L-Soft announced the expansion of its anti-virus capabilities by launching the LISTSERV® Anti-Virus Station (AVS). This add-on to the renowned LISTSERV e-mail list manager will make it possible to prevent the delivery of infected e-mail messages to the 130 million subscriptions of public LISTSERV lists worldwide. LISTSERV AVS is a complement to the traditional virus protection and works by scanning e-mail messages for viruses, stopping infected messages before they can reach recipients who may not be protected by virus software on their computers.
Q. The Anti-Virus Statistics Report just shows total counts. Is there any way to find out which viruses were stopped?
Answer by Françoise Becker
VP of Software Engineering, L-Soft
Yes, this report, which is only available to site administrators can be accessed by entering the site configuration and setting the SYSTEM_CHANGELOG parameter to 1. LISTSERV will make a record of every virus caught in the SYSTEM.CHANGELOG file. The record for each virus includes the identity of the virus as reported by FSAV, a timestamp, the intended target (usually a list name), and how many recipients it would have infected had it been distributed.
To get a report of unique viruses, select "Server Management," then "Changelog Reports" in the Web interface:
Set the date range, for example 00:00 1 Apr 2003 to 00:00 1 May 2003 for the month of April 2003.
Check the "Virus" checkbox.
In the left navigation panel, under "Report Columns," check the "Statistics" box for "Info about Job."
Finally, press the "Generate Report" button.
You will get a list of all the viruses and the number of times they were caught.
For example, on the EASE Home service, the results for April 2003 are:
Exploit.IFrame.FileDownload | 639 |
I-Worm.HappyTime | 1 |
I-Worm.KakWorm | 2 |
W32/Bugbear.A@mm | 10 |
W32/CIH.1003.A | 2 |
W32/Crillegal.A@mm | 1 |
W32/Klez.H@mm | 93 |
W32/Lentin.F@mm | 52 |
W32/Lirva.C@mm | 2 |
W32/Magistr.32768@mm | 7 |
W32/Sobig.A@mm | 96 |
To get a more detailed report, instead of selecting a "Statistics" report, check the following boxes under "History":
Locally Processed Recipients (the number of recipients that would have received the virus if it had not been rejected)
Name of Job/List (the list to which the virus was sent)
Info about Job (name of virus)
For "Report Format," select "Log in CSV Format." Next, press the "Generate Report" button. This will initiate a download of a comma-separated-value file that you can import into a spreadsheet software for further analysis.
To submit questions for future issues of the newsletter, please contact editor@lsoft.com.
For comments about this newsletter or if there is a topic that you would like to see addressed in a future issue, please contact editor@lsoft.com.
Gabriela Linares, L-Soft Vice President of Marketing, left, accepts the Best of Show award from Carl S. Pugh, President of the Internet Events Division at Internet World.
L-Soft's LISTSERV® Maestro e-mail marketing software won the Internet World Essentials 2003 Best of Show award in the marketing and customer service category. The Internet World Best of Show awards are given to exhibitors at Internet World business technology trade shows. The awards are judged by a panel of Internet World magazine editors.
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission hosted a public forum about possible ways in which to deal with the proliferation of unsolicited commercial e-mail or spam. The three-day forum was held in Washington, DC, from April 30 to May 2. Françoise Becker, L-Soft's VP of Software Engineering, attended the forum and submitted a supplement to the FTC to be included in its records. The supplement, as submitted to the FTC, is available below in PDF format.
United Way of America is the national organization dedicated to leading the United Way movement in making a measurable impact in every community across America. The United Way movement includes approximately 1,400 community-based organizations. Each organization is independent, separately incorporated and governed by local volunteers.
Because each United Way is independent and located in a separate geographical area, the Internet and e-mail in particular are critical to United Way's ability to work together across communities in a timely and cost-efficient fashion. United Way runs a growing number of lists, currently 92 with 734,578 subscribers.
To browse more client success stories, visit L-Soft's case study page. If you or your company would like to be featured as an L-Soft success story, please contact editor@lsoft.com.
L-Soft interviews bestselling author and renowned speaker Seth Godin. He coined the phrase Permission Marketing.
According to Godin, true opt-in e-mail marketing is definitely permission marketing - in other words, sending people what they actually want.
L-Soft is conducting the next public training sessions at its Landover, MD, facilities October 27-31. For more information about the classes offered and a list of the schedule, see the training page or e-mail training@lsoft.com.

L-Soft Vice President of Marketing Gabriela Linares will participate in a panel organized by DC Web Women titled "Blacklists, Whitelists and Read All Over" on June 17, 2003, in Washington, DC.

L-Soft will exhibit at SHARE, August 10-15, 2003, at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC.

Gabriela Linares, L-Soft's Vice President of Marketing, gave a presentation titled, Successful eMail Marketing Practices on May 21 at the eMarketing Association Annual Conference in Boston, MA.
"We are very happy with the performance of LISTSERV®. It remains easy-to-use regardless of how much the lists grow. LISTSERV® has provided us with the ability to develop a more personalized relationship with our audience and to have a direct impact on their lives."
Shobhit Kapoor,
Director of Internet Technology,
Lifetime Television