L-Soft has announced the release of LISTSERV Maestro, a new e-mail marketing solution that provides marketers with an advanced tool to manage and track e-mail marketing campaigns.
L-Soft offers comprehensive training services to improve customers' effective and appropriate use of our electronic mail products and services.
The first public training classes are scheduled for Aug 19-23, 2002, at our headquarters in Landover, Maryland.
L-Soft also offers comprehensive consulting services, providing clients with in-depth customized assistance throughout the implementation cycle.
Responding to the increasing demand for support in Linux environments, L-Soft announced that its flagship LISTSERV product is now available on IBM S/390 Parallel Enterprise Servers. "My experience with LISTSERV for Linux S/390 is that it simply works," said Allen Gordon from the Louisiana State University High Performance Computing Office. "Overall, LISTSERV is a solid system that does what it is supposed to very well and with the same interface whether it's running on ix86 Linux, RS/6000 AIX or Linux S/390."
Q. How do I send HTML newsletters?
Answer by Jacob Haller
Senior Technical Support Engineer, L-Soft
Some customers assume that if they create a web page, then copy and paste the source into an e-mail message, that this will be enough for the message to be sent as an HTML message. In general, this is not the case, and sending a message using this method will result in the raw HTML code appearing in the body of the message when it is received.
Some e-mail clients may offer an option to send HTML messages; if so, you can use this feature (which should be documented in the online help) to send an HTML message.
Another method that has been used with success by some customers is to create a web page that looks the way you want, then open that page in a web browser and use the "send page" option to send the page via e-mail.
Similarly, some programs that allow you to create web pages also allow you to e-mail them to one or more e-mail addresses. (For instance, Microsoft Word has options to create web pages and also to e-mail them.)
If the e-mail messages are being created by a script, make sure that the script includes the required MIME headers. For standard messages that contain no 'special' characters, the following would be appropriate:
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"
No matter which method you use, it is recommended that you do some testing beforehand using the e-mail clients you expect your customers to be using. Note that AOL and free e-mail providers such as Hotmail and Yahoo! have their own e-mail clients that may handle HTML messages in different ways. (An "e-mail client" is a program that is used to read e-mail. Common examples of e-mail clients are Outlook Express, Eudora, and Netscape Messenger.)
To submit questions for future issues of the newsletter, please contact editor@lsoft.com.
For more information or a customized quote, please contact sales@lsoft.com.
For an L-Soft press kit or to send comments about this newsletter, please contact editor@lsoft.com.
L-Soft has released LISTSERV 1.8e, a new version of the flagship e-mail list management software. Among the enhancements is a redesigned Web interface, virus protection and administrative improvements. The next issue of "LISTSERV at Work" will contain more comprehensive coverage about the new functionalities.
This article by L-Soft VP of Marketing Gabriela Linares provides insight into the process of licensing software for e-mail marketing in order to keep the entire operation in house. The article addresses the difference between a licensed software solution and hosted alternatives. You will learn what a licensing software solution is, its components, and the advantages and disadvantages of going this route. The article was published in conjunction with Netpreneur's Email Marketing AdMarketing Products Guide.
British Airways is the world's largest international airline, transporting more passengers around the world than any other carrier. In 1996, the British Airways Interactive Channel Management Team, an internal technical and business-oriented consulting group, began searching for ways to incorporate interactive technologies, such as e-mail and the World Wide Web, into the company's operations.
"LISTSERV® is most appropriate for our needs in terms of managing large-volume distribution lists with minimum administrative overhead, being a cost-effective, reliable and supported solution," said Eilish Gorse, E-Mail Operations Lead at British Airways. "We now have mass-distribution lists that we use to facilitate customer relationship marketing. We inform customers of current, relevant promotions. This gives them the opportunity to take advantage of our special offers."
In March 1999, Lifetime Television launched the Lifetime Breast Self Examination Reminder Service to raise public awareness of breast cancer and the importance of early detection. Visitors to Lifetime TV's Web site are given the opportunity to register for a monthly examination reminder received via e-mail.
"We are very happy with the performance of LISTSERV®. It remains easy-to-use regardless of how much the lists grow. LISTSERV® has provided us with the ability to develop a more personalized relationship with our audience and to have a direct impact on their lives," said Shobhit Kapoor, Director or Internet Technology at Lifetime Television.
To browse more client success stories, visit L-Soft's case study page. If you or your company would like to be featured as an L-Soft success story, please contact editor@lsoft.com. If your story is selected, we will send you a digital camera to show our appreciation.
@d:Tech Spring
June 19-21, 2002, in Los Angeles
L-Soft will exhibit at Booth #310.
We will cover the release of the new LISTSERV 1.8e and provide more success stories to show how L-Soft's solutions can enhance your company's internal and external e-mail communication.
If there is a topic that you would like to see addressed in a future issue, please contact editor@lsoft.com.
"If the aeroplane is considered one of the greatest inventions to transport people quickly, then LISTSERV® should be regarded as the most significant software developed in the 20th century for e-mail distribution to large numbers of geographically dispersed people."
Eng-Leong "Jacky" Foo
Director, UNESCO Microbial Resources Centre
Stockholm, Sweden