Case Studies: Quotes and Testimonials from RESADM-L Subscribers

Though I've only been a member for a few months, this list has:

1. Saved me hours of worry when I find out other administrators are experiencing the same problems with bulky or down submittal systems

2. Saved me from making a couple of big mistakes when others posted warnings/caveats about changes in guidelines for various funding agencies

3. Enlightened me about concerns that are currently above my level.

Joan Lind Jarvis, Sr. Proposal Manager
Office of Research & Commercialization
University of Central Florida

Federal regulations concerning grants and contracts are often obscure and written in gray, rather than black and white and I rely on the wisdom of my RESADM colleagues to help me in my decision-making.

Carolyn Elliott-Farina
Director, Contracts and Grants Administration
Kennesaw State University

I'm always grateful for the information contained in the RESADM-L discussions. More than once, someone raised an issue that I was unfamiliar with, which led to extensive list discourse. Then, some time later, that same issue cropped up in our office – so I was armed with the knowledge of my peers to help solve the problem. Also, there has been more than one occasion in which my initial knowledge of an important fact or change to a federal regulation was shared by list members.

As policies and processes continue to change regarding research administration and federal research compliance, it is always helpful to learn how others in the field are coping with these changes. Through the list, I have "met" many comrades and colleagues. Our paths may never have crossed without the list. And occasionally at RA meetings, I meet someone whose name appears regularly on list postings. Nice to put a face with a name.

I read each posting religiously each day, since I don't want to fall behind. And I truly enjoy the knowledge combined with the humor of my fellow "posters".

Carole Knight, Ph.D., Associate Vice President
Division of Research Administration
Saint Louis University

Over the years, the wisdom and knowledge that my colleagues have shared on this LISTSERV list have been invaluable. The information that they have shared and the insight I have received have helped make an exacting and sometimes difficult job much easier. My thanks to Mike and the LISTSERV list members. My success in my profession is due in a great part to you.

Marie F. Smith, CRA, Grant Administrator/Compliance Officer
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies

I started in the research business around 1979, real long ago! I don't remember exactly when the LISTSERV became available but I quickly fell in love. It was a way for us to keep in touch, help each other out and make some lasting friends. I could always count on an answer that was quick and pretty much dead-on.

In the beginning none of us were real savvy about the web and our sponsors probably lagged behind us in their ability to provide adequate support via electronic media. I remember when the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health sent paper copies of the regulations. To take the time to page through that document to obtain an answer was painful in both the time the task took and the difficulty in finding the answer. Without the LISTSERV list, we would have spent many hours poring over page after page trying to guide our faculty appropriately.

As our expertise and that of our sponsors has moved into the 21st century, the LISTSERV list has moved forward as well. And I moved from higher education/health care to consulting. I brought the RESADM-L list with me. In my new role, the list helps me stay true to my roots, keep in touch with the pulse of the research business in general and stay abreast of the issues and opportunities in our community.

The final comment I want to share is the fact that, as a consultant, I am constantly working with new hires who don't have a good understanding of the history of the research business or the current issues facing the business. I regularly suggest they subscribe to the LISTSERV list. With access to the archived information and the day-to-day interaction among the members, it is a fantastic training tool for folks new to research administration!

Celia Gravely
Huron Consulting Group

1. Invaluable tool to keep abreast of changes in the industry

2. Invaluable tool for seeing how others have handled situations/changes and seeing what difficulties other have come across

3. Excellent source of job opportunities

4. Excellent source for viewing training possibilities

This LISTSERV is a lifeline. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Richard E. Brandt, CRA, Chief Administrative Officer
Vaccine Research Institute of San Diego

I have only been a research administrator for two years, and I have found this list to be extremely helpful. As I take on more responsibilities (including, recently post-award work), I've been able to search the archives to get help with issues as they arrive.

Judy Brown
CNS Research Services
Michigan State University

Just wanted to say that I appreciate the RESADM LISTSERV list and don't think I could do my job effectively or efficiently without it. It's often the first place I go to for answers. Queries to my fellow research administrators receive quick and useful responses. With the changing nature of research administration, it's comforting to know that I can rely on RESADM for up-to-date information and collegiality.

Catherine T. Anson, MA, CRA, CIM, Director of Sponsored Research
John Carroll University

The Research Administration LISTSERV list has been a valuable tool in my professional development and career. It's a way to connect with 3,000+ research administrators instantly to receive answers to timely questions that arise every day in my office. Couldn't get along without the LISTSERV list.

Michael Wetherholt
Office of Sponsored Programs
Columbus State University

Let me count the ways ... this list has touched such a vast number of people over the years. I personally have subscribed to RESADM-L for 20 years. I've been helped over and over again by the kind and knowledgeable individuals who subscribe and who care to lend their expertise, in a public forum, to those of us in need. Now, in my later career years, I'm happy to answer questions myself – pass the baton, so to speak, trusting that what I've learned is passing that assistance back to other subscribers. I love that the response is just about immediate, and useful, and more often than not, from more than one subscriber.

Finally, I'm hugely grateful to you, Mike, and your organization, for hosting this site for these many years, and I think that without RESADM-L and your patient support, we'd all be so much poorer in spirit and community. THANK YOU!

Maggie Griscavage, CRA, Director, Grants and Contracts Administration
University of Alaska Fairbanks

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