New in LISTSERV Maestro 9.0

Note: LISTSERV Maestro 9.0 is an old version. For information about the latest version, see: New in LISTSERV Maestro 11.0.

New User Interface
The user interface, including the navigation menu, have been completely redesigned for improved usability and reduced clutter, helping users keep their focus on their work.

Improved List Creation
The process of creating subscriber lists or list groups has been improved and allows for automatic generation of profile fields based on subscriber data in a spreadsheet or text file.

Streamlined Job Workflow
The mail job workflow has been redesigned as a simple linear workflow where each step follows one another, offering stepwise guidance.

Responsive Subscription Pages
The fully responsive subscription pages come with a more intuitive subscriber workflow and are better able to automatically adapt to changes in list settings.

Improved Content Editor
The streamlined content editor allows users to create all of the content on a single screen and automatically stores a recovery copy of the message in case the user forgets to save.

For a full list of new features and fixes, see:

LISTSERV Maestro Overview Feature Checklist
Operating Systems Hardware Requirements
License Sizes and Pricing Technical Support
Remote Installation Renewal Details
LISTSERV Maestro Demo Request Information

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