Section 1
Section 2
The Maestro Interface
Section 3
Defining a Job
Section 4
Defining Recipients
Section 5
Defining Content
Section 6
Defining Tracking
Section 7
Sender and Delivery Options
Section 8
Section 9
Delivered Jobs
Section 10
Reporting and Statistics
Section 11
User Settings
11.2 Creating Drop-In Content
11.3 Changing User Password
11.4 User Preferences
Appendix A
24 Hour Clock
Appendix B
International Character Sets
Appendix C
Comma Separated Files
Appendix D
AOL Rich Text
11.2 Creating Drop-In Content Elements
Click on Drop-In Content Elements to open
the "Manage Drop-In Content Elements" screen. From
here it is possible to create a new drop-in content element
or edit an existing one. For more information about the nature
of drop-in content, see Section
5.1 Drop-In Content or the online help. Click on the button
New Drop-In Element to create a new drop-in or click
on the name of an existing drop-in to edit it.
Figure 81 Manage Drop-In Content Elements
Select the type of drop-in from the pull-down menu. The
"Edit Drop-In Content Element" screen will appear. This screen
will appear in different formats depending on the type of drop-in selected.
There are four types of drop-in content elements that can be created:
- Text – Text elements can be plain text or HTML
text. Plain text elements are best suited for plain text or alternative
text messages. HTML text drop-ins contain HTML tags to format the text
such as <br>for a line break and <b>for bold. Plain text
can be inserted into an HTML message, but formatting such as line breaks
will not necessarily appear as expected. HTML text containing tags is
not compatible with a plain text message because the tags will be seen
in the message and will not format the text.
Figure 82 Edit Drop-In Content Element
- Text
Drop-in content for plain text messages should be rendered using the
Plain Text setting and drop-in content for HTML should be rendered using
the HTML Text setting. For HTML messages with alternative text, create
two separate drop-ins, one in each format, and use each in its appropriate
message part.
- File – The content of this type of drop-in element
is loaded from a text file that is accessed by a file
name defined here. The file itself must be accessible
from the server and not a local file on a workstation
computer. See the LISTSERV Maestro Administrators Guide,
or the system administrator for more information.
Figure 83 Drop-In File
- URL – The content of this type of drop-in element
is loaded from a text file accessed by an http:// or
ftp:// URL defined here. The URL must be accessible form
the server and have an http:// or ftp:// protocol. See
the LISTSERV Maestro Administrators Guide, or the system
administrator for more information.
Figure 84 Drop-In Database
- Database – The content of this type of drop-in
element is queried from a database. The database connection
settings and the SQL statement are defined here. See
the LISTSERV Maestro Administrators Guide, or the system
administrator for more information.
Figure 85 Drop-In Database
Click OK to save the new drop-in content element.
Click Cancel to discard any changes and return to the "Manage
Drop-In Content Elements" screen. Click Delete to delete the