July 11, 2001
L-Soft förvärvar svensk e-postteknologi
July 11, 2001
15 år med LISTSERV®
July 5, 2001
E-mail Marketing Could Fail in the Long Term
June 7, 2001
England störst på kundriktad e-post
June 5, 2001
L-Soft to Host Live Internet RAYdio Program From Booth at @d:Tech
May 1, 2001
L-Soft Strengthens Position Within Internet Marketing Community at @d:Tech
April 19, 2001
L-Soft to Showcase E-mail Solutions at DMA Net.marketing Spring Conference & Exhibition
February 21, 2001
L-Soft Recognized as the 17th Fastest Growing Tech Company In Maryland
October 17, 2000
L-Soft Heads West to Exhibit at the Compaq Enterprise Symposium 2000 in Los Angeles
October 2, 2000
Women Exceed Men Online, Encouraging More Women-Specific E-Mail Newsletters
September 26, 2000
L-Soft to Demonstrate E-Mail Management Solutions at DMA net.marketing FALL Conference & Expo
August 28, 2000
The Greater Washington Community Embraces E-Mail List Communication
August 23, 2000
L-Soft Exhibits at National Center for Database Marketing Conference
July 14, 2000
L-Soft Celebrates as LISTSERV® Subscriptions Hit 100 Million
June 27, 2000
L-Soft Premiers its LISTSERV® Customer Communications Management Software at Internet World UK 2000
May 16, 2000
ITtoolbox's OpenITx Collaborative E-mail Communities Hub Uses LISTSERV® to Empower IT Professionals
April 11, 2000
L-Soft, Top Tech Innovator, to Exhibit at Spring Internet World
April 3, 2000
L-Soft to Exhibit E-Mail Marketing Solutions at DMA net.marketing 2000 Show
February 22, 2000
Erfolgreiches E-Marketing mit LISTSERV®-Mailing-Listen
January 31, 2000
L-Soft – Creadores de LISTSERV® software – Anuncia su Participacisn en Mundo Internet 2000
January 28, 2000
L-Soft international Announces Platinum Sponsorship of Fifth Annual Maryland Technology Showcase
December 1, 1999
L-Soft Announces Products to be Shown at DECUS '99 Event
October 29, 1999
LISTSERV® Software enables global efforts to continue by e-mail
April 15, 1999
L-Soft Announces Release of LISTSERV® Version 1.8d
March 1, 1999
L-Soft Announces Release of LSMTP® Version 1.1b
March 1, 1999
What is Happening to the Direct E-Mail Marketing Industry?
January 26, 1999
MiningCo.com Selects LISTSERV® Software to Power their 350 E-Mail Newsletters
December 3, 1998
NetPals Equals Endless Opportunities For Schools
July 24, 1998
Get the Scoop on the World Cup – By Email
June 12, 1998
Merriam-Webster Announces Contract with L-Soft international
April 13, 1998
Electronic Mailing Lists Provide Support for Cancer Community Worldwide
January 13, 1998
LISTSERV® Free Edition now available for non-profit use
June 18, 1997
L-Soft releases LISTSERV® Lite
May 20, 1997
LISTSERV® list breaks half-million subscriber mark
September 13, 1996
Internet discussion list on Flight 800
July 19, 1996
L-Soft's mailing list giveaway starts with "10 lists for a better world"
July 17, 1996
LISTSERV's 10th anniversary celebrations culminate with free online lottery
July 14, 1996
L-Soft celebrates LISTSERV's 10th anniversary with $1 million giveaway
June 30, 1996
L-Soft releases record-breaking Internet mail delivery software
February 14, 1996
LISTSERV at Work: Improving health care in rural Oregon
December 25, 1995
AIESEC receives L-Soft award for Internet innovation
December 25, 1995
A haven for homeless lists
December 1, 1995
L-Soft donates Internet server to KIDLINK
May 5, 1995
L-Soft earmarks $50,000 for donations to student groups
December 31, 1994
LISTSERV is a registered trademark licensed to L-Soft international, Inc.
See Guidelines for Proper Usage of the LISTSERV Trademark for more details.
All other trademarks, both marked and unmarked, are the property of their respective owners.