When it comes to finding resources to support yourself or your loved ones through difficult times – whether for mental or physical health, disability or family issues – caring and community abounds in ICORS online services. Running for 18 years, ICORS discussion groups, powered by L-Soft's LISTSERV® email list technology, bring new hope, camaraderie and encouragement to thousands of people worldwide.
In the words of the people who built this life-changing non-profit organization:
"There's a niche for ICORS in maintaining a private online place where people can connect. For example, for people with rare diseases, the one-in-a-million, they are desperately trying to find anyone who has even heard of it." – Jasper van Beusekom "When dealing with challenging issues, having a community that can provide support, information, advice and virtual handholding can be life changing. When privacy is important, LISTSERV is superior to other forms of online community." – Karen Reznek |
![]() From left to right: Jasper van Beusekom (ICORS), Susan Brown Faghani (L-Soft), Karen Reznek (ICORS) |
See a sampling of the many ways ICORS email groups change people's lives for the better:
Menopaus List:
"When the 'Menopaus' list was created in 1993, there was little information available to the public. There were a couple of books on the market, but they didn't cover even close to all the symptoms so many women experience. Hot flashes are just one of many. More than one woman who thought they were losing their minds said the 'Meno list' literally saved the lives they were thinking of ending ... There is so much information easily available now (a small portion of which the Meno list takes credit for) that it's easy to find.
We currently have a little over one hundred subscribers, down from over a thousand, but we've developed friendships and stay in touch. We still depend on each other for advice, share various solutions or products we've discovered that make life easier... but now it's about aging issues. This is a new part of our lives, just as full of surprises, questions and worry as menopause was, so the list is still important to use."
– Judy Polk, ICORS Member
Madgrrls List:
"Our list began at St. John's Maelstrom server, using one of the early L-Soft LISTSERV iterations. The Madgrrls List is nearly 30 years old. We are a close knit group of women from around the world. The Madgrrls List has been a life raft for each of us at one time or another. L-Soft has made this very important community possible, and has sustained us as we've matured. I speak for the whole list when I say we are exceedingly grateful for your generosity."
– Kathryn McNulty, Madgrrls List Owner
Fast Five Facts about ICORS
"If I don't want to see it in a newspaper, I choose the privacy of LISTSERV."
"When the lists aren't as active, remember, people can go back and check the archives."
"Google wants your data, Apple wants your money. We are seeing the young people coming up who always had these things, then there are the older people who may struggle and may be having cognitive issues."
"I'd like to see people reach out to younger people. It's like a neighborhood, if you don't bring in younger people, then it just dies. The people get old and you lose out."
"We need privacy. It was a lifeline to me when my daughter Abby was younger and being able to tap into people who have similar challenges."
Conclusion: From adoption to alcohol issues and PTSD to contemplative reflection, countless people have benefited greatly from ICORS email groups.
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