LISTSERV® Email List Hosting

With L-Soft's email list hosting services, you can get your email newsletters, discussion groups and opt-in email marketing campaigns running quickly and easily. The up-front costs are low, and you don't need any hardware or technical personnel to maintain the service. Your lists are hosted and your email is delivered using dedicated, high-performance servers engineered for this purpose.

Cloud-Based Hosting Options

ListPlex is a cost-effective solution for those who want a full-featured hosting service. Use your own domain name and run any number of lists. L-Soft's technical support team is always available for help and advice to keep your email lists running smoothly.

ListPlex Dedicated is a premium version of ListPlex, which features your own domain name and a personalized, dedicated server with additional flexibility and control over the operating system and software environment. This version offers priority disaster recovery and access to various add-on services.

ListPlex L-Plex ListPlex Dedicated L-Plex D +Maestro Add-On +Mae
Custom Domain Name Yes Yes Yes
Technical Support Yes Yes Yes
Relocation Flexibility Yes Yes Yes
Web Interface Yes Yes Yes
On-the-Go Access Yes Yes Yes
Support for All List Types Yes Yes Yes
Flexible List Security Options Yes Yes Yes
Searchable List Archives Yes Yes Yes
Automatic Subscription Handling Yes Yes Yes
Multiple Subscription Modes Yes Yes Yes
Double Opt-In Support Yes Yes Yes
One-Click Unsubscribe Yes Yes Yes
Automatic Bounce Handling Yes Yes Yes
Attachment Filter Yes Yes Yes
List Owner Dashboard Yes Yes Yes
List Administration Wizard Yes Yes Yes
Customization Interface Yes Yes Yes
List Reports Yes Yes Yes
Message Posting Interface Yes Yes Yes
List Moderation Yes Yes Yes
Content Filter Yes Yes Yes
Topics Yes Yes Yes
Superlists and Sublists Yes Yes Yes
Customizable Mail Templates Yes Yes Yes
Subscriber Activity Reports Yes Yes Yes
RSS Support Yes Yes Yes
HTML Newsletter Library Yes Yes Yes
HTML Newsletter Builder Yes Yes Yes
Message Scheduling Yes Yes Yes
Message Testing Yes Yes Yes
Easy Compliance with Anti-Spam Regulations Yes Yes Yes
GDPR Reporting Tool Yes Yes Yes
Integrated Virus Protection Yes Yes Yes
DKIM Support Yes Yes Yes
DMARC Compatibility Yes Yes Yes
Built-In Blacklist and Whitelist Yes Yes Yes
Spam Feedback Loops Yes Yes Yes
Captcha Support Yes Yes Yes
Rate-Limiting Yes Yes Yes
Access Restriction by IP Address Yes Yes Yes
Single Sign-On Support with SAML Yes Yes
Dedicated Virtual Server Yes Yes
Virtual Private Network Yes Yes
Custom Update Schedule Yes Yes
Custom Software Installation Yes Yes
Custom Script Development Yes Yes
Priority Disaster Recovery Yes Yes
Built-In Subscriber Database Yes
In-Depth Reporting and Analytics Yes
Open and Ignore Rates Yes
Click and Conversion Tracking Yes
Social Media Tracking Yes
Target Groups Yes
List Segmentation Yes
A/B-Split Testing Yes
Email Automation Yes
Drip Marketing Campaigns Yes
Step-by-Step Delivery Guide Yes

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All other trademarks, both marked and unmarked, are the property of their respective owners.